Discourse Delivered at the Funeral of Hon. William M. Richardson: On the 26th Day of March, A.D., 1838

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A. M'Farland, 1838 - 16 pages

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Page 5 - Combine ourselves together into a Civil Body Politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute and frame such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the Colony, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.
Page 13 - few" or the act of the "many." If, on a calm view of the circumstances attending this dreadful transaction, you shall be of opinion that it was perpetrated by a definite, and compared to the population of St. Louis, a small number of individuals, separate from the mass, and evidently taking upon themselves, as contradistinguished from the multitude, the responsibility of the act, my opinion is, that you ought to indict them all without a single exception. If, on the other hand, the destruction of...
Page 5 - Presents, solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politic, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid...
Page 5 - Such a nation might truly say to corruption, thou art my father, and to the worm, thou art my mother and my sister.
Page 31 - ... against the propagation of class B as would be consonant to the feelings if the forecast were known to be infallible. On the other hand, a large D signifies a corresponding degree of uncertainty, and a risk that might be faced without reproach through a sentiment akin to that expressed in the maxim ' It is better that many guilty should escape than that one innocent person should suffer'.
Page 7 - Every individual has a natural and unalienable right to worship GOD according to the dictates of his own conscience, and reason...
Page 14 - I have said, of the many — of the multitude, in the ordinary sense of these words — not the act of numerable and ascertainable malefactors, but of congregated thousands, seized upon and impelled by that mysterious, metaphysical, and almost electric frenzy, which, in all ages and nations, has hurried on the infuriated multitude to deeds of death and destruction — then, I say, act not at all in the matter ; the case then transcends lf yonr jurisdiction — it is beyond the reach of human law
Page 3 - A Charge to the Grand Jury upon the Importance of Maintaining the Supremacy of the Laws; with a brief sketch of the character of William M. Richardson, late Chief Justice of the Superior Court of JVew Hampshire.
Page 32 - ... three score years and ten" — which almost marks the limit of human activity, and with us absolutely terminates judicial labor. He might well be spoken of in connexion with the lapse of time. He was aged in the public service. And after such a period of devotion to the labors of a judicial station — after exerting the best energies of the meridian of existence in the service of his fellow-men — when he is at last called upon to surrender up the trust committed to him on earth, what could...
Page 31 - ... upon the humane principle, that it is better that many guilty should escape than that one innocent person should suffer. Notwithstanding all the divisions of parties and sects, he commanded general confidence, and his judicial character was summed up in a single short sentence, by a highly respectable citizen, when he exclaimed, after musing upon the intelligence of his death — " Well, the good old Judge has gone!

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