Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench: In Michaelmas, Hilary and Easter Terms in the Third [-sixth] Year[s] of William IV, Issue 10, Volume 6

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Page 435 - That in Actions of Debt or upon the Case grounded upon any Simple Contract no Acknowledgment or Promise by Words only shall be deemed sufficient Evidence of a new or continuing Contract, whereby to take any Case out of the Operation of the...
Page 258 - I do revoke all former wills by me at any time heretofore made, and do declare this only to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof, I have to this my last will...
Page 27 - ... notice in writing of such appeal, and of the cause and matter thereof, within three days after such conviction, and seven clear days at the least before such sessions, and shall also either remain in custody until the sessions, or enter into a recognizance with two sufficient sureties...
Page 231 - ... years, but nevertheless, such claim may be defeated in any other way by which the same is now liable to be defeated; and...
Page 372 - ... beyond the seas, that then such person or persons shall be at liberty to bring the same actions, so as they take the same •within such times as are before limited, after their coming to or being of full age, discovert, of sane memory, at large, and returned from beyond the seas, as other persons having no such impediment should have done (6).
Page 329 - Parliament for building and promoting the building of additional Churches in Populous Parishes...
Page 543 - The only distinction between that case and the present, is, that there the action for the wrong was brought at the instance of the insurance office, which is not the case here. But it establishes that a recovery upon a contract with the insurers is no bar to a claim for damages against the wrong-doer.
Page 372 - ... at the time of any such cause of action given or accrued, fallen or come...
Page 256 - ... signed, sealed, and published, in the presence of, and attested by, three or more credible witnesses...
Page 267 - Testament, in witness whereof I, the said Maurice Baum Senr, have to this my last Will and Testament Set my hand and Seal the Day and Year above written.

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