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God, having foretold by the mouth of Hosea the subversion of the two kingdoms of Judah and Israel, declares, with reference to the first restoration from Babylon, that he will no more cherish with tenderness the house of Israel, but that the house of Judah he will cherish with tenderness. Afterwards, with reference to the second restoration, he promises that the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea; that the children of Judah shall be collected, and that the children of Israel shall be united with them; and that they shall appoint themselves one head, even Christ the Lord. For, although they shall continue many days without any independent polity, without availing themselves of the great mediatorial sacrifice, and yet without relapsing into the idolatry of their fathers; they shall nevertheless, at the end of the days,-after the termination of the 1260 years, and throughout the whole period of the Millennium, -return from their captivity, and seek the Lord their God and the mystical David their king,



The captivity of Judah and Israel-The application of some of their members to the mystic Assyrian to effect their restoration―Their distress-Their final political revival.

Hosea v. 8. Blow ye the cornet in Gibeah, the trumpet in Ramah; sound an alarm at Bethaven. Look behind thee, O Benjamin. 9. Ephraim shall be given up to desolation, in the day of rebuke, among the tribes of Israel: I have declared what shall surely be. 10. The rulers of Judah have been as those that remove the bounds*. Upon them like a flood I will pour out my fury. 11. Ephraim is hard pressed, ruined in judgment†; because he is self-willed, walking after a commandment. 12. Therefore am I as a moth in


*Those that remove the bounds.] "That is, they have con"founded the distinctions of right and wrong. They have turned "upside down all political order, and all manner of religion. "English Geneva." Bp. Horsley in loc.

+ Ephraim is ruined in judgment.] "That is, he has no "defence to set up against the accusation brought against him; "he has nothing to say for himself." Bp. Horsley in loc.

↑ Self-willed, walking after a commandment.] "That is, al"though he has a commandment to walk after, namely the di"vine law, yet he will take his own way; and this he does, "notwithstanding he pretends to acknowledge the authority of

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the garment to Ephraim, and as a worm in the flesh to the house of Judah. 13. When Ephraim perceives his holes, and Judah his corrupted sore, then Ephraim will betake him to the Assyrian, and send to the king who takes up all quarrels *. But he shall not be able to repair the damage for you, nor shall he make a cure of your corrupted sore. 14. For, I will be as a lion unto Ephraim, and as a young lion to the house of Judah. I, I will seize the prey, and be gone; I will carry off, and none shall rescue. 15. I will be gone, I will return unto my place t; till what time they ac


"the commandment. The ten tribes pretended to be wor shippers of Jehovah; but they worshipped him in the calves "at Dan and Bethel; and they appointed a priesthood of their own, in prejudice of the prerogative of the sons of Levi.” Bp. Horsley in loc.

* The king who takes up all quarrels.] "This describes some "powerful monarch, who took upon him to interfere in all " quarrels between inferior powers; to arbitrate between them, "and compel them to make up their differences, upon such "terms as he thought proper to dictate: whose alliance was "of course anxiously courted by weaker states. Such was "the Assyrian monarch in the times, to which the prophecy "relates" primarily; and such will be his antitype, the last head of the Roman Babylon, in the times, to which it relates secondarily and ultimately. Bp. Horsley in loc. † I will be gone, I will return unto my place.] "I will with"draw myself from them, till by a sincere humiliation they implore my favour. The Chaldee paraphrase expresses the sense thus, I will take away my majestic presence or Shechinak "from among them, and will return into heaven." Mr. Lowth in loc.

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knowledge their guilt, and seek my face. When distress is upon them, they will rise early to seek


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vi. 1. Come, and let us return unto the Lord. For he hath torn, but he will make us whole: he hath inflicted the wound, but he will apply the bandage. 2. He will bring us to life after two days; in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his presence. 3. Then we shall know, we shall pursue after the knowledge of the Lord. His coming forth is fixed as the morning; and he shall come upon us as the pouring shower, as the harvest rain, as the rain of seed-time upon the earth-10-I have seen a horrible thing: fornications in Ephraim! Israel polluted! 11. Moreover, O Judah, harvest-work is appointed for thee, when I bring back the captivity of my people.


The prophet begins with foretelling the captivity of Judah and Israel; and declares, that in consequence of their sins, they shall be deprived of their former greatness and prosperity. Sensibly feeling their degraded situation, they shall at length · endeavour to extricate themselves from it by the undue means of applying to a king, who officiously takes up all quarrels, and of whom the king of Assyria was a type, as the first restoration from -Babylon was a type of the second restoration from

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the mystic babylon or the Roman empire. Yet this king shall not be able to repair their damages, nor to make a cure of their corrupted sore. For the Lord will arise as a lion in his wrath, and will execute vengeance both upon them and their presumptuous ally.

This king exactly answers to the description of Antichrist, who will then be the last head of the Roman beast, as the Assyrian was the head of the Babylonian beast and such accordingly I take him to be. Certain of the unconverted Jews will accept his offer to restore them to their own country; and it appears likewise from the prophecy (what indeed is highly probable in itself), that several members of the kingdom of Ephraim or the ten tribes, now scattered through the east, will be both invited and induced by him to join themselves to his confederacy. Such however is not the way, in which God has decreed to restore the main body of his ancient people. The king shall be utterly overthrown; and many of his Israelitish allies shall perish with him *.

Yet the rest of these misguided wretches, when distress is upon them, will rise early to seek the

*This passage can only relate to certain individuals of the kingdom of the ten tribes; for the main body of the ten tribes will be restored after the overthrow of Antichrist, and in consequence of the fugitives from his army being scattered through all Countries. Isaiah lxvi. 15-24.


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