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links east, from the center monument in the said village of Waverley. The first described line is to be the west bound of said road, and to be of the width of twenty-two feet; and the second, third and fourth line to be the north bound of said road, and to be of the width of thirty feet; and the fifth and last described line is to be the center of said road, and said road is to be of the width of three rods.

$2. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 37.

AN ACT to authorize the trustees of the village of Rome to buy a steam fire engine and apparatus for said village, and to levy a tax to pay for the same, and to levy a tax upon said village to pay indebtedness.

Passed February 15, 1867; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. In addition to the money which the trustees of the village of Rome are now authorized by law to levy and collect, they are hereby authorized and empowered to levy and collect from the property liable to taxation in said village, a sum of money not exceeding seven thousand dollars, which sum of money, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be expended by said trustees in the payment of the indebtedness of said village hereto fore contracted, and in the purchase of a steam fire engine and apparatus for the use of said village. $2. This act shall take effect immediately.

Division of


Chap. 38.

AN ACT to make the town of Chester a part of the second school commissioner's district of Orange county.

Passed February 15, 1867.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. The town of Chester, in Orange county, is hereby declared to be and shall form a part of the second school commissioner's district of said county, under the control and supervision of the school commissioner of said district.

S2. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 39.

AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the city of Elmira," passed April seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and the acts amendatory thereof.

Passed February 16, 1867; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Section two of title one of an act entitled "An act to incorporate the city of Elmira,' passed April seven, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and amended by acts of the legislature, passed April seventeen, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and March thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

§ 2. The said city shall be divided into six wards respectively, as follows:

FIRST WARD. All that part of said city lying north of the center of the Chemung river, west of the center of Chemung canal, and south of the center of Church street, shall be the first ward.

SECOND WARD. All that part of said city lying north of the center of Church street, west of the

center of the Chemung canal, and east of the center of College avenue, shall be the second ward.

THIRD WARD. All that part of said city lying east of the center of the Chemung canal, and north of the center of Church street, shall be the

third ward.

FOURTH WARD. All that part of said city lying sonth of the center of Church street, east of the center of the Chemung canal, and north of the center of the Chemung river, shall be the fourth ward.

FIFTH WARD. All that part of said city lying south of the center of the Chemung river, shall be the fifth


SIXTH WARD. All that part of said city lying north of the center of Church street, and west of the


$2. The officers of the said second ward, in office officers of at the time this act shall take effect, shall be and con- ward, &e tinue the officers of said second ward, for the term for which they shall have been elected or appointed, except inspectors of elections, who shall be inspectors and perform the duties thereof in the ward in which the said inspector or inspectors shall reside. And the said second and sixth wards shall each be entitled to have and elect the same officers, for the same terms, with the same powers, and subject to the same duties and liabilities as provided by law in relation to other

wards of said city.

33. Such of said officers as are elective by law, in said second and sixth wards, shall be elected at the annual election to be held in said city on the first Tuesday of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, in case this act shall take effect before that day; and if otherwise, the common council of said city shall order and appoint special elections for purpose, to be held in said wards at such place as the said common council shall designate, and they


appoint inspectors of elections to supply any
vacancy that may exist in either ward. One of the
aldermen to be elected in the sixth ward at the first
election under this act, shall hold his office for one
year only, and the term for which the person voted
for is intended, shall be designated on the ballot.

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Inspectors of elections.

Officers of city.

Certain offcers; by

$ 4. The said inspectors of elections of said second and sixth wards, shall possess in their wards respectively, all the powers, and perform all the duties of inspectors of elections of other wards, and they shall meet in said wards respectively, as boards of registry at the times, and in the manner now provided by law. But in case this act shall not take effect in time for said boards to meet on the days now specified by law, then they shall meet and perform such duties on such days as the common council of said city shall designate. And for the purpose of making said registry for said wards, the said inspectors of the second ward, shall use the same poll list which they would use if no division of said ward had been made; and the inspectors of the said sixth ward are hereby empowered and authorized to take from the files of the county clerk's office, of Chemung county, the poll list filed with said clerk by the inspectors of the said second ward, made at the annual election held in said city on the first Tuesday of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. And said poll list so taken, shall be returned by said inspectors to the said county clerk's office within two days after said election.

S 5. Section one of title two of said act, is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

1. The officers of said city shall consist of one mayor, two assessors, one collector, one treasurer, one recorder, three justices of the peace, four constables, one overseer of the poor, to be elected by the city at large; two aldermen and one supervisor, to be elected in each ward; and one city attorney, one city clerk, one cemetery commissioner, one superintendent of streets, one marshal, one chief engineer, of the fire department, and two assistants, and such other officers as are hereafter authorized, who shall be appointed by the mayor and common council, except that special police constables may be appointed by the mayor, as hereinafter provided.

S6. Section eighteen, of title two, of said act, is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

18. At the first regular meeting of the common whom to be council, after their organization, subsequent to the


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annual election, as prescribed by this act, or at some subsequent meeting, and as soon thereafter as may be, and annually thereafter, it shall be their duty to appoint one city attorney, one city clerk, one ceme tery commissioner, one superintendent of streets for the city at large, one marshal, one city sealer, one chief engineer, and two assistants of the fire department, and one fire warden in each ward, who shall hold their offices for one year, in the manner provided by this act. The mayor and common council shall have power to appoint at any time they may consider the same necessary for the public interests, a deputy superintendent of streets in each ward, or in either of said wards, and so many watchmen and special police constables as they may deem best, all of whom shall hold their offices at the pleasure of the common council.

$7. Section ten of title two of said act, is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

10. The term of office of the justices of the peace and recorder, to be elected under this act, except the recorder first elected, and the justices of the peace to be elected in said city at the election to be held parsuant to this act, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, shall commence on the first day of January next ensuing their election, and each of such officers shall take the oath of office within ten days thereafter, and file the same, as provided in the last preceding section, or be deemed to have declined their offices respectively, in like manner as the other officers, as in said section provided.

$8. Section twelve of title two of said act is hereby. amended so as to read as follows:

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12. The justices of the peace to be elected under How long to this act, shall hold their offices for three years, except & as in this section otherwise provided. All the justices of the peace who shall have been elected, or shall be in office in the towns of Elmira and Southport, as heretofore constituted, and who shall be residents of the city of Elmira when this act takes effect, shall qualify according to law, and shall continue to hold their offices respectively for the full term to which they were elected, in the same manner, in all respects,

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