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of not less than five nor more than fifteen pesos for each day of actual attendance at the sessions of the board. When designated to perform other official duties as above provided, such third member shall be entitled, upon unanimous resolution of the provincial board, to receive for each day that he shall be actually occupied with official duties such compensation as may be fixed in said resolution, not exceeding the maximum compensation hereinbefore prescribed: Provided, That on no one day shall more than one compensation be allowed to such third member. The per diem of the third member, when fixed by the provincial board, shall not be altered more than once during each fiscal year.

SEC. 4. The position of provincial secretary is hereby abolished and the employees of his office are hereby transferred to the office of the provincial governor: Provided, however, That the provincial secretary may on recommendation of the provincial board, with the approval of the Governor-General, be continued in office until the thirty-first day of December, nineteen hundred and six. The provincial governor shall, by an executive order, designate an employee or employees of his office to perform the duties heretofore performed by the provincial secretary, including those of recorder of the provincial board. In case the provincial governor shall certify that no employee in his office is competent to perform said duties, and the Bureau of Civil Service shall certify that its eligible list contains the name of no person who will accept the appointment for the salary allowed, the provincial governor may, with the approval of the Governor-General, appoint some person who is not in the classified civil service, or he may perform such duties personally should he so elect: And provided further, That a provincial secretary holding office on the date of the passage of this Act shall be eligible to appointment to any position in the classified civil service at a salary not exceeding the salary now received by him.

SEC. 5. Whenever for any reason the provincial governor finds it necessary to absent himself from the province or is under temporary disability, or for any other reason is unable to perform his official duties, the duties of the provincial governor shall be performed either by the third member of the provincial board or by the provincial treasurer, as the provincial governor may elect, and subject to change by him in his discretion. During the period of such absence, sickness, or other disability of the provincial governor, the member temporarily charged with the duties of his office shall preside at the meetings of the provincial board: Provided, That when the provincial governor is absent from the capital of the province, but within the limits of the province, it shall be discretionary with him whether or not he shall designate a temporary


SEC. 6. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twentysix, nineteen hundred.

SEC. 7. This Act shall take effect on November fifteenth, nineteen hundred and six. Enacted, October 20, 1906.

[No. 1546.]

AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry expenses of the municipal government of the city of Manila for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven.

By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Commission, that:

SECTION 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, in part compensation for the service of the municipal government of the city of Manila for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, and thereafter until expended, unless otherwise stated:


Salaries and wages, Municipal Board: President, at ten thousand pesos per annum, and three members, at nine thousand pesos per annum each.

Secretary's office:

Secretary, at six thousand five hundred pesos per annum; two employees, class six; three employees, class seven; one employee, class nine; one employee, Class C; one employee, Class E; two employees, Class J; three messengers, at three hundred and sixty pesos per annum each.

Disbursing office:

Disbursing officer, at five thousand five hundred pesos per annum; one employee, at three thousand nine hundred pesos per annum; one employee, class six; one employee, class eight; one employee, Class A; one messenger, at three hundred and sixty pesos per annum: Provided, That the salary of the employee authorized above at three thousand nine hundred pesos per annum shall be payable from funds appropriated for expenditure under the department of sewer and waterworks construction.

Advisory Board:

Authorized fees of twelve members, not to exceed six thousand two hundred and forty pesos; secretary, at three thousand two hundred pesos per annum: Provided, That the secretary of the Advisory Board may be required to perform additional official duties in the discretion of the president without extra compensation.

For hire of temporary employees from July first, nineteen hundred and six.

Total for salaries and wages, eighty-nine thousand pesos. Contingent expenses, Municipal Board: For contingent expenses, including repair of office furniture and purchase of supplies; advertising; cablegrams; postage and telegrams; printing and binding; official transportation; music; maintenance of prisoners; care of injured and sick paupers; premiums on official bonds; refund of fines illegally imposed for violation of water ordinances; burial of pauper dead; decorations of public buildings and other necessary expenses incident to public celebrations; one hundred and fourteen thousand pesos.

