OF THE UNITED STATES, CONTAINING ALL THE EVENTS NECESSARY TO BE WITH THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, AND A TABLE OF CHRONOLOGY, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. A NEW EDITION, CORRECTED AND IMPROVED. BY BISHOP DAVENPORT. MULTUM IN PARVO. PHILADELPHIA: WILLIAM MARSHALL & Co. CORNER OF SEVENTH AND MARKET STREETS. 1837. HARVARD Apr. 23,1946 Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1833, by BISHOP DAVENPORT, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of New Jersey. INTRODUCTION. Question. What is History ? Answer. History is a written narrative of past transactions, in regular succession. Q. How is History divided ? A. History is divided into ancient and modern: which may be subdivided into civil, sacred and profane. Q. What is Ancient History? A. Ancient History is an account of all events, whether recorded by sacred or profane writers, from the creation of the world to the birth of Christ. Q. What is Modern History ? A. Modern History is a relation of whatever has occurred either in church or state, from the birth of Christ to the present time. Q. What is Civil History? A. Civil History is the history of nations; and has relation to the establishment, continuance, and fall of empires, kingdoms, states or cities. Q. What is Sacred History? A. Sacred History is that part, both of ancient and modern, which lays before us the mysteries and ceremonies of religion, recorded in the Old and New Testaments. Q. What is Profane History? A. Profane History is, properly, the history of the fabulous gods, demi-gods, and heroes of antiquity; but all records of ancient times, the Scriptures excepted, are, sometimes, thus denominated. Q. What is the most ancient History we have? A. The most ancient History is that which is contained in the Old Testament; giving an account of the creation of the world, &c. Q. How long before the birth of Christ was the creation of the world? A. 4004 years. Q. Which was the first universal empire that ever existed? A2 A. The Assyrian: founded at Babylon, on the Euphrates, by Nimrod, the grandson of Ham, A. M. 1800. Q. Where does the river Euphrates empty! (See map of Asia.) Note. The scholar ought to have a knowledge of Geography before he commences the study of history: therefore the author recommends questioning him in regard to all places and rivers mentioned in the history. Q. Which was the second universal empire? A. The second universal empire was the Persian; found ed by Cyrus upon the ruins of the Median and Babylonian kingdoms, A. Μ. 3468. Q. Which was the third universal empire? A. The third universal empire was the Grecian; found ed by Alexander the Great, 330 В. С. Q. Why was Alexander called the Great? A. He was called the Great, not on account of his vir tues, but on account of his natural valor, and the great success of his arms. Q. Which was the fourth universal empire?" A. Because they extended over the greatest part of the then known world. Q. When was the foundation of the present French empire laid? A. About the year A. D. 481, by a German nation, under Clovis. Q. At what period did Portugal become a kingdom?" A. It became a kingdom about the middle of the twelfth century. Q. Where is Portugal, and how is it bounded?-(See map of Europe.) Q. At what period did the Romans first invade Britain? A. Fifty-five years before the Christian era. |