The necessity of placing the religion of our fathers in security against any attack, to maintain in my kingdom the execution of the laws, and at the same time to ensure among us the perpetuity of the priesthood, have induced me, after mature reflection, to prescribe the measures which I have felt to be necessary. These measures have been executed with that prudent firmness which reconciles the obedience due to the laws, the respect due to religion, and the just regards to which its ministers are entitled. Communications will be made to you on the state of our finances. You will be happy to learn, that the estimates of the revenue for 1828 have been exceeded. This increasing prosperity has not relaxed the system of economy in which my government must endeavour daily to advance farther, without, however, forgetting that useful expense is also economy. Numerous labours will occupy the session which is opened to-day. You will have to discuss a code which is destined for the army, and deserves serious attention. protecting and moderating power which belongs to the crown, the full scope of action and force which public order requires. I have caused a project, which will be presented to you, to be prepared with care. I invite all the medita. tions of your wisdom to this project, and I confide the discussion of it to your love of the public good, and to your fidelity. Every day gives me fresh proofs of the affection of my people, and enhances the sacredness of the obligation which I have contracted, to dedicate myself to their happiness. This noble task, which you, gentlemen, will assist me to fulfil, must daily become more easy. Experience has dispelled the charm of insensate theories.France, like yourselves, knows on what basis its happiness reposes, and those who should seek it any where but in the sincere union of royal authority and of the liberties which the charter has consecrated, would be openly disowned by it. You, gentlemen, are called upon to render this union more close and more solid; you will accomplish this happy mission like faithful subjects, and loyal Frenchmen, and your efforts will be equally certain of the support of your king, and of the public gratitude. dical writings. The law on the endowment of the Chamber of Peers, and many other laws worthy of your attention, will be presented to you. A serious and important project will, above all, call for your solicitude. It has been long since acknowledged, that Law relative to Journals, and periothere is a necessity for a new municipal departmental law, the whole of which shall be in harmony with our institutions. The most diffi. cult questions are connected with its organization. It ought to secure to the communes and to the depart. ments a just share in the management of their interests; but it must at the same time preserve to the CHARLES, by the grace of God, &c. We have proposed, the Chambers have adopted, we have or. dained, and do ordain, as follows : Art. I. All Frenchmen of legal age, enjoying civil rights, may, without being prev ously autho rized, publish a journal or periodi. cal publication, by conforming to the requisitions of this law. Art. 2. The proprietors of every journal or periodical publication, shall be bound, before its publica. cation, to furnish a security. If the journal or publication appear more than twice a week, whether on a stated day or irregularly, the security shall be for 6000 francs de rentes. The security shall be equal to three quarters of the specified sum, if the journal be published only twice a week. It shall be one half of the abovenamed security, if the journal appear only once a week. It shall be one fourth thereof, if it appear only twice a month. The security for the daily jour. nals, published in other departments than those of the Seine, the Seine and Oise, and the Seine and Marne, shall be 2000 francs de rentes in cities of 50,000 people and above; and 1,200 francs de rentes in other cities; and the half of those sums for journals which appear less often. Art. 3. The following shall be exempted from giving security. 1st. Journals which appear only monthly, or less often. 2d. Journals exclusively devoted to the mathematical, physical and natural sciences, to learned works, and inquiries to the mechanical and liberal arts, that is to say, to the sciences and arts which engage the attention of the three academies of science, of inscriptions and of fine arts of the royal institute. 3d. Journals which do not discuss political subjects, and are exclusively devoted to letters, and the branches of knowledge above specified, provided they do not appear more than twice a week. 4th. All periodical publications which are not political, and which are published in any other than the French language.. 