In all, for the Municipal Board, two hundred and three thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, law department:

Office of city attorney:

City attorney, at seven thousand pesos per annum; assistant city attorney, at four thousand pesos per annum; one clerk, class eight; one clerk, class ten; one clerk, Class A; one messenger, at two hundred and forty pesos per annum.

Office of sheriff:

Sheriff, at six thousand pesos per annum; one deputy, class eight; one deputy, class nine; one deputy, Class C; two deputies, Class H; two deputies, Class J; two deputies, at three hundred and sixty pesos per annum each; two clerks, Class H; two employees, Class J; one employee, at sixty-seven pesos and fifty centavos per month; one employee, at sixty pesos per month; six laborers, at twenty pesos per month each: Provided, That the office of sheriff of the city of Manila, as now organized, be discontinued upon December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and six, and thereafter the powers and duties of the office shall be assumed and performed ex officio by the clerk of the Court of First Instance for the city of Manila to whom shall be transferred on that date all funds, property, records, and unfinished business pertaining to said office of sheriff, and it is hereby made the duty of all members of the police department of the city of Manila to serve, within the police limits of the city of Minila, criminal process of the courts: And provided further, That the personnel of the office of sheriff of the city of Manila, beginning January first, nineteen hundred and seven, shall be as follows: One deputy, class nine; one deputy, Class D; one deputy, Class F; two deputies, Class H; one deputy, Class J; one clerk, Class H; for the hire of janitors and laborers, not to exceed nine hundred and sixty pesos for the six months ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven; and for additional compensation to the clerk of the Court of First Instance as ex officio sheriff of the city of Manila, at the rate of one thousand pesos per annum.

Municipal court:

Judge, at seven thousand pesos per annum; clerk of court, class eight; one interpreter, Class A; two deputy clerks, Class D; one messenger, at two hundred and forty pesos per annum.

Office of register of deeds:

Register of deeds, at four thousand pesos per annum; one clerk, Class D; two clerks, Class G; two clerks, Class H; two clerks, Class I; one messenger, at three hundred pesos per annum.

Justice of the peace courts:

Two justices of the peace, at two thousand pesos per annum each; two clerks, Class I; two clerks, at two hundred and forty pesos per annum each: Provided, That the existing offices of justice of the peace for the city of Manila are hereby abolished and said courts shall cease and determine upon the thirty-first day of December, nineteen hundred and six, and there is hereby created to begin on January first, nineteen hundred and seven, one court of justice of the peace for the city of Manila having the same jurisdiction and powers now possessed by said courts. The justice of such new court shall be appointed by the Governor-General, with the advice and consent of the Philippine Commission, and shall hold office at his pleasure. The records and documents of said courts shall be delivered into the custody of the new justice, and cases pending on December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and six, before the courts abolished shall be transferred by virtue of this Act to the new court on January first, nineteen hundred and seven, and thereafter the new court shall exercise the same jurisdiction over said cases as would the original justice of the peace courts had they not been abolished: And provided further, That the personnel of the justice of the peace court, beginning January first, nineteen hundred and seven, shall be as follows: Justice of the peace, at two thousand four hundred pesos per annum; one clerk, at seven hundred and twenty pesos per annum; one clerk, at three hundred pesos per annum.

For the hire of temporary employees.

Total for salaries and wages, seventy thousand pesos. Contingent expenses, law department: For contingent expenses, including purchase of office supplies and repair of furniture; advertising; cablegrams; postage and telegrams; printing and binding; official transportation; interpreters', registers', translators', and other authorized fees; revenue stamps; court fees in proceedings conducted in the names of private parties to enable the city to purchase land for public use in cases where the owners of such land have not sufficient means to pay fees; and incidental expenses; nine thousand and twenty-five pesos.

