have revolted, how can this case ever be made applicable to its situ. ation; and must not the Ottoman government attribute to those who advance such propositions, views tending to give consequence to a troop of brigands? A Greek go. vernment is spoken of, which is to be recognised in case the Sublime Forte does not consent to some arrangement; and it has even been proposed to conclude a treaty with the rebels. Has not the Sublime Porte great reason to be struck with astonishment at hearing such language from friendly powers, for history presents no example of a conduct in all respects so opposed to the principles and duties of governments? The Sublime Porte, therefore, can never listen to such propositions-to such propositions to which it will neither hear nor understand, so long as the country inhabited by the Greeks, forms part of the Ottoman dominions, and they are tributary subjects of the Porte, which never will renounce its rights. If, with the aid of the Almighty, the Sublime Porte resume full possession of that coun. try, it will then always act as well for the present as for the future, in comformity with the ordinances which its holy law prescribes with respect to its subjects. The Sublime Porte, then, finding that in respect to this affair, it is impossible for it to listen to any thing except to the precepts of its religion and the code of its legisla. tion, considers itself justified in declaring, that from religious, political, administrative, and national considerations, it cannot give the slightest countenance to the propo. sitions which have been framed and finally brought forward. Always prepared to comply with the duties imposed by the treaties concluded with the friendly powers who now render this categorical reply necessary, the Sublime Porte hereby declares, for the last time, that every thing which has been stated above entirely accords with the sovereign intentions of his highness, of his ministers, and of all the mussulman people. In the hope that this faithful ex. position will suffice to convince its equitable friends of the justice of its cause, the Sublime Porte em. braces this opportunity for reiterating the assurance of its high consideration. Health and peace to him who followeth the path of rectitude. Note presented on the 16th of August by the Ambassadors of the three Allied Powers to the Reis Effendi, announcing the treaty of London. To his Excellency the Reis Effendi. by their respective governments to The undersigned are charged make to his Excellency the Reis Effendi the following declaration : During six years, the great powers of Europe have been engaged in endeavours to induce the Sublime Porte to enter into a paci. fication with Greece; but these endeavours have been constantly unavailing, and thus a war of extermination has been prolonged be. tween it and the Greeks, the results of which have been, on the one hand, calamities, the contemplation of which is dreadful for humanity; and on the other hand, severe and intolerable losses to the commerce of all nations, while at the same time it has not been possible to admit that the fate of Greece has been at all within the control of the Otto. man power. The European Powers have Consequently redoubled the zeal and renewed the instances which they before made, to determine the Porte, with the aid of their mediation, to put an end to a struggle that it was essential to its own interests should be no longer kept up. The Europe an powers have the more flattered themselves in the hope of arriving at so happy a conclusion, as the Greeks themselves have in the interval shown a desire to avail themselves of their mediation; but the Sublime Porte has hitherto refused to listen to counsels dictated by sentiments of benevolence and friendship. In this state of affairs, the courts of France, England, and Russia, have considered it their duty to define, by a special treaty, the line of conduct they are resolved to observe, in order to arrive at the object towards which the wishes and interests of all the Christian powers tend. In execution of one of the clau. ses of the treaty, the undersignəd have been charged to declare to the government of the Sublime Porte, that they now in a formal manner offer their mediation between it and the Greeks, to put an end to the war, and to regulate by a friendly nego. tiation the relations which are to exist between them in future. That further, and to the end that the succes of this mediation may be facilitated, they propose to the government of the Sublime Porte an armistice for suspending all acts of hostility against the Greeks, to whom a similar proposition is this moment addressed. Finally, they expect that at the end of 15 days the Divan will clearly make known its determination. The undersigned flatter them. selves that it will be conformable to the wish of the Allied Courts; but it is their duty not to conceal from the Reis Effendi, thata new refusal, an evasive or insufficient answer, even a total silence on the part of his government, will place the Allied Courts under the necessity of recurring to such measures as they shall judge most efficacious for putting