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director of public works to advertise for bids and to let con-

tracts for any provincial public works, and to repeal section

15 of act No. 83.

No. 1753. An act declaring all of the territory comprised in the island

of Siquijor a subprovince of Oriental Negros, and for other


No. 1754. An act to prohibit the forgery, counterfeiting, altering, or

fraudulent making of obligations and securities of the

United States or of the Philippine Islands, or of the circu-

lating notes issued by any banking association authorized

under the laws of the United States or of the Philippine

Islands; to prohibit the using of plates to print notes with-

out authority, the passing, selling, and concealing of forged

obligations; the taking of impressions of tools, implements,

etc.; the unlawful possession of such impressions; the buying

and selling or dealing in forged notes, bonds, etc.; the secret-

ing or removing of tools or material used for printing bonds,

notes, stamps, etc.; to prohibit the counterfeiting of gold and

silver coin, the counterfeiting of minor coins, the mutilation

of coins, the debasement of coinage, the making or uttering

of coin in resemblance of money, and making or issuing de-

vices of minor coins; to prohibit the forging or counterfeiting

of notes, bonds, securities, or bank notes of foreign govern-

ments, or the passing or possession of such forged or coun-

terfeited bonds, notes, securities, or bank notes; the unlaw-

ful possession of or printing from plates of foreign govern-

ments or banks; to prohibit using the mails with intent to

defraud, or mailing offers to sell counterfeit money, etc.; to

prohibit the counterfeiting or manufacture of dies, molds,

etc., used for making money; to prohibit using advertise-

ments similar to coins; to authorize seizure, forfeiture, and

disposition of counterfeits of obligations of the United States,

Philippine Islands, or foreign governments, and for other


No. 1755. An act to prohibit the disturbance of the Philippine Commis-

sion, the Philippine assembly, or of any provincial board or

municipal or township council; to punish disorderly conduct

in the immediate view or presence of said bodies; to punish

the fraudulent altering of the draft of any bill, resolution,

ordinance, or act pending before or enacted by any such

body or the Philippine legislature; to compel the attend-

ance of witnesses and the production of evidence before the

Philippine Commission or Philippine assembly, or before

any committee of either or both said bodies, and for other


No. 1756. An act to declare October 14, 15, and 16 of the year 1907

public holidays in honor of the visit of the Secretary of War

and the formal opening of the Philippine assembly.




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