Patent and Know-how Licensing in Japan and the United StatesTeruo Doi, Warren L. Shattuck University of Washington Press, 1977 - 430 pages |
A Comparative Study of the Patent Laws of the United States | 3 |
The Protection of Unpatented Knowhow and Trade Secrets | 30 |
Secrecy Agreement | 73 |
Patent Office and Court Procedures in Japan | 110 |
Drafting License Agreements in Japan and in the United States | 124 |
Examples of License Agreements | 170 |
Remedies for Breach of License Agreements | 225 |
Regulation of International Licensing Agreements under | 278 |
Contract Stockholding Interlocking Directorate | 316 |
United States Taxation of Patent and Knowhow Licensing | 342 |
Japanese Taxation of Patent and Knowhow Licensing | 384 |
399 | |
417 | |
Common terms and phrases
2d Cir 6th Cir aff'd agree Antimonopoly Act antitrust appeal arbitration Article BAKU basis breach CCP art cert claim clause Code Commissioner confidential Corp CTL art damages decision defendant disclose disclosure Double Taxation Treaty employees examiner Example exclusive license export F.Supp Fair Trade Commission foreign corporation granted Guidelines income industrial injunction intangible property inventor issue Japanese Patent Japanese Patent Law jurisdiction know-how Law of Japan license agreement licensed products licensee licensee's licensor limited manufacture ment nonexclusive obligation parties patent application patent infringement Patent Law patent license patent office patent rights patent system patented invention payment period person plaintiff prior art procedure protection remedy restriction royalty rule secrecy Section sell specification sublicense supra note Supreme Court technical information term termination tion Tokyo High Tokyo High Court trade secrets trademark transaction transfer treaty unfair business practices United States patent