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officer. There shall also be two other Judges of the said Judges. election, one of whom shall be chosen by the county com- How mittee of the Democratic party and the other by the county committee of the Republican party. In making said apointments, the respective county committees shall name and certify two persons respectively, one of whom they shall designate as Judge and the other as Alternate Judge and said certification shall be presented to the Inspector or other officer authorized by law to hold the election in the respective election districts on the morning of the general election and one hour before the opening of the polls. Should either or When Alboth of those designated to be the Judge be absent, the per-Judge to son named for Alternate Judge shall be Judge; if from any cause both the persons named by either or both political par-sease off ties should be absent a majority of the voters then present Judges may elect such Judge or Judges in such a manner as at the time may be deemed most expedient for ascertaining the sense of the majority; the person or persons so chosen shall be of Political the same political party as those persons in whose place they complex. are respectively chosen.



who to act

SECTION 11. If any person chosen to be a Judge of an Refusal to election in any election district, shall refuse to serve he shall serve. forfeit and pay to the State a fine of fifty dollars upon convic- Penalty, tion thereof by indictment in the Court of General Sessions in the county where such offence is committed.

SECTION 12. Before opening the election the Inspector of Oath of other officer authorized by law to hold the election, and Judge. Judges, shall each take an oath or affirmation according to the form prescribed in Section 7. Such oath to be administered to the Judges by the Inspector or other officer authorized by law to hold the election and by one of them to him and they shall each after taking such oath or affirmation sign signing one of the written or printed forms thereof delivered to the oaths. Inspector or other officer authorized by law to hold the election, by the Sheriff of the county as provided in Section 7, that is to say: The form distinguished as No. I shall be signed by the Inspector or other officer authorized by law to hold the election, his name being first inserted in the blank; the form No. 2 shall be signed by one of the Judges, his name being first inserted in the blank, and form No. 3 shall be signed by the other Judge, his name being first inserted in



the blank; before signing the said forms, it shall be ascertained whether the Inspector or other officer authorized by law to hold the election, or either of the Judges conscientiously refuses to take an oath, and in case of such conscientious refusal the form for the person so refusing shall be made correct by effacing the words "swear or" in the beginning, and "so help me God" in the end of the form, but as to the person who shall not conscientiously refuse to take an oath, the form shall be made correct by effacing the words "or affirm" in the beginning, and the words "or so I solemnly affirm" at the end

of the form. The Inspector or other officer authorized by Signing of law to hold the election and Judges shall also sign the certifiInspector. cate of their qualification as written or printed upon the sheet

oath by

Choosing clerks.


Form of oath.

containing the aforesaid forms.

SECTION 13. Each of the said Judges after being duly qualified shall choose one clerk of the election, to whom the Inspector or other officer authorized by law to hold the election, or one of the Judges shall administer an oath or affirmation as follows:

You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that as clerk of this election you will not use or assent to any falsehood, fraud or deceit, and that you will keep the polls and perform your duties truly, faithfully and impartially, so help you God (or so you solemnly affirm.) If in reading the votes and keeping

the tally lists, it shall become necessary to appoint one or Addition- more additional clerks the Inspector or other officer authorized al clerks. by law to hold the election, and Judges may do so, adminis


Examination of bal

tering to each clerk so appointed the foregoing oath or affirmation, no other certificate need be made of the oath or affirmation administered to the clerks than that contained in the form of the certificate of election prescribed in the sixth section.

SECTION 14. Before opening the election the Inspector or lot boxes. other officer authorized by law to hold the election and Judges Locking shall also examine the ballot box provided with a lock and whom de- key, and see that the same contains nothing. The box shall vered, by then be locked and the key delivered to one of the Judges,

key, to

whom kept.

who shall keep the same, and the box shall be kept by the Inspector or other officer authorized by law to hold the election or the other Judge, so that the person having the key


shall not have possession of the box till the same shall be opened as hereinafter directed.

be in same


SECTION 15. The Inspector or other officer authorized by Election law to hold the election, and Judges of the election and the officers to clerk shall during the time of the election being open be and room continue in a room or place by themselves, separate from the other electors, and no person other than such Inspector of Others not other officer authorized by law to hold the election, Judges admitted. and clerk during the time of the election being opened shall be admitted within such room or place without the unanimous consent of the Inspector or other officer authorized by law to hold the election and the Judges, and if any person shall enter Others such room or place without such consent such person shall be entering. deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof Misdeshall be fined not less than five hundred nor more than one penalty. thousand dollars, or be imprisoned for a term not less than one nor more than two years, or both, at the discretion of the court.


