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director of public works to advertise for bids and to let con-
tracts for any provincial public works, and to repeal section
15 of act No. 83.
No. 1753. An act declaring all of the territory comprised in the island
of Siquijor a subprovince of Oriental Negros, and for other
No. 1754. An act to prohibit the forgery, counterfeiting, altering, or
fraudulent making of obligations and securities of the
United States or of the Philippine Islands, or of the circu-
lating notes issued by any banking association authorized
under the laws of the United States or of the Philippine
Islands; to prohibit the using of plates to print notes with-
out authority, the passing, selling, and concealing of forged
obligations; the taking of impressions of tools, implements,
etc.; the unlawful possession of such impressions; the buying
and selling or dealing in forged notes, bonds, etc.; the secret-
ing or removing of tools or material used for printing bonds,
notes, stamps, etc.; to prohibit the counterfeiting of gold and
silver coin, the counterfeiting of minor coins, the mutilation
of coins, the debasement of coinage, the making or uttering
of coin in resemblance of money, and making or issuing de-
vices of minor coins; to prohibit the forging or counterfeiting
of notes, bonds, securities, or bank notes of foreign govern-
ments, or the passing or possession of such forged or coun-
terfeited bonds, notes, securities, or bank notes; the unlaw-
ful possession of or printing from plates of foreign govern-
ments or banks; to prohibit using the mails with intent to
defraud, or mailing offers to sell counterfeit money, etc.; to
prohibit the counterfeiting or manufacture of dies, molds,
etc., used for making money; to prohibit using advertise-
ments similar to coins; to authorize seizure, forfeiture, and
disposition of counterfeits of obligations of the United States,
Philippine Islands, or foreign governments, and for other
No. 1755. An act to prohibit the disturbance of the Philippine Commis-
sion, the Philippine assembly, or of any provincial board or
municipal or township council; to punish disorderly conduct
in the immediate view or presence of said bodies; to punish
the fraudulent altering of the draft of any bill, resolution,
ordinance, or act pending before or enacted by any such
body or the Philippine legislature; to compel the attend-
ance of witnesses and the production of evidence before the
Philippine Commission or Philippine assembly, or before
any committee of either or both said bodies, and for other
No. 1756. An act to declare October 14, 15, and 16 of the year 1907
public holidays in honor of the visit of the Secretary of War
and the formal opening of the Philippine assembly.
No. 1757. An act to prohibit gambling, to repeal article 1801 of the Civil
Code and articles 343 and 579 of the Penal Code___
No. 1758. An act to amend section 1 (j) of act No. 1310, by providing
that whenever required by the public interests the insular
government may transport mails, passengers, and freight
between points covered by vessels under contract, and may
reimburse the contracting parties therefor, except in the
case of special trips for inspection and other purely govern-
mental purposes
No. 1759. An act providing for a lieutenant-governor of the province of
Samar, prescribing his powers and duties, repealing act
No. 1398, and for other purposes.
No. 1760. An act to prevent the introduction into the Philippine Islands
of dangerous communicable animal diseases, to prevent the
spread of such diseases within the islands, and for other
No. 1761. An act gradually to restrict and regulate the sale and use of
opium pending the ultimate prohibition of the importation
of opium into the Philippine Islands in whatever form
except for medicinal purposes, as provided by the act of
Congress approved March 3, 1905, and prohibiting any
person from having the possession of opium, cocaine, or
alpha or beta eucaine in any of their several forms, or any
derivative or preparation of any of such drugs or sub-
stances, except for medicinal purposes, and to repeal act
No. 1461, and for other purposes.
Manila Suburban Railways Company-...
No. 1762. An act fixing the maximum rates which may be charged by the
No. 1763. An act to extend the time in which provinces and the city of
Manila may obtain the benefits of acts Nos. 1652 and 1695,
and confirming the action of provincial boards and of the
municipal board of the city of Manila which may have
adopted or may adopt resolutions increasing the cedula tax
during the time so extended_.
No. 1764. An act providing for the payment of fees in criminal proceed-
ings, appropriating the sum of P75,000 to be distributed
by the auditor among the provinces and the city of Manila
in proportion to the respective amounts by them paid on ac-
count of court fees, and repealing section 1 of act No. 302
and acts Nos. 404 and 1335_
No. 1765. An act to amend act No. 183, entitled "An act to incorporate
the city of Manila," as amended, by providing that appropri-
ations for the government of said city shall be made by the
municipal board, subject to the approval of the governor-
general, and for other purposes.
No. 1766. An act amending section 4 of act No. 1545 by requiring fees
formerly collectible by provincial secretaries to be hereafter
deposited in provincial treasuries..
No. 1767. An act making a permanent continuing annual appropriation
to encourage the production of tobacco and to protect the in-
terests of the tobacco manufacturing industries of the Phil-
ippine Islands by providing bounties for the growers of leaf
tobacco, and for other purposes.