5th. Periodical papers exclusively devoted to advertisements, legal notices, maritime arrivals, and price currents. Every violation of the regulations of this or the preceding article, shall be punished according to the 6th article of the law of June 6th, 1819. Art. 4. Where there are associations, the society shall be one of those defined and regulated by the commercial code. Except where the journal shall be published by an anonymous society, the associates shall be bound to choose from their body, one, two or three agents, who, according to the terms of articles 22 and 24 of the commercial code, shall have his indi. vidual signature. If any of the responsible agents shall, from any cause, withdraw and cease to act, the proprietors shall be bound within two months to supply his place, or to reduce the number of the agents, by an act of the same formalities, as that by which the association was formed. They shall be permitted within the time above specified, to augment the number, on complying with the same formalities. If only one agent has been appointed, they shall appoint another within 15 days after his decease; in default whereof the journal shall be discontinued, under the penalty of 1000 francs for every sheet published after that time. Art. 5. The responsible agents, or one or two of them, shall superintend the publication of the journal. Each of the responsible agents, shall have the qualifications required by the 980th article of the civil code, and shall be the proprietor of at least one share of the concern, and own in his own right at least one fourth of the security. 6th. No journal or periodical publication compelled to give security by the regulations of this law, shall be published without pre. viously making a declaration containing 1st. The title of the journal or periodical, and the stated times of its appearance. 2d. The names of all the proprietors besides the editors, their places of residence, their share in the concern. 3d. The names and places of residence of the responsible agents. 4th. An affirmation that the proprietors and agents have com. plied with the conditions prescribed by law. 5th. The place of the printing office where the journal is usually printed. Whenever any change takes place, either in the title of the jour. nal, or in the conditions of their publication, or among the proprie. tors, or the responsible agents, a delaration of it shall be made before the competent authority, within 15 days after the change, by the responsible agents. Any neglect of this regulation, shall be punished by a fine of 500 francs. The same regulation shall apply if the journal shall be printed in any other printing office than the one originally designated. If the publication shall be undertaken solely by one individual, the proprietor, provided he possesses the qualifi. cations specified in the second paragraph of article 5, shall also be the responsible agent of the journal. Otherwise, he shall be bound to appoint a responsible agent, in conformity with article 5. The journals not liable to furnish security, shall be bound to make the previous declaration prescribed by number 1, 2, and 5 of the first paragraph of this article. Art. 7th. These declarations shall be accompanied by a deposite of the surety bonds: they shall be signed by each of the proprietors of the journal, or by the source of power of each of them. They shall be received in Paris, at the direction of the library, and in the departments at the secretary general of prefecture. Art. 8. Each number of the pe. riodical shall be signed en minute by the proprietor if he be sole; by one of the responsible agents, if it be published by an association in the collective or partnership name; and by one of the representatives, if it be published by an anonymous association. The original signed, shall be de. posited at the office of the royal procureur in the place of publica. tion, or with the mayor, in cities, where there is no tribunal de premiere instance, under penalty of 500 francs upon the agents. Receipts shall be given therefor at the offices of deposite. The signature shall be printed at the bottom of all the copies, under a penalty of 500 francs upon the printer, without any power of relief. The signers of each sheet shall be responsible for its contents, and liable to all the penalties imposed by law, on account of libellous paragraphs published, without prejudice to the prosecution of the authors of the libellous articles, as accomplices. Consequently prosecutions may be had, as well against the signers of the impressions, as against the authors of the libels, if the authors are known or prosecuted. Art. 9. The proprietors of existing journals are granted, provided they do not violate the provisions of article first, the space of six months from the promulgation of this law, to appoint one, two or three responsible agents, possessing the qualifications required by the preceding articles, and also to make the declaration prescribed by article 6th. If the responsible agents do not possess in their own right the fourth of the security, they shall be permitted to prove, that, besides their share in the undertaking, they are true and legal proprietors of real estate, paying, at least, 500 francs direct taxes, if the journal is published in the departments of the