Statement of CONTENTS Ashburn, Maj. Gen. Thomas Q., president, Inland Waterways Corp- Baker, Newton D., general counsel, Lake Carriers Association------ Barrett, O. Slack, vice president, Mississippi River System Carriers Page 39 170 252 119 Bayless, Herman A., counsel, Mississippi River System Carriers 113 Bowlus, J. L., Milwaukee, Wis., Board of Harbor Commissioners... 291 253 Brenckman, Fred., Washington representative, the National Grange_ 210 154 iatio ciation.... 218 Clerc, Rene F., board of harbor commissioners of Port of New Orleans, 321 Cook, T. L., the Ocean Steamship Co. of Savannah, Ga... 173 Dann, Alex W., the Union Barge Line Corporation, et al---- 126 183 Eastman, Joseph B., Federal Coordinator of Transportation-------- Gamble, John B., district counsel Seaboard Air Line Railway Co--- 1 100 235 332 76 214 Haight, Charles S., American Association of Tramp Operators 62 Ingersoll, A. C., the Ohr River Co., et al. 131 Kerr, Joseph G., Associatic of American Railroads. 176 Maginnis, S. Abbott, American Short Line Railroad Association--- 248 Corporation-... 165 McManamy, Frank, Chairman Legislative Committee, Interstate 32 Miller, George J., executive secretary, Missouri River Navigation 238 Roeder, Charles B., secretary the Bourse, Philadelphia, Pa--------- Warley, H. W., Maritime Association of Port of New York and the 137 Weaver, Arthur J., president Missouri River Navigation Association_ Brief submitted by Burnham, Hon. George, Member of Congress from California-------. Cricher, A. Lane, counsel Merchandise Warehouse Trade Code Delaney, James J., vice president National Organization Masters, 532SU 12/01 31150-211 NWLB Brief submitted by-Continued. Fant, A. P., director industrial division, Memphis, Tenn., Chamber of Commerce. Page 366 Long, Howard M., solicitor Vessel Owners' and Captains' Association of Philadelphia___ Machen, W. H., representing certain owners of coastwise coal-carrying steamers__ 369 Manghum, H. E., representing Sacramento, Calif., Chamber of Com merce 371 Mathews, David, secretary-treasurer the Pittsburgh Coal Exchange of Philadelphia.. 372 McGinnis, J. B., Memphis, Tenn., Harbor Commission_ 373 376 376 THE WATER CARRIER ACT, 1935 TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1935 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVENG COMMITTEE ON THE MERCHANT MARINE AND FISHERIENG Washington, 2. С. The committee met at 10 a. m., Hon. Schuyler O. Bland (char man presiding. The CHAIRMAN. The hearing is called this morning on H. R 3.9, Mr. Eastman suggested certain amendments and explanations which have been set out in a committee print. We are ready to hear you, Mr. Eastman. STATEMENT OF HON. JOSEPH B. EASTMAN, FEDERAL COORDI NATOR OF TRANSPORTATION Mr. EASTMAN. Mr. Chairman, my name is Joseph B. Eduman I am a member of the Interstate Commerce Commission, now occupy ing the position of Federal Coordinator of Transportation under this Emergency Railroad Transportation Act, 1933, I appear in support of H. R. 5379 and, before I conclude, I hall present some amendments to the bill as it was or iginally recommended The CHAIRMAN. Those are contained in a committee print, are they not? Mr. EASTMAN. They are sir. I desire to call your attention to this provisions of section 13 of the Emergency Act, w the Coordinator which The CHAIRMAN. Give the reference if you will, Mr. Padman Mr. EASTMAN. Section 13 of the Emergency Railroad Tran tion Act. 1933. an pala The CHAIRMAN. Public number what? If you have this cofiffimal aet, you will find it on the first page. Mr. EASTMAN. I have the Commission's teprint and appatkully il is United States Code, title 19, section 251. Nochon DE of that a't authorizes and directs the Coordinator forthwith to mebligeals and consider means, not provided for in this title, of improving lean pa tation conditions throughout the country, inching or backing với rail transportation and the ability, financial or otherwink to this carriers to improve their properties and furnish sesence and there's rates which will promote the commerce and industry of Dik blonde It also directs him from time to time to submit to the Cam "srch recommendations calling for further lices laksum hei as he may deem necessary or dearsiden ha protidin inte pu | are transmitted is the Commandante Cin gress with the Collisione Portumandatia fusopass |