Roads, Highways, Bridges Compiled from Oregon Laws and Laws Enacted Sessions of 1923, 1925, and 1927 COMPILATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ROAD LAWS § 4712. Secretary of State to Furnish Road Laws to State Printer. It shall be the duty of the secretary of state to cause a complete copy of the road laws, together with this act, to be furnished the state printer by the first day of November, A. D. 1903, and all subsequent amendments to said laws at least one week after adjournment of the session at which such amendment or amendments may be passed. The copying herein provided for shall be paid for at the rate of 15 cents per folio of one hundred words; and the secretary of state shall audit the account thereof, and draw his warrant upon the treasury for the amount. § 4713. State Printer to Publish Road Laws in Pamphlet After Each Session. It shall be the duty of the state printer to publish said laws in a separate volume, in pamphlet form, to the number or 1,500, and have the same ready for distribution by the first day of December, 1903; and all subsequent amendments to the road laws shall be published, ready for distribution, in the same manner, in at least thirty days after the close of each session so amending said laws, and on completion shall deliver the same to the secretary of state. § 4714. Secretary of State to Distribute to County Clerks. When delivered to the secretary of state, he shall distribute the same to the county clerks of the different counties of the state, in proportion to the number of road districts in each county, as soon as practicable thereafter. § 4715. Clerks to Furnish Copy to Each Road Supervisor. It shall be the duty of the county clerk of each county to furnish each road supervisor with a copy of said laws and amendments at their time of appointment. § 4716. Supervisor to Return Copy-Damages for Failure. It shall be the duty of the supervisors, at the expiration of their term of office, to return said copy or copies of laws to the county clerk with his report; and any failure on the part of supervisors to so return said laws shall forfeit and pay into the county treasury, for road purposes, the sum of $2 for every such neglect. |