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liability of any such commissioner or clerk in any civil suit which may be brought against him.


The members of each school committee shall pay to their To pay successors in office all money due from them, and if they neg-moneys to lect to do so for ten days, they or any one of them, shall for- successors feit and pay twenty-five per cent. on the sum due in addition Penalty to the amount so due as aforesaid.



The members of the school committee shall receive no salary No comor emolument, but for attendance before the auditor, as provided in Section 26 of this act, they shall be allowed, in their Allowance account, one dollar each per day, and three cents each per mile of necessary travel.

tendent to

of selec

SECTION 16. Each school committee and each Board of SuperinEducation of every incorporated district, immediately upon be notified the selection of a teacher or teachers for any school or schools tion of under its supervision, shall notify the county superintendent teacher. for the proper county of such selection. stating the name, addresses and salaries of such teacher or teachers.


It shall be the duty of each school committee and of each Flag on Board of Education of incorporated districts to see that a flag house. of the United States, not less than eight feet long and six feet wide, is displayed on a suitable flag staff with proper appliances upon each school building, or near the same, in the district, during school hours.


It shall be the further duty of each of the said committees Maps in and of said Boards of Education to see that at least one proper and correct map of the United States, not less than four feet long and three feet wide, and at least one proper and correct map of the State of Delaware, not less than three feet by two feet, are exposed to view in some public and convenient place in each school house in the districts.

tion in

ology and

It shall be the further duty of each of said committees and InstrucBoards of Education to see that all the pupils in all the free physischools in the district are instructed in Physiology and Hygiene hygiene. with special reference to the effects of alcoholic drinks, stimulants and narcotics upon the human system, and to see that all the said schools are sufficiently supplied with such text books relating to such subjects as are furnished the district in the distribution of free text books hereinafter provided. Any


Failure to teacher in any of the free schools of the State, failing to so so instruct instruct all the pupils under his governance, shall, unless

ordered to the contrary by a school officer having authority Penalty. over him, be liable to a fine of twenty-five dollars, to be recovered before any Justice of the Peace of the proper county ficerorder-by any informer, and any school officer ordering a teacher ing teach under him not to instruct the pupils as aforesaid shall be liaPenalty. ble to like fine, recoverable as aforesaid by any informer.

to employ

Unlawful It shall be unlawful for any school committee of a district, teacher or any Board of Education of an incorporated district, to eming certifi-ploy as a teacher, or permit to continue to teach, any person

not hold


who does not hold an unexpired certificate from the County Exception Superintendent for the proper county, except such teacher be employed for specialist work merely, such as drawing, music Penalty. and the like, under penalty of having withheld from the district in which such person is employed or permitted to teach its share of the State appropriation for the year of such employment or teaching.

Instruction in

It shall be the further duty of each school committee and Constitu- Board of Education in this State to see that the pupils in any Hoand the class or classes in the school who are instructed in United

tion of U.


Joint or graded schools.

Sanitary rules and regula


States history by the teacher employed in the school shall also be instructed by the said teacher in the general principles of the Constitution of the United States and that of this State.

The respective school committees of adjoining districts shall have power to make such arrangements for the establishment of a school or schools for the joint benefit of the children of such adjoining districts as they may deem proper and advisable.

Every school committee and every Board of Education in this State shall have power, and it shall be their duty, to make any and all such rules and regulations governing the pupils of the districts as they shall deem proper or necessary to the health of such pupils, and the prevention of the spread of contagious or infectious diseases, and to this end may, if they Vaccina- deem advisable, provide for the free vaccination of such pupils.


The Board of Education of each incorporated school dispupils of trict in this State may, and, unless the needs of the pupils residing in such incorporated district shall render it unadvis

Admission of

other districts to


able, shall, upon application, admit to the higher departments higher deof such incorporated schools advanced pupils from other dis-partments tricts, upon such terms as the said Board of Education shall deem proper and reasonable; and the school committee of the district where the children so admitted reside, may, in its discretion, allow the amount or amounts prescribed by any such Board of Education for the admission of such pupils as afore


site for



Duty of.

