The dispersion of Israel through the tyranny of their shepherds God will require his people at their hands-the restora- tion of Judah partly in a converted and partly in an uncon- verted state-the opposition of the unconverted to the con- verted, a proof that the unconverted will be restored by Antichrist-downfall of the mystic Edom-the political re- vival, restoration, and final union of Israel and Judah--- the overthrow of Gog and Magog at the end of the Mil. Descriptive character of the powers that will compose the Antichristian confederacy-the progress of Antichrist to Palestine-his overthrow there the restoration of Judal during a time of great trouble at the close of the 1260 years. Dan. ii. 40-45, 34, 35. vii. 7-27. Rev. xiii. The restoration of Israel-their instrumentality in converting the Gentiles-the state of the Jews in the days of their dis- The successive restoration of Judah and Israel. Hosea xi. 8-12. P. 158. PROPHECY XXX. The restoration and conversion of Israel-his rejection of Antichrist. Hosea xiv. P. 162. PROPHECY XXXI. Irruption of Antichrist into Palestine-his destruction there -general effusion of the Holy Spirit-a description of the overthrow of the confederated nations at the period of the restoration of Judah. Joel i. 1-14. ii. iii. P. 167. PROPHECY XXXII. The dispersion of the Jews, and the occupation of their country by foreign invadcrs—their restoration and triumph over the mystic Edom. Amos viii. 11, 12, ix. 4—15. P. 200. PROPHECY XXXIII. The certainty of the restoration of Judah and Israel. Micah ii. 12, 13. P. 205. PROPHECY XXXIV. The glories of the millennian church-the mystic birth of the Jewish nation-the overthrow of the Antichristian confederacy partly by the instrumentality of the Jews-the advent of Christ-he protects the now converted Jews, and destroys the mystic Assyrian- the instrumentality of the Jews in the conversion of the Gentiles. Micah iv. v. P. 207. PRO PROPHECY XXXV. Lamentation of the dispersed church of Israel-a promise of her restoration and the overthrow of Antichrist. Micah vii. P. 219. PROPHECY Xxxvi. The dispersion of the Jews-the sacking of Jerusalem by the Romans-the call of the converted Jews-their triumphant settlement in their own land-the destruction of the mystic Nineveh--the prevalence of pure religion-the instrumentality of some great maritime nation in restoring the Jews. Zeph. i. 2-18. ii. iii. P. 227. PROPHECY XXXVII. The various dispersions of Israel by four kingdoms of the Gentiles-the final restoration and prosperity of the Jews -the miraculous overthrow of Antichrist. Zech. i. 12-21. P. 255. PROPHECY XXXVIII. The general restoration of the Jews, and the conversion of the Gentiles. Zech. viii. 2-23. P. 263. a PROPHECY XXXIX. The instrumentality of Judah in the overthrow of Antichrist -the restoration of Joseph-his office of converting the Gentiles-the fate of Egypt and Assyria. Zech. x. 3—12. P. 267. PROPHECY XL. The miraculous overthrow of the Antichristian confederacy -the conversion of certain Jews in Jerusalem-the preservation and conversion of the third part of the Antichristian confederacy-the previous sacking of Jerusalem by Antichrist-the manifestation of Messiah to destory Antichristthe extermination of false religion-the destruction of Antichrist the prevalence of true religion-the nature of the plague with which the faction of Antichrist will be afflicted-the part which Judah will act-the final conversion and prosperity of Judah. Zech. xii. xiii. xiv. P. 273. PROPHECY XLI. The restoration of the Jews at the close of the times of the Gentiles. Luke xxi. 20—24. P. 298. PROPHECY XLII. The restoring of the kingdom to Israel. Acts i. 6. P. 304. PROPHECY XLIII. The present rejection and final conversion of the Jews, when the fulness of the Gentiles shall have come, Rom. xi. 1-33. .P. 306. PROPHECY XLIV. The visible manifestation of Christ to confound Antichrist. Rev, i. 7. P. 314. Conclusion, P. 316. 1. for, after Phut place. 1. 6. Note, for Annal. read Anal. 102. 1. 8. Note, for earth read horse 1. 4. erase, after situation 107. l. 3. 127. 1. 2 129.1. 3 140. 1. 8. 154. l. 6. Note, for Apostacy read Apostasy Note, for deserved read deservedly 162. 1. 3 from the bottom Note, insert, after captives 165. 1. 20. Note, for after formed place ; 174. 1. 2. from the bottom Note, for new read with 186. l. 12. for! after heavens place; 191. Note, for Kings read 2 Kings 211. 1. 5. Note, for fortells read foretells 232. 1. 6. insert shall after voice 270. 1. 21. Note, for Shebua-read Shehna 275. 1. 3. from the bottom for vintage-shouting read vintage-shouting “ 289. 1. 1. for a read as |