Salaries and wages, office of the prosecuting attorney: Prosecuting attorney, at eight thousand pesos per annum; first assistant prosecuting attorney, at five thousand pesos per annum; second assistant prosecuting attorney, at four thousand pesos per annum; third assistant prosecuting attorney, at three thousand six hundred pesos per annum; one clerk, class seven; one clerk, class eight; one clerk, class nine; one clerk, class ten; one clerk, Class B; one clerk, Class F; one messenger, at three hundred and sixty pesos per annum; and for hire of temporary employees; thirty thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, office of the prosecuting attorney: For contingent expenses, including repair of office furniture and purchase of supplies; cablegrams; postage and telegrams; printing and binding; official transportation; court costs in criminal cases in Court of First Instance; for the expenses of indigent witnesses, and for securing testimony and the presence in Manila of such witnesses in criminal cases from the provinces; and incidental expenses; seven thousand nine hundred and seventy-five pesos.

In all, for the law department, one hundred and seventeen thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, fire department: Chief, at six thousand pesos per annum; city electrician, at four thousand five hundred pesos per annum; deputy chief, at three thousand six hundred pesos per annum; chief engineer, at three thousand pesos per annum; one mechanic, at two thousand one hundred and sixty pesos per anum; two linemen, at two thousand six hundred pesos per annum each; four linemen, Class H; eight captains, at two thousand eight hundred pesos per annum each; thirteen lieutenants, at two thousand four hundred pesos per annum each; five engineers, first class, twelve thousand nine hundred and thirty-four pesos: Provided, That the pay of engineers, first class, shall be at the rate of two thousand four hundred pesos per annum each for the first year of service, and may be at the rate of two thousand six hundred pesos per annum each for the second and succeeding years; nine engineers, second class, ten thousand one hundred and eighty pesos: Provided, That the pay of engineers, second class, shall be at the rate of nine hundred and sixty pesos per annum each for the first year of service, and may be at the rate of one thousand two hundred pesos per annum each for the second and succeeding years; forty-five firemen, first class, ninety-one thousand eight hundred and twenty pesos: Provided, That the pay of firemen, first class, shall be at the rate of one thousand eight hundred pesos per annum each for the first year of service, and may be at the rate of two thousand pesos per annum each for the second year, two thousand one hundred and sixty pesos per annum each for the third year, and two thousand two hundred and eighty pesos per annum each for the fourth and succeeding years; fifty firemen, second class, thirty-four thousand three hundred and sixty pesos: Provided, That the pay of firemen, second class, shall be at the rate of four hundred and eighty pesos per annum each for the first year of service, and may be at the rate of six hundred pesos per annum each for the second year, six hundred and sixty pesos per annum each for the third year, and seven hundred and twenty pesos per annum each for the fourth and succeeding years: And provided further, That in computing the service of firemen, credit for previous service in the police department, city of Manila, may be allowed to employees transferred to the fire department; chief clerk, at three thousand pesos per annum; one clerk, class eight; and for hire of temporary employees; two hundred and thirty-six thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, fire department: For contingent expenses, including repair of office furniture and the purchase and repair of station apparatus, furniture and supplies; advertising; cablegrams; postage and telegrams; printing and binding; official transportation; purchase of horses, harness, hose, parts for apparatus and small equipment; electrical apparatus, supplies and tools, including those necessary for maintenance of alarm system; forage; horseshoeing; fuel; and incidental expenses; fifty-four thousand pesos. In all, for the fire department, two hundred and ninety thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, department of police: Chief, at seven thousand pesos per annum; assistant chief, at five thousand pesos per annum; six captains, at four thousand pesos per annum each.

Office force:

One clerk, class six; one clerk, class seven; one clerk, at three thousand pesos per annum; two clerks, class eight; two clerks, class nine; three clerks, Class A; one clerk, Class E; one clerk, Class F; three messengers, at two hundred and forty pesos per annum each.

Secret service force:

One chief of secret service, at six thousand pesos per annum; two detectives, at four thousand pesos per annum each; one detective at three thousand two hundred pesos per annum; one detect

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