No. 1768. An act to amend act No. 1582, known as "The Election Law," as
amended by acts Nos. 1709 and 1726, by disqualifying habit-
ual users of opium from holding provincial or municipal
No. 1769. An act amending act No. 1396, entitled “The special provincial
government act," by authorizing provincial boards to grant
licenses for collecting edible birds' nests and to make regula-
lations to prevent the extermination of the birds that build
such nests
No. 1770. An act to amend section 8 of act No. 619, entitled "An act to pro-
mote good order and discipline in the Philippines constabu-
lary," by including under the penalty therein provided non-
commissioned officers or acting noncommissioned officers in
charge of a relief of post who are found sleeping on duty----
No. 1771. An act to amend section 5 of act No. 1458 requiring receipts
from municipal cemeteries to be deposited in the municipal
treasury as a special fund to be spent upon the cemetery by
providing that any surplus in said fund may be expended for
general municipal purposes
No. 1772. An act to amend section 44 of act No. 83 as amended and sec-
tion 65 of act No. 1397 as amended by providing that conven-
tions or meetings of municipal and township presidents shall
be called in the discretion of the provincial boards, with
certain limitations, and to repeal acts Nos. 425 and 521.
No. 1773. An act to provide for the public prosecution of the crimes of
adulterio, estupro, rapto, violación, calumnia, and injuria, to
abolish the right of pardon by the aggrieved party in such
cases, to provide for a special civil action for damages
therein, and for other purposes___
No. 1774. An act to amend act No. 854, as amended, by authorizing the
extension of the period within which returning government
students shall take a civil service examination____
No. 1775. An act authorizing the insular collector of customs to clear for-
eign vessels for the ports of Legaspi and Tabaco.
No. 1776. An act amending act No. 83 and requiring copies of the minutes
of provincial boards to be forwarded to the executive sec-
No. 1777. An act authorizing the governor-general to close, by executive
order, certain ports of entry, and to reopen the same ports in
like manner when the public interests so require...
No. 1778. An act amending sections Nos. 80 and 88 of act No. 190, provid-
ing a code of procedure in civil actions and special proceed-
ings in the Philippine Islands, as amended
No. 1779. An act to create a board for the regulation of rates chargeable
by public service corporations in the Philippine Islands, and
for other purposes
No. 1780. An act to regulate the importation, acquisition, possession, use,
and transfer of firearms, and to prohibit the possession of
the same except in compliance with the provisions of this
No. 1781. An act to amend section 27 of act No. 355, entitled "An act to
constitute the customs service of the Philippine Archipelago
and to provide for the administration thereof," as amended,
by providing for the remission of duties on importations of
the value of less than $1_______
No. 1782. An act to provide for the establishment of manufacturing bonded
No. 1783. An act appropriating the sum of P200,000 for the construction
and improvement of permanent roads and bridges in the pro-
vinces of the Philippine Islands
No. 1784. An act appropriating the sum of P350,000 from the funds
realized from the sale of public improvement bonds author-
ized by act No. 1444, for certain public works and perma-
nent improvements of the insular government.
No. 1785. An act making additional appropriations for sundry expenses
of the insular government for the fiscal year ending June
30, 1908, and for other stated purposes..
No. 1786. An act to amend section 3 of act No. 1407 by authorizing the
executive secretary to regulate the appointment and salaries
of provincial employees.
No. 1787. An act amending sections 74 and 107 of act No. 1189, as
No. 1788. An act to amend act No. 63, entitled "An act prescribing the
method to be adopted in the construction of laws," by pro-
viding a method to be adopted in the construction of laws
which may be passed by the Philippine legislature___
No. 1789. An act to authorize the governor-general to raise the position
of superintendent of the information division, Philippines
constabulary, to the rank, pay, and allowance of lieutenant-
colonel and assistant director of constabulary--
No. 1790. An act to confirm certain rights and franchises of the Banco
Español-Filipino and to amend its statutes___.
No. 1791. An act to amend in certain respects act No. 82, known as the
Municipal Code
No. 1792. An act providing, with the consent of the Secretary of War first
had, for a system of money and property accountability for
the government of the Philippine Islands and its subordinate
branches, and repealing acts Nos. 90, 145, 215, 328, 909, 1402,
and all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith__
No. 1793. An act to amend act No. 183 by providing a method for enforc-
ing the collection of the land tax in the city of Manila
--- 540
No. 1794. An act to regulate the granting of leaves of absence and other
allowances to the private secretary to the Governor-General
and the private secretaries to the members of the Philippine
Commission, in the same manner as if said private secre-
taries, as such, were members of the classified civil service__
544 No. 1795. An act authorizing the compensation of students in industrial
and agricultural schools for work done therein, outside of
regular school hours, and not connected with their regular
school work
No. 1796. An act to amend section 14 (c) of act No. 1407, by increasing
the duties of the Bureau of Navigation in regard to harbor
No. 1797. An act conferring upon officers of the United States Army,
under certain circumstances, the powers of peace officers, and
repealing act No. 1505.
