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" ... the costs and expenses of such prosecution shall be paid out of the appropriation for the expenses of the courts of the United States... "
Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State of California - Page 225
by Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State of California - 1889
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Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State ..., Volume 3

New York (State). Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1907 - 796 pages
...apply to institute m the tlon of AttorneyGeneral. proper court and to prosecute under the direction of the Attorney-General of the United States all necessary...the punishment of all violations thereof, and the pcnses*o*npros£ costs an<* expenses of such prosecution shall be paid out °f the appropriation for...
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Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State ..., Volume 1

New York (State). Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1895 - 698 pages, under the direction of the attorney-general of the United States, to prosecute the same; and the costs and expenses of such prosecution shall...for the expenses of the courts of the United States. Petition to United States courts in cases of disobedience when trial by jury is necessary ; trial by...
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Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the ..., Part 4

Pennsylvania. Bureau of Industrial Statistics - 1907 - 1166 pages
...direction of the Attorney General of the United States, to prosecute for the recovery of forfeitures. The costs and expenses of such prosecution shall be...for the expenses of the courts of the United States. The Commission Service of order of Commission by mailing. Commission may impend or modify order. Carriers,...
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Supreme Court Reporter, Volume 12

United States. Supreme Court - 1892 - 1066 pages
...apply to institutein the proppr court, and to prosecute under the direction of the attorney general of the United States, all necessary proceedings for the enforcement of the provisions of the act andforthepunishment of all violations thereof. It is contended by the appellant that the grand...
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Interstate Commerce: Debate in Forty-Eighth Congress, Second Session ...

United States. Congress - 1884 - 582 pages, underthe direction of the Attorney-General of the. United States, to prosecute the same ; and the costs and expenses of such prosecution paid out of the appropriation for the expenses for the courts of the United States. For the purposes of this act. excepting ite penal provisions,...
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United States Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court at ..., Volume 162

United States. Supreme Court, John Chandler Bancroft Davis, Henry Putzel, Henry C. Lind, Frank D. Wagner - 1896 - 768 pages
...apply to institute in the proper court, and to prosecute under the direction of the Attorney General of the United States all necessary proceedings for the enforcement of the provisions of the act and for the punishment of all violations thereof. And provision is made for complaints to be...
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Interstate Commerce: Debate in Forty-Eighth Congress, Second Session ...

United States. Congress - 1884 - 634 pages, under the direction of the Attorney-General of the United States, to prosecute t he same ; and the costs and expenses of such prosecution shall be paid out of the appropriât ion for the expenses of the courts of the United States. For the purposes of this act,...
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An Investor's Notes on American Railroads

John Swann - 1886 - 244 pages
...Attorney, under the direction of the Attorney-General of the United States, to prosecute the same ; and the costs and expenses of such prosecution shall be paid out of the appropriations for the expenses of the courts of the United States. For the purposes of this act, excepting...
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Annual Report

New Hampshire. Railroad Commissioners - 1887 - 438 pages, under the direction of the attorney-general of the United States, to prosecute the same ; and the costs and expenses of such prosecution shall...for the expenses of the courts of the United States. For the purposes of this act, excepting its penal provisions, the circuit courts of the United States...
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Annual Report of the Railroad Commissioners of the State of New ..., Volume 43

New Hampshire. Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1887 - 446 pages, under the direction of the attorney-general of the United States, to prosecute the same ; and the costs and expenses of such prosecution shall...for the expenses of the courts of the United States. For the purposes of this act, excepting its penal provisions, the circuit courts of the United States...
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