The Practice of the Law in All Its Departments: With a View of Rights, Injuries, and Remedies, and as Ameliorated by Recent Statutes, Rules, and Decisions ... and the Practice in Arbitrations; Before Justices; in Courts of Common Law; Equity; Ecclasiastical and Spiritual; Admiralty; and Courts of Appeal. With New Practical Forms. Intended as a Court and Circuit Companion, Volume 1London, H. Butterworth, 1833 |
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Common terms and phrases
9 Geo action Adolp advowson ante ARY MEASURES assault assumpsit bill Bing breach Burn's Campb CHAP chattels Chit choses in action committed common law compensation considered contract conveyance copyhold Court of Equity covenant creditor Cres criminal damages debt deed defendant demise detinue Dowl East ejectment emblements enacts entitled entry executor felony feoffment freehold grant habeas corpus heir ibid illegal imprisonment Indictment Injuries and Offences interest jury justice land landlord lease liable Lord malicious marriage master ment mortgage notice nuisance otherwise owner particular party payment peace personal property personalty plaintiff possession PRECAUTION premises prevent proceedings purchaser Raym real property Remedies and Punishments rent respect RIGHTS TO REAL Russ Salk Saund seisin servant statute surety Taunt tenant term testator tion tithe trespass unless wife Wils
Popular passages
Page 124 - g reements (1677) no action shall be brought whereby to charge any executor or administrator upon any special promise to answer damages out of his own estate...
Page 114 - That no contract for the sale of any goods, wares, and merchandises, for the price of ten pounds sterling or upwards shall be allowed to be good, except the buyer shall accept part of the goods so sold, and actually receive the same, or give something in earnest to bind the bargain, or in part...
Page 740 - ... years, the right thereto shall be deemed absolute and indefeasible, unless it shall appear that the same was enjoyed by some consent or agreement expressly given or made for that purpose by deed or writing.
Page 616 - ... idle and disorderly person within the true intent and meaning of this Act ; and it shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace to commit such offender...
Page 346 - And moreover, no devise in writing of land, tenements or hereditaments, nor any clause thereof, shall at any time after the said four and twentieth day of June be revocable, otherwise than by some other will or codicil in writing or other writing declaring the same, or by burning, cancelling, tearing or obliterating the same by the testator himself, or in his presence and by his directions and consent...
Page 396 - ... less than seven years, or to be imprisoned, with or without hard labour, in the common gaol or house of correction, for any term not exceeding four years.
Page 617 - Peace to commit such offender (being thereof convicted before him by the confession of such offender, or by the evidence on oath of one or more credible witness or witnesses) to the House of Correction, there to be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding three calendar months...
Page 769 - Revenue may be had and taken throughout the year, without reference to any seal day, provided that, in all cases in which any particular number of days not expressed to be clear days is prescribed by the rules or practice of the Court, the same shall be reckoned exclusively of the first day and inclusively of the last day...
Page 188 - Though he may use the water while it runs over his land, he cannot unreasonably detain it, or give it another direction, and he must return it to its ordinary channel when it leaves his estate. Without the consent of the adjoining proprietors, he cannot divert or diminish the quantity of water which would otherwise descend to the proprietors below, nor throw the water back upon the proprietors above, without a grant or an uninterrupted enjoyment of twenty years, which is evidence of it.
Page 740 - That the time during which any person otherwise capable of resisting any claim to any of the matters before mentioned shall have been or shall be an infant, idiot, non compos mentis, feme covert, or tenant for life, or during which any action or suit shall have been pending, and which shall have been diligently prosecuted until abated by the death of any party or parties thereto, shall be excluded in the computation of the periods hereinbefore mentioned, except only in cases where the right or claim...