5821 THE REVISED STATUTES NOVA SCOTIA. FOURTH SERIES. PREPARED BY ALONZO J. WHITE. HENRY C. D. TWINING. JAMES W. JOHNSTON. COMMISSIONERS FOR REVISING AND CONSOLIDATING THE STATUTES OF THE PROVINCE. ARRANGED, PREPARED FOR THE PRESS, AND INDEXED BY HENRY C. D. TWINING. LAWRENCE G. POWER. HALIFAX, N. S.: CHARLES ANNAND, PUBLISHER. 1873. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES. (Passed the 30th day of April, A.D., 1873.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly, as follows: 1. The Governor in Council shall cause the General Acts passed during the present Session to be arranged under appropriate Titles and Chapters, with the following words prefixed, that is to say: "An Act for Revising and Consolidating the General Statutes of Nova Scotia. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly, as follows: " And the same shall be published in consolidated form, with a copious index, as soon as the same can be conveniently done; and when the same shall be so published, the Governor shall, by proclamation, declare the Acts so consolidated to be in force; and the same, or so much thereof, as shall not be then in operation, shall thereupon and thereafter become and be in force. 2. Chapters of such Consolidated Statutes may be brought into earlier operation by being published in the Royal Gazette by order of the Governor in Council; and Chapters so published shall take effect from such publication, or from the time otherwise expressed in any proclamation of the Governor, respecting the coming into operation of the same. 3. Acts passed during the present Session to which the assent of the Governor has been or shall be given separately, shall come into operation from the time when by Law, or by the provisions of such Acts, the same are appointed to come in force; but nevertheless such of said Acts as are of a general character, shall be arranged among and incorporated with the Consolidated Statutes. 4. All Acts in force on the first day of the present Session, which shall not since have expired, or have been repealed by some such separate Act, as mentioned in the third section, or by some Chapter published in advance, as mentioned in the second section, shall continue in force, subject to any amendments, which may have been made thereto by any such separate Act or Chapter published in advance, until the publication of the Consolidated Statutes by proclamation as aforesaid; and the Acts so continued in force, shall upon and after the publication of the Consolidated Statutes, be repealed and cease to have any force or effect except the Acts hereinafter named, and as respects such Acts as shall not be substantially incorporated in the Consolidated Statutes, and which shall not have been repealed or have expired. 5. Such Chapters of the Statutes as relate to matters over which the exclusive authority of the Parliament of Canada extends under Section 91, of the British North America Act, 1867, and which have not been specifically repealed since the passage of such Act, shall be published with such Consolidated Statutes in the form of an appendix thereto. 6. The following Acts are continued in force, notwithstanding and after the publication of the Revised Statutes; that is to say, Chapter 28, of the Acts 1863, entitled, "An Act to regulate the Election of Members to serve in the General Assembly," together with the Acts in amendment thereof. So much of Chapter 70, of the Revised Statutes (third series), "Of Provincial Government Railroads," as applies to companies incorporated to construct railroads in this Province, and is not inconsistent with the Charters of such Companies, and is necessary to carry out the provisions thereof. 7. All such other Chapters of the Revised Statutes (third series) and all such other Acts, which shall not have been repealed or have expired, and which shall not be substantially incorporated in the Consolidated Statutes when the same shall be so published, shall also be continued in force, notwithstanding and after the publication of such Consolidated Statutes. 8. All rights accruing or accrued under any of the Statutes so repealed, are reserved; and all penalties incurred thereunder, shall be enforced, as if such Statutes had not been repealed. 9. Nothing herein contained shall affect, or include local, or private Acts. |