Seine, of the Seine and Oise, and of the Seine and Moine, and 150 francs in the other departments. The real estate must be free from all incumbrances. This fact must be expressly mentioned in the declaration. Art. 10. In case of any dispute as to the regularity or sincerity of the declaration prescribed by article, sixth and the securities, it shall be decided by the tribunals, at the instance of the prefect, summarily, and without expense; the party or his counsel, and the public minister, having been heard. If the journal has not yet appeared, the publication shall be suspended until the judgment, which shall be executed without appeal. Art. 11. If the declaration prescribed by article 6th is decided to be false and fraudulent in any par. ticular, the journal shall be discon. tinued. The authors of the de. claration shall be punished by a fine, of which the minimum shall be equal to one tenth, and the maxi. mum equal to one half of the secu. rity. Art. 12. Where the journal is established and published by a sole proprietor, if the proprietor should die, his widow or heirs shall be permitted, within three months, to appoint a responsible agent. This agent must be the owner of real estate, free from incumbrances, and paying 500 francs direct taxes, if the journal be published in the departments of the Seine, of the Seine and Oise, and of the Seine and Marne, and 150 franks in the other departments. The agent appointed by the widow or heirs, must possess the qualifications prescribed in art. 980 of the civil code. Within 10 days after the decease, the widow or heirs shall appoint an editor, who shall be responsible for the journal until the agent shall be accepted. The security of the deceased proprietor shall be liable until the completion of the business. Art. 13. The pecuniary penalties, decreed against the responsible signers, or against the authors of libellous paragraphs, shall be levied (prélévées) 1st. upon that part of the security, belonging to the responsible signers: 2d. upon the residue of the security, where that shall be insufficient, without prejudice, for the surplus, after the rules prescribed by articles 3 and 4 of the law of June 9th, 1819. Art. 14. Penalties other than those imposed by this law, which shall have been incurred for the crime of libelling through a journal or periodical publication, shall not be less than double the minimum imposed by the laws relative to repressing the offences of the press. Art. 15. In case of a repetition of the offence by the same agent, and in the case provided for, by article 58 of penal code, besides the provisions of the 10th article of the law of June 9th, 1819, the tribunals may, according to the gravity of the offence, decree the suspension of the journal, for a period not exceeding two months, and not less than 10 days. During this time, the security shall remain in deposite a la caisse des consignations, and shall not alter its charac. ter. Art. 16. In all proceedings relative to defamation, if the tribunals decree according to the provisions of article 64 of the charter, that the discussion shall take place with closed doors; the journals shall not, under the penalty of 2000 francs, publish the facts of the de. famation, nor give extracts of the records, or any writings which con. tain them. In all civil or criminal proceed. ings, where the doors are ordered to be closed, they shall not, under the same penalty, publish any thing but the passing of the sentence. Art. 17. When, in pursuance of the last paragraph of the 23d article of the law of May 17th, 1819, the tribunals shall, on account of defamatory evidence foreign to the cause reserved, either a public prosecution or a civil action be. tween parties, the journals shall not, under a similar penalty, publish the evidence, nor extracts from the records containing it. Art. 18. The law of March 17th, 1822, concerning the police of journals and periodical publications, is repealed. This law, having been discussed, deliberated, and adopted by the chamber of peers, and by that of the deputies, and sanctioned by us this day, shall be carried into effect as a law of the state. Given in our Chateau de St. Cloud, the 18th day of July, in the year of grace 1828. CHARLES. By the king. Keeper of the Seals, Minister Secretary of State of the department of justice. COMPTE PORTALIS. RUSSIA AND TURKEY. PROTOCOL RELATIVE TO THE AFFAIRS OF GREECE. His Britannic Majesty having been requested by the Greeks to interpose his good offices, in order to obtain their reconciliation with the Ottoman Porte-having, in consequence, offered his mediation to that power, and being desirous of concerting the measures of his government upon this subject with his majesty the emperor of all the Russias; and his Imperial majesty, on the other hand, being equally animated by the desire of putting an end to the contest of which Greece andthe Archipelago are the theatre, by an arrangement which shall be consistent with the principles of religion, justice, and humanity, the undersigned have agreed : |