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Control of



office of the Judiciary on the East side, is hereby designated as the office of the State Librarian, and assigned to said offi


That the office of the Judiciary shall be SECTION 8. under the control of the Chancellor and the other offices herein mentioned shall be under the control of the officers to whom they are respectively assigned by the provisions of this


Approved June 1, A. D. 1898.

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AN ACT to amend Chapter 6, Volume 17, Laws of Delaware, entitled "An
Act to establish the State Library."

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

SECTION I. That Section 8 of Chapter 6, Volume 17, penses of Laws of Delaware be and the same is hereby stricken out and




Appropriation of $300 for purposes of Library.

the following inserted in lieu thereof, "Section 8. That the Librarian shall be allowed the sum of one hundred dollars per year to defray the current expenses of the State Library, and for the expenditure of the money appropriated for that purpose he shall present his vouchers to a committee of the Legislature appointed at any biennial or adjourned session, to settle with the State Librarian."

SECTION 2. That said Chapter 6 be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Section 10 of said Chapter and inserting in lieu thereof the following, "Section


That the Librarian shall annually, under the direction of the Supreme Court expend a sum not exceeding three hundred dollars for the purpose of purchasing judiciary re


ports, preference being given to supplying the missing volumes of sets of reports in the Library, and also for purchasing a copy of the History of Delaware by J. Thomas Scharf. Said sum to be paid the Librarian by the State Treasurer out How paid. of moneys appropriated for that purpose, upon the presentation of the endorsement and approval of the Judges of said Supreme Court or a majority of them."

SECTION 3. That in all future editions of the Laws of this State said Chapter 6 shall be published as hereby amended. Approved April 28, A. D. 1898.



CHAPTER 6 of Volume 17, Laws of Delaware, as amended by Chapter 5 current Volume. "An Act to establish the State Library."

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

of State

SECTION 1. The State Library shall consist of the books, Contents pamphlets, maps, charts and documents of every kind now Library. belonging to the same, together with such others as it may hereafter acquire by gift, purchase, exchange or otherwise.

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SECTION 2. The Governor shall, on the first Tuesday of AppointApril in the year A. D. 1883, and every two years thereafter, the lov appoint a State Librarian, who shall hold his office for the snor of term of two years, beginning on the ninth day of April next brarian. following his appointment, and until his successor is duly appointed and qualified. Before entering upon his duties the Librarian shall take the oath of office and give a bond to the Bond apState in the sum of two thousand dollars, with two sureties proved by to be approved by the Governor, conditioned for the faithful Condition. performance of his official duties, the safe keeping and delivery to his successor of all property belonging to the Library; such oath and bond to be filed in the office of the Secretary of State.




Books to be returned within 20 days, unless renewed.




SECTION 3. The Librarian shall have general charge of the State House, and shall see that the same is properly cared for. He shall, by and with the consent of the judges of the Court of Errors and Appeals, make such rules and regulations governing the Library and its use as may to them seem proper. He shall keep a complete record of all the books taken from the Library, and require the return of the same within thirty days, unless renewed by a written application; but in no case shall there be more than one renewal.

In case any person taking books from the Library should fail to return the same within thirty days or renew as above provided, then, and in that event, he shall be fined by the Librarian the sum of ten cents per book for each and every week such book or books are so unlawfully retained. The said fine to be collected by the Librarian as such debts are by How col- law now collected, and the proceeds arising from such collecexpended. tion to be expended by him in purchasing stationery for the

lected and

Record to
be kept of


SECTION 4. The Librarian shall also keep a complete books, etc. record of all books, pamphlets, &c., received by him for the State Library, properly label, and acknowledge the receipt of the same.

to disposal

SECTION 5. Immediately upon the publication of the laws by the Secretary of State, he shall deposit in the Library Duties as fifty copies, and the Librarian shall send a copy of the same of the laws to the library of each State and Territory in the Union, one State and to the Congressional Library, one to Delaware College, one Judicial to the Historical Society of the State of Delaware, and one

of the


to the New Castle County Law Library. The Secretary of State shall also, upon the receipt of the Judicial Reports, and the Chancery Reports, place in the Library, in addition to the number now required by law to be placed therein, a number of copies thereof equal to the number of States and Territories of the United States, and the Congressional Library, Delaware College, the Historical Society of the State of Delaware, and the New Castle County Law Library, and the Librarian shall thereupon transmit one copy thereof to the library of each State and Territory above named, one to the Congressional Library, one to Delaware College, one to the Historical Society of the State of Delaware, and one to the New Castle [County] Law Library.



SECTION 6. The Librarian shall, on the first day of the Report to sessions of the General Assembly of this State, make a report Assembly. to the same, setting forth the condition of the Library, the Contents. number of fines levied and collected, the number and title of books lost during the two years past, and the number and kinds of books received by him for the Library in that period, and all other things concerning the Library that he may deem proper. He shall also keep the Library open each day, except Sundays and legal holidays, from 10 o'clock, A. M. to 12 o'clock, M., and from 2 o'clock to 4 o'clock, P. M., and during Library. the sessions of the Legislature and the sessions of the Courts open and in Kent County, from 9 o'clock, A. M. to 9 o'clock, P. М.

When to


SECTION 7. That at any time, when the State Librarian Governor shall fail to perform his duties as hereinbefore prescribed, may rethen, and in that event, the Governor may remove him, and avai appoint some other competent person to fill the unexpired When.


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["SECTION 8. That the Librarian shall be allowed the Contin sum of one hundred dollars per year to defray the current penses of expenses of the State Library, and for the expenditure of the Library. money appropriated for that purpose he shall present his Chapter 5, vouchers to a committee of the Legislature appointed at any volume. biennial or adjourned session, to settle with the State Li-ment brarian."]


SECTION 9. That the Librarian shall receive for his services, as such officer, the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars openper year and he is hereby authorized and empowered to draw upon the State Treasurer, at the end of each quarter, for the


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Chapter 5,

["SECTION IO. That the Librarian shall annually, under the Appropridirection of the Supreme Court expend a sum not exceeding $300 for three hundred dollars for the purpose of purchasing judiciary purposes reports, preference being given to supplying the missing vol-brary. umes of sets of reports in the Library, and also for purchasing current a copy of the History of Delaware by J. Thomas Scharf. volume. Said sum to be paid the Librarian by the State Treasurer out of moneys appropriated for the purpose, upon the presentation of the endorsement and approval of the Judges of said Supreme Court or a majority of them."]



SECTION II. That all acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed.

Passed at Dover, March 30, 1883.

Amended by Act approved, April 28, A. D. 1898.

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term of
State Li-



AN ACT to conform the appointment of State Librarian to the Amended

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

SECTION 1. That the term of the office of the present State Librarian shall terminate on the second Tuesday in February in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninetyTerm of nine, and thereafter his successor in office shall be appointed


for the term of two years, commencing on the second Tuesday in February in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine.

SECTION 2. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed.

Approved March 1, A. D. 1898.

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