Never trouble the, 196 - on the fold, Like the, 9 Wolfish den, A, 196 Woman, A, 196 A cunning, 196 A perfect, 198 An excellent thing in, 184 Done by, 199 Hand upon a, 198 - in love, A, 198 - in our hours of ease, 197 is at heart, Every, 197 - lovely woman, 197 oweth to her husband, 43 rules us still, 197 - scorned, A, 197 - She's a, 200 smiled, Till, 198 that deliberates, 198 that seduces, "Tis, 198 - Thy name is, 197 Trust not a, 199 Voice of a good, 197 What is, 196 What will not, 199 When lovely, 199 whose form, 197 will or won't, 199 Without a, 199 Woman's at best, 199 - breast, Feeble, 101 eyes, In, 198 - looks, 197 - noblest station, 197 Women, A bevy of fair, 14 and brave men, Fair, 148 Wonders, The magic, 201 to perform, His, 201 Won't, Will or, 199 Woo the angel virtue, 147 - When they, 201 Wood, Impulse from a vernal, 49 Land of shaggy, 21 Wooden wall, The, 201 Woodman, Forth goes the, 201 had breadth, The, 30 no man relies on, Whose, 86 of promise, Keep the, 41 Alone," That worn-out, 5 Word, The bitter, 54 The ghost's, 202 Words, An exchequer of, 203 -are. counters, 202 are grown, 203 are like leaves, 203 -are men's daughters, 204 are the daughters, 203 - are things, 202 are wind, 202 as fashions, In, 203 came first, 202 Give sorrow, 68, 161 - Good, 202 - of Marmion, The last, 23 Not loved the, 205 O what a, 205 - Peep at such a, 206 The rack of this tough, 63 - The uses of this, 58 - This bad, 205 To know the, 206 To peep at such a, 148 was all before them, 206 was not worthy, The, 206 was sad, The, 198 What is the, 206 What is this, 207 What would the, 25 Working-day, 205 World's a stage, All the, 164 a theatre, The, 165 at an end, 206 mine oyster, The, 207 altar-stairs, The, 165 - noise, This, 205 open view, To the, 113 Worldly, Be wisely, 207 - life, Most loathed, 36 Worm dieth not, 207 Fish with a, 207 i' the bud, Like a, 101 Worm, Sets upon a, 62 appear the better reason, 51 Often times a great deal, 48 This hour they, 207 Worshipper, Nature mourns her, 138 Worst, Do thy, 174 Young men, 211 ornament to (bashfulness), 11 The fiery vehemence of, 184] to fortune. unknown, 212 Youthful poets dream, As, 158 END OF ANALYTICAL INDEX AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF POPULAR QUOTATIONS AND FAMILIAR PHRASES FROM THE LATIN, FRENCH, AND OTHER LANGUAGES, With their Signification and Translation into English. [Abbreviations:-(Lat.) Latin-(Fr.) French-(It.) Italian—(Gr.) Greek.] Ab origine (Lat.), from the beginning. Ab ovo (Lat.), from the egg; from the beginning. Absente reo (Lat.), the person accused being absent. Ab urbe condita (Lat.), from the founding of the city-i.e., Rome. compte (Fr.), on account; in part payment. Ad aperturam (Lat.), at the opening; as the book opens. Ad captandum vulgus (Lat.), to catch the rabble. Ad eundem (Lat.), to the same degree-gradum being un derstood. Ad extremum (Lat.), to the extreme. Ad finem (Lat.), to the end. Ad Græcas Calendas (Lat.), at the Greek Calends; never, as the Greeks had no Calends. Ad infinitum (Lat.), to infinity. |