Statutes and Conventions on International Trade 4/eCavendish Publishing, 2003 M10 20 - 680 pages Routledge-Cavendish Core Statutes provide a comprehensive series of essential statutory provisions for the core subjects and major options on the LLB or GDL. Each book in the series
Common terms and phrases
acceptance acceptor accordance with Article action amount apply appointment arbitral proceedings arbitral tribunal arbitration agreement Article 22 authority award bill of exchange bill of lading breach buyer cargo carriage by air cheque circumstances claim compensation conciliator consignment note consignor contract of carriage contract of sale Convention court currency damage or delay data message declaration deemed delivered delivery destination determined dishonoured document drawee drawer effect electronic endorsement enforcement holder instrument International Monetary Fund judgment jurisdiction limits of liability loss or damage means multimodal transport operator Northern Ireland notice obligations offence Omitted paragraph passenger payable payment performance period person entitled place of business provisions of Article purposes railway reasonable receipt referred Regulation relating request respect seller servant or agent ship shipper signature Special Drawing Right specified stipulation territory third party United Kingdom units of account Warsaw Convention