| John Milton - 1707 - 482 pages
...jil osii : ii:' ,7 HO / ;.'ni . « ' * T-* v...^ .. lo.t ON THE MORNING OF CHRIST'S N ATI PITT. THIS is the Month, and this the happy Morn Wherein the Son of Heav'ns eternal King, Of wedded Maid, and Virgin Mother born, Our great Redemption from above did bring... | |
| Seraph - 1754 - 294 pages
...fees the loft great day it paints. On the Morning of CHRIST' s NAT I PITY. By l\!r. Milton. L THIS is the month, and this the happy morn Wherein the...great redemption from above did bring; For fo the holy fages once did fing, That he our deadly forfeit fhould releafe, And with his father work us a perpetual... | |
| John Milton - 1759 - 420 pages
...royal towred Thame. 100 (The reft was profe.) III. On the Morning of CHRIST'S NATIVITY. Compos'd 1629. I. TH IS is the month, and this the happy morn, Wherein...great redemption from above did bring; For fo the holy fages once did fing, 5 That he our deadly forfeit mould releafe, And with his Father work us a perpetual... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 324 pages
...was profe.] III. Oa ON CHRIST'S NATIVITY. 79 III. On the MORNING of CHRIST'S NATIVITY. Compos'd 1629. I. TH IS is the mo-nth, and this the happy morn, Wherein...redemption from above did bring ; For fo the holy fages once did fmg, 5 That he our deadly forfeit mould releafc, And with his Father work us a perpetual... | |
| John Milton - 1785 - 698 pages
...inferiour to his own PARADISE Losi\ Li ODES. ON THE MORNING OF CHRIST'S NATIVITY*. "'. L '. ' THIS is the month, and this the happy morn, Wherein the...Mother born, Our great redemption from above did bring ; * This Ode, i'u which the many learned allufions ire high!/ poefloal, was probably compofcd as a... | |
| John Bell - 1788 - 630 pages
...morning of Cbrift's nativity. Cotnfis'd 1629. I. THIS is the month, and this the happy morn, Whe*ein the Son of Heav'n's eternal King, Of wedded Maid,...great redemption from above did bring; For fo the holy Sages once did fing, 5 That he our deadly forfeit Humid releafe, And with his Father work us a perpetual... | |
| English poets - 1790 - 342 pages
...towred Thame. 100 [The reft was profe.] III. On the MoRxivn of CHRIST'S NATIVITV. Compos'd 1629. I. THIS is the month, and this the happy morn. Wherein the...great redemption from above did bring; For fo the holy fages once did fing, 5 That he our deadly forfeit fhoulJ releafe, And with his Father work us a perpetual... | |
| John Milton - 1791 - 668 pages
...opinion, that our author is here only infericur to his own PARADISE LOST. ODES. ODES. ON THE MORNING OF CHRIST'S NATIVITY.* I. TH IS is the month, and this...Mother born, Our great redemption from above did bring; * This Ode, in which the many learned allufions are highly poetical, was probably compofed as a college-exercife... | |
| Robert Anderson - 1795 - 738 pages
...towered Thime. (TltrcJI tuai Prcfc.) 111. On ill Mam'tKg cf Cbrijl't Nativity. Comfta'il 16x9. THIS is the month, and this the happy morn, Wherein the Son of Hcav'n's eternal Kim;, Of wedded maid, and Virgin mother born, Our great redemption from above did... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1800 - 842 pages
...towredThame. loo [The rrji tuat froft.] III. Qf tit Marning of Cbrijft, Nttivilj. Cmfot'J 1629. THIS i» the month, and this the happy morn, Wherein the Son...redemption from above did bring ; For fo the holy fages once did fing, j That he our deadly forfeit ihould releafe, And with his Father work us a perpetual... | |
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