an end to a state of things, which is become incompatible even with the true interests of the Sublime Porte, with the security of commerce in general, and with the perfect tranquillity of Europe. (Signed) C. GUILLEMINOT. S. CANNING. RIBEAUPIERRE. Aug. 16, 1827. [For treaty of London, vide Am. Ann. Reg. for 1826-7, page 228.] Note of the Sultan to his Viziers, Pashas of three tails, on comти. nicating to them the note of the allied Ambassadors, announcing the Treaty of London. Though from the beginning of the rebellion of the infidels, our Greek subjects, the European pow. ers not only have declared their neutrality, but appeared even desirous to see the rebels and insurgents punished, it must be too surprising to reason, that after the lapse of some space of time, they begin to proceed differently; that is, in the opposite direction. But of all the other powers, England administered to the rebels, in various modes and circumstances, mediately and immediately, different aids for their support in the cause of rebellion, without ever consenting to listen to the most just and reasonable plaints of my Sublime Porte, advanced solemnly at various times. Besides this, it wished formerly to interpose its mediation in favour of the rebels, and chiefly within a few months, in union with other powers. My royal majesty, by means of the Reis Effendi, gave al. ways, at the fit time, suitable answers; and the last and definite one in the month of Zilchizzé, just passed. com But instead of our reasons having found their fit place and due force and figure, beyond all expectation, in these days, the ministers of the powers of En gland, France, and Russia, abiding in this, my capital, advanced, in the name of their respective courts, another new declaration, still more absurd, as well as most unjust, in which it is manifestly expressed that they imperiously require the independence and emancipation of the insurgents, our rebel subjects; and that they iniquitously determine, that my royal majesty and our faithful mussulmans shall abandon to the infidel Greeks, the property conquered for so many cen. turies by our ancestors, by arms, and by the shedding of so much blood; and that in case of opposition, they will take means to carry their purpose into execution, with out obtaining my consent. My royal majesty, therefore, having examined the affair profoundly and maturely, observing where their purpose tends, deter. mine on what is to be done, and conforming itself to the doctrines of our holy religion, decides to prefer, if it should so happen, to subject by means of arms, its most powerful throne to general and entire ruin, (which God, as all powerful, avert,) than to consent to the absurd and iniquitous proposi. tions of those powers as most fatal. Hence, my royal majesty has deigned to warn you also, my vi ziers and agents, and invite you to express sincerely your opinion on this important affair; ordering at the same time that you must be more cautious and attentive than at any other time, to resist, and most prompt to meet every hostile attack that may occur on the part of these pagan powers; so that through the aid of the Most High, and the grace of our prophet, we may be able, as I trust, to defend our incontestible reasons against the injustice of others. Hereafter, you shall have par. ticular and detailed instructions on the part of my royal majesty. Peace and health to all the faith ful, and the opposite to the unfaithful. Given the 2d of the month Safer, (12th Aug. old style,) 1827. Proclamation of the Greek Govern ment. Burtzi, (the fort in the harbour of The committee of government announces to all Greece-An im. portant and decisive circumstance has now occurred, and the govern. ment considers it as its imperative duty to make it known. The conventions of the 24th of June, (6th July,) concluded at London by the plenipotentiaries of the three powers, England, France, and Russia, and which have been almost every where known, do not allow us to doubt that those great powers have resolved to put an end to our struggle by their powerful and persevering intervention. The Greek nation had already sought this intervention through its representatives in the third na tional assembly, which met first at Epidaurus, and afterwards at Træ. gene; and the resolution of the great Christian powers proves that the Greeks did not hope in vain for their interference. Great, howe. ver, as their desire for the termination of the war may be, the Greeks must not forget that their future fate depends in a great measure on themselves-that is to say, their actions, which, in this deci. sive moment, must be guided by prudence, and accompanied by active zeal. on The Greeks are especially in need of perfect union among themselves, to prove to the world that they are unjustly accused of being friends to confusion and anarchy. Their firm resolution to show themselves obedient to the laws, united in one object, the welfare of the country, will make them worthy of the good will of all the Christian powers, and chiefly contribute to the happy result of the powerful intervention. According to art. 4, of the convention, the