SECTION 17. In case the school commissioners of any securing school district shall not be able to procure by agreement with schoo the owner a lot of land suitable and proper for the erection of house. a school house for the use of the district, it shall and may be lawful for the said school commissioners to apply to the Levy Court of their county, who shall thereupon appoint three judicious and impartial freeholders of said county, residing without the limits of said school district, to select a site for such school house and appurtenances, not to exceed half an acre in any case. The said commissioners shall, as soon as conveniently possible after the said appointment, notify the said freeholders and fix a day when they shall meet in said district to select such site, and shall also give notice to the Notice. inhabitants of said district of the time so fixed, by notices posted in five of the most public places in said district at least ten days before the day of meeting. The said freeholders shall, on the day so fixed, proceed to the said district taking with them a surveyor, if necessary, and shall select such site as they may deem most suitable for the purposes aforesaid, and shall cause a plot and a description of the same to be Plot, etc. made out and delivered to the commissioners, who shall, within thirty days after such delivery, lodge the same in the Recorder's office of the proper county, to be recorded. The said freeholders shall also, at the time of selecting and locating the site, assess the damages of the owner or owners, taking Assessinto consideration all circumstances of convenience or injury, damages. but in making such assessment, they shall allow at least the cash value of the land taken, and shall certify their award to both parties, owners and commissioners, whereupon, on payment of the damages, so assessed, the said land so taken shall become and be the property of the said school district for the purpose aforesaid. In case any such owner or owners be a minor, non-resident, or from any cause incapable of receiving, Deposit of or unwilling, or neglecting to receive said damages, the said damages.



school commissioners may deposit the same to the credit of Failure to such owner or owners, in the Farmers' Bank of the State of Delaware, or any branch thereof, and such deposit shall operate as payment.

In case the said freeholders should fail to meet on the day fixed, the commissioners may call them out again upon like notice to the district, as above provided. The said freeholders Adjourn- shall have power to adjourn from time to time. The decision ment. of the majority shall be as valid as that of the whole.


Fees and expenses.

Assessments by school committees.

Poll tax.


Real estate.

The fees of the freeholders shall be one dollar per day. All the expenses shall be borne by the district.

SECTION 18. It shall be the duty of the school committees of the several school districts for white children in the State, to make assessment lists for their respective districts. Such lists shall consist of the rates of persons of all the white male inhabitants of the district over twenty-one years old; of the Personal rates of the personal property of all the white inhabitants of the district; and of the clear rental value of all the assessable real estate within the district owned by white persons. The personal property of all white persons now subject to tax for school purposes in the school district shall be liable to assessment and tax for school purposes in the school district, only in which it is actually located; and it shall be the duty of the school committee of the several districts for white children as aforesaid within the limits of this State, making the assessment lists for their respective districts, to place thereon the rates of the personal property now subject to tax for school purposes in the school district in which it has an actual location, irrespective of the residence of the owner thereof. The school committees of the several school districts within this State shall not take the rates of personal property from the assessment lists of the hundred in which it stands assessed at the time, but shall fix the rates of personal property for their respective school districts upon personal view thereof, or other sufficient information of the owners or persons having control.

List to in- of the same. The assessment list of each school district as



aforesaid, shall only include the personal property actually located therein ; provided, that no property shall be assessed for school purposes under the provisions of this act, which is exempted from taxation for county purposes.



They shall assess the clear rental value beyond reprises of all the assessable real estate in the district, and make out a list of the names of persons assessed, in alphabetical order, the rates of persons, and of personal property, number of List of asacres, or other description of real estate, and the clear rental sessables. value thereof. When the line between two districts crosses Lands in the lands of person occupied in one body, the whole of such redislands shall be assessed in the district where the dwelling house is, and no part in the other; provided, that any tenant residing on such lands in an adjoining district, shall, at his election, communicated in writing to the school committee of such adjoining district, at any time prior to the completing of the assessment list, be only assessed, and have school privileges in the district in which such tenant resides.

to be

tle county.

It shall be the duty of the school commissioners in each of Amounts the districts aforesaid, annually, in the month of July, to raised by assess and levy without regard to any vote thereon, in each taxation. of their respective districts, that is to say; in each of the school districts in New Castle county the sum of one hun-New Casdred dollars; in each of the school districts in Kent county Kent the sum of one hundred dollars, and in each of the school county. districts in Sussex county, the sum of sixty dollars, to be county. applied to the support of the schools of their districts respectively.



A copy of the assessment list shall be posted in some public Posting and suitable place of the district for inspection; and the com-sent lists. mittee shall, by advertisement in at least five public places in the district, give notice that said list is posted, and where; Notice. and of the day, hour and place (not less than five days thereafter), of their sittings to hear objections to it. Upon such hearing, the said committee shall make all such just correc-Appeals tions, and add anything omitted. The committee may rediors. adjourn if necessary.

and cor

The list, when settled, shall be conclusive, and shall stand List to be until the next assessment in the district when a new list shall conclusive be made for each school district. And every year the committee shall make proper additions and alterations in case of annual other persons or property becoming assessable, or being and alteromitted, or in case of death or removal.

additions ations.

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