No. 1798. An act to provide for the protection of animal life in the Philip-
pine Islands_..
No. 1799. An act appropriating the balance of the Congressional relief
fund in the insular treasury not otherwise appropriated and
any refunds which may accrue to said fund from allotments
or appropriations heretofore made from the Congressional
relief fund, with certain exceptious, for the manufacture
of serum for use in the cure and prevention of animal dis-
eases, and for the establishment, operation, and maintenance
of quarantine stations throughout the islands_
No. 1800. An act amending act No. 1407 by providing for the setting aside
of communal forests for the benefit of municipalities, town-
ships, and settlements...
Oct. 2. Governor-general and distribution of inaugural address______
Oct. 20. Congressional relief fund-Loan to provinces of Cagayan and
Isabela for relief of inhabitants in distress through damages
caused by recent storm.
Journal of Science___
Oct. 22. Publications-Future manner of issue and sale price of the
Oct. 24. Congressional relief fund-Loan to province of Tayabas for re-
lief of inhabitants of Baler and Casiguran suffering from
results of recent storm_
third installment of purchase price_
Oct. 31. Carabaos-Extension of time to Arturo Bernia for payment of
Oct. 31. Carabaos-Authorizing refund of purchase price to L. M. Heras_
Dec. 5. Congressional relief fund-Expenditure for relief of distressed
inhabitants of Cagayan Valley.
inhabitants of the province of Isabela.
Dec. 7. Civil-service employees-Allowing accrued leave and traveling
expenses before completion of two years' service when sepa-
rated from the service through no fault__
Señor Vicente Lopez for 1903___
Dec. 14. Congressional relief fund-Payment of land tax upon land of
Dec. 14. Civil-service employees-Transportation to the United States
after three years' service to be taken within six months after
separation from the service____
Dec. 14. Publications-Authorizing the governor-general to arrange for
the publication of government advertising in one of the Vis-
ayan newspapers_
Dec. 14. Publications-Payment to El Grito Pueblo for publication of
Dec. 18. Publication-Authorizing the governor-general to arrange for
the publication of government advertising in the Vida Filipina
Dec. 29. Moro Province-Extension of the provisions of Chapter VI of
the public land act to-Exception...
government advertising discontinued_
Jan. 5. Congressional relief fund-Appropriation for payment of salaries
of municipal school-teachers in the province of Cagayan_____
Jan. 24. Congressional relief fund-Expenditure for completion of dike,
province of Tarlac__----
of San Isidro, Nueva Ecija____
of agriculture
Feb. 11. Congressional relief fund-Expenditure for relief of inhabitants
Feb. 13. Congressional relief fund-Expenditure for relief of volunteers
of Dagami, Leyte, injured in line of duty, and their families_
Feb. 15. Publications-Sale price of Volume III, Philippine Reports_----
Feb. 15. Sisal-Purchase from Hawaiian Experiment Station by bureau
Feb. 21. Congressional relief fund-Expenditure for relief of persons
rendered destitute by fires in Culasi, province of Antique_____
Feb. 26. Congressional relief fund-Expenditure for transportation of
rice purchased for relief of inhabitants of Culasi, Antique__-
Feb. 28. Congressional relief fund-Expenditure for relief of inhabitants
of Dinalupihan, Bataan
Mar. 12. Government employees-Transportation of baggage at Govern-
ment expense on transfer of station.
Mar. 12. Insurance of Government property-
Apr. 24. Congressional relief fund-Relief of sufferers from conflagra-
tions in Iloilo___
Apr. 24. Congressional relief fund-Approval of action of the governor-
general in relieving distress of certain volunteers and their
families in Dagami, Leyte
Apr. 24. Publications—Selling price of Volume V, Public Laws, Spanish
Apr. 24. Publications-Selling price of official roster of officers and em-
ployees in the civil service of the Philippine Islands___.
Apr. 30. Publications-Sale price of volumes of Executive Orders and
Proclamations of 1906
May 3. Publications-Sale price of Volume IV, Philippine Reports__----
May 9. Committee on the compilation and codification of the public laws
of the Philippine Islands___.
May 18. Congressional relief fund-Relief of inhabitants of Imus, Cavite_
June 27. Congressional relief fund-Relief of inhabitants of Loon, Bohol-
July 8. Congressional relief fund-Balance of appropriation for relief
of destitution in San Isidro transferred to province for use on
roads and bridges.
Oct. 7. Transportation of extra baggage upon change of station----
Oct. 9. Congressional relief fund-Purchase of animals by bureau of
Oct. 12. Appropriation for restriction of spread of anthrax in cattle in
Oct. 12. Serum for cure of animal diseases-Quarantine stations..
Oct. 23. Standing committees of the Philippine Commission-----
Appointments made by the governor-general
List of notaries public in the Philippine Islands_
List of municipalities, townships, and other local organizations in the
Philippine Islands