three powers will first of all require an armistice. The Greeks certainly cannot oppose what they themselves asked at the time of the assembly at Epidaurus; but they must also reflect, that it depends on themselves, that the armistice shall be honourable and advantageous to them. They must, therefore, redouble their energy, and show greater obedience and readiness than hitherto, that the enemy may not reap advantage at their expense. The committee of government, considering this, will do its utmost to support the ex. pert energy and readiness of the Greeks. Greeks! The reading of the treaty will convince you what im portant interests of the Greek na. tion are now discussed, and how necessary it is that the govern. ment should be in a situation calm. ly to devote a great share of its attention to the developement of those important interests. It The town of Napoli, though the late troubles have been appeased, is allowed to be the best place for attaining this great object. The agitation still remaining after such great disorders, and the fear of new possible disagreements, would engage almost the whole attention of the government at Napoli. has, therefore, been resolved to remove it to Egina, where it will be able, as before, calmly to attend to the great interests of the nation, and be in a favourable situation to superintend and second the military operations, as they continue. But while the government removes to Egina, it will not forget the necessity of maintaining tranquillity at Napoli, nor neglect the rights and interests of that city, but take the necessary measures before its departure. Greeks! the more the govern. ment feels the importance of present circumstances, the more does it increase its zeal, and activity, and attention, to show itself worthy of your confidence, but the more necessary is it also that you should be ready to support it. It there. fore calls upon you to show sincere concord, perfect obedience, and to act as becomes men who are sensible of the blessings of liberty, and wish to enjoy them. All the representatives of the people who are not present in the senate, must consider that now, more than ever, the legislative body has need of their presence, and the aid of their various knowledge; and they must hasten to fulfil the sacred duties which Greece has imposed on them. Every Greek, who by counsel or actions can contribute to the sup. port of the laws and the maintenance of order, is bound to aid the government of the country in this important task. But should any systematically turbulent individuals attempt at the present time to agi. tate the citizens, and thus prepare certain ruin for their country, they may be assured that they will not escape the punishment which their wickedness merits, and the govern. ment will employ with energy the measures which circumstances and the laws command. The government has not only the hope, but the certainty that the mediating powers will also cooperate in enforcing the measures which it may take for the mainte. nance of internal order against such enemies of their country, and doubts not that the efforts of the Greeks, strengthened by their concord and supported by the benevolent sentiments of the powers, will be crowned with a happy issue. The Committee of Government. The Secretary of State for the ANASTASIOS LONDO. The Secretary for Foreign Affairs, G. GALARIKI. Protocol on the question of intervention between the Ministers of Russia, France, and Englund, finally agreed upon in London on the 21st December, 1826. All the efforts made to induce the Porte to adopt the intervention of the three powers having been fruitless, the contracting powers will make use of the means which are in their power to require with energy of the Porte to attend at length to the proposals which have been made to it for the good of humanity, and for the security of the commerce of all nations. Though military operations by sea and by land, says the protocol, may perhaps become necessary to attain this object, every thing will be done in the spirit of the treaty of the 8th of July, and no one of the contracting powers shall have the right, under any pretext, to seek an aggrandizement of territory, or any other advantages whatever. The expenses caused by carrying the measures into execution, shall be subjected to a common estimation, and the nature of the indemnities shall be stipulated. Protocol of the conference between the Admirals of the allied Powers. The admirals commanding the squadrons of the three powers which signed the treaty of London, having met before Navarino, for the purpose of concerting the means of effecting the object specified in the said treaty, viz. an armistice de facto between the Turks and the Greeks, have set forth in the present protocol the result of their confe. rence. Considering that after the provi. sional suspension of hostilities, to which Ibrahim Pacha consented in his conference of the 25th of September last, with the English and French admirals, acting likewise in the name of the Russian admiral, the said pacha did, the very next day, violate his engagement by causing his fleet to come out, with a view |