| Edward Harley - 1730 - 332 pages
...that Place Je-p hovah-jireh : as it is faid to this Day, in the Mount of the LORD it (hall be feen. 15 And the ANGEL of the LORD called unto Abraham out of Heaven the fecond time, 1 6 » And faid, By MY SELF • **• vi. n We defire that every haveIswoRN,faiththeLoRD,... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 pages
...that Place Jehoyah-jireh : as it is faid to this Day, in the Mount of the LORD it (hall be feen. 15 And the AN-GEL of the LORD called unto Abraham out of Heaven the fecond time, I 6 * And faid, By MY SELF ' "'*• »'• 11 We defire that every have I SWORN,faith... | |
| John Glas - 1761 - 528 pages
...and " behold, a ram caught in a thicket. And Abraham " called the name of that place Jehovah jireh. And the " angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven " the fecond time, and faid, By myfelf have I fworn, faith " the Lord, for becaufe thou haft done this... | |
| John Muirhead - 1782 - 726 pages
...now I know that thon feareft God, feeing thou haft not with-hcld thy fbn, thine only fon from me. — And the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the fecond time *." He who fpake unto Abraham the fecond time, is the very fame perfon from whom the... | |
| 1787 - 422 pages
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| Flavius Josephus - 1794 - 398 pages
...promifes made to Abraham's obedience by the fecond voice muft here be produced from verfes 15, 16^17, 18. And the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the fecond time, and faid, By my f elf have I faorn,faith the Lord, for becaufethou haft done this... | |
| 1909 - 558 pages
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| Thomas Falconer - 1796 - 330 pages
...xxii. ver. 14. where, fpeaking of Abraham's offering up Ifaac in the land of Moriah, Mofes fays, " And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh: as it is faid to this day, in the * Dent, ch. iii. ver. it. mount mount of the Lord it fhall be feen." Now.,... | |
| John Wesley - 1794 - 738 pages
...flead of his fon : And Abraham called the name of that place JEHOVAH-J IREH," ie The LORD WILL provide. "And the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of Heaven tlie fecond time ;" — probably while the ram was burning; "and faid, By my fell I have fworn, faith... | |
| Champions - 1800 - 462 pages
...Jefus Chrift, to whom be glory " for ever and ever. — Amen." LECTURE II. Genesis 22. — 15. 18. And the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the fe4oii4 time. And faid, By myfelf have I fwora, faith the Lord, for becaufc thou haft done this... | |
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