14 O God, the Proud against me rife, And violent men are met To seek my life; and in their eyes No fear of thee have set.. 15 But thou, Lord, art the God moft mild, Slow to be angry, and art styl'd Unto thy servant give thy strength, I A PSAL. LXXXVII. Mong the holy Mountains bigh There feated in bis Sanctuary, His Temple there is placed. 2 Sion's fair Gates the Lord loves more Of Jacob's Land; though there be ftore, 3 City of God, most glorious things : 41 4 I mention Egypt, where proud Kings Did our Forefathers yoke : I mention Babel to my friends, And Tyre with Ethiops' utmost ends, 5 But twice that praise shall in our ear This and this man was born in her; 6 The Lord shall write it in a Scroll 7 Both they who fing, and they who dance, In thee fresh brooks, and soft ftreams glance, L PSAL. LXXXVIII. Ord God, thou doft me fave and keep, And all night long before thee weep, 2 Into thy presence let my pray'r : 3 For 3 For cloy'd with woes, and trouble fore, Surcharg'd, my Soul doth lie; My life at death's uncbearful door Unto the grave draws nigh. 4 Reckon'd I am with them that pafs Down to the dismal pit; I am a * man, but weak alas! And for that name unfit. * Heb. A man without manly ftrengtha 5 From life discharg'd and parted quite, Among the dead to fleep, L And like the flain in bloody fight, That in the Grave lie deep : 7 Thy wrath, from which no shelter Saves, Full fore doth press on me; * Thou break'st upon me all thy waves. * The Hebr. * And all thy waves break me. bears both. 8 Thou dost my friends from me estrange, And mak'st me odious; Me to them odious, for they change, Through forrow, and affliction great, : Lord, AYLOR I |