SECTION 16. The Inspector or other officer authorized by Who to be law to hold the election, the Judges chosen as provided in room. Section 10 of this act and the clerk chosen as provided in Section 13 of this act, shall be the only persons who may lawfully enter the voting room or place where the election is held, except as hereinbefore provided; and if any person or Others persons shall enter the voting room or place where the election entering. is held before the hour of opening the polls on the day of election or at the time of opening the election, or at any time during the day of the election and before the hour of closing the election, or attempt to enter the same for the purpose of interfering with the election officers in the discharge of their Interferduties as such or for any purpose, or shall attempt to molest, enction disturb or prevent the election officers from proceeding regular-disturbly with any general or special election, or shall take charge delay. or attempt to take charge of any voting room or place where the election is held within the time herein mentioned for the purpose of preventing or delaying an election, or for any other purpose on election day such person or persons shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be Penalty. fined not less than five hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, and shall be imprisoned for a terin not exceeding three years, provided that a single representative of each political Repreparty, having nominated a ticket, and such party being rep-of each

in election


sentative What ballots not to be re


party to be resented on the ballot then printed for any general or special opening. election, may at the opening of the election be present to aid

present at

in the proper qualification of the several election officers, but as soon as the election officers shall be qualified or ready to open the election, or the proper hour therefor having arrived To retire, such representatives of each political party shall immediately retire from the voting room or the place where the election is held.


Hour of opening election.

SECTION 17. The general election shall be opened in every election district of the State on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November in the year in which the same is held, between the hours of eight and nine o'clock By whom. in the morning, by the Inspector, or other officer authorized by law to hold the election, making proclamation that the same is open.


Entry of

SECTION 18. Each qualified elector shall deliver a single ballot which shall conform to the requirements of the law of this State as to ballots for any general or special election, containing the names of persons voted for to the Inspector or other officer authorized by law to hold the election, who shall audibly pronounce the name of the elector, which shall be names,etc. entered in words at length upon a list of polls to be kept by each of the clerks whom the judges shall direct to that duty, and one of the judges shall write against it, on the alphabetical list as contained in the "Book of Registered Voters" delivered by the registrar to the Inspector or other officer authorized by law to hold the election, the word "voted." There shall be no examination of a ballot except to determine that

Ballots not to be

examined. it is single; and the Inspector or other officer authorized by law to hold the election shall, immediately after pronouncing the elector's name, put the ballot into the box in his presence, ing ballot, unless the vote shall be objected to.



SECTION 19. The Inspector or other officer authorized by law to hold the election, shall not at any election receive or deposit in the ballot box the ballot of any person offering to vote until his name shall have been found in the list of registered voters as contained in the Book of Registered Voters delivered to him for the purposes of said election, and the Judges, or a majority of them shall be satisfied that the person so offering to vote is the person named in said list; but



no objection to the vote of any person whose name shall have
been found on said list as contained in said Book of Regis Reasons
tered Voters shall be entered or considered by the Judges of for objec-
the elections except for the following reasons, to wit:

First. That he is not the person whose name appears in said Book of Registered Voters.

Second. That he has become disqualified as a voter since he was registered.

tion to

nation of

If a vote be objected to for any of the reasons above men-Determitioned its admission or rejection shall be determined accord-objection. ing to the opinion of a majority of the Judges ; and

Third. That no person who shall receive or accept or offer Bribery. to receive or accept, or shall pay, transfer or deliver, or offer or promise to pay, transfer or deliver, or shall contribute, or offer or promise to contribute to another to be paid or used any money or other valuable thing as a compensation, inducement or reward for the registering or abstaining from registering of any one qualified to register, or for the giving or withholding or in any manner influencing the giving or withholding a vote at any general election in this State, shall vote at such election unless such person being challenged for any of said causes, shall take and subscribe to the following oath or affirmation which shall be administered by the Inspector or other officer authorized by law to hold the election.


do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I Gath.

have not received or accepted, or offered to receive or accept, paid, or transferred or delivered, or offered or promised to pay, transfer or deliver, or contributed or offered or promised to contribute to another to be paid or used any money or other valuable thing as compensation, inducement or reward for the registering or abstaining from registering of any one qualified to register, or for the giving or withholding a vote at this election.


Sworn and subscribed to before me this of November, A. D. 189



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