Rules, &c. of com pany: penviolation of; alties for publication thereof. Company to furnish water for putting out fires. Malicious trespass, &c. Individual liability. Certificate of president, &.c. same from waste, and may thereby impose penalties and forfeitures for any violation of said, rules and regulations, so that said penalty or forfeiture shall not in any case exceed fifty dollars; which penalties or forfeiture may be recovered from the person or persons violating the said rules, with the costs, in the name of the company, before any justice of the peace of said town of Mount Morris. Said rules and regulations shall be published for three weeks successively, in a newspaper published in said village, and a copy of said rules and regulations, certified by the president or secretary of said company, with affidavit of said publication of the same, made by the publisher of said newspaper, or by a foreman in his office, shall be received as evidence in all courts and places. S16. Said company shall furnish water to the trustees of the said village, for extinguishing fires, and other purposes, as may be agreed upon between the said trustees and the said company. S 17. Any person who shall maliciously or willfully interfere with, trespass upon, injure or destroy, any of the works or property of said company, or who shall maliciously or willfully commit any act which shall injuriously affect or tend thus to affect the water of said company, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 18. The corporation hereby created shall possess the powers and be subject to the provisions of title three, chapter eighteen of the first part of the Revised Statutes. 19. All the stockholders of the company hereby created shall be severally and individually liable to the creditors of said company to an amount equal to the amount of stock held by them respectively, for all debts and contracts made by said company, until the whole amount of the capital stock shall be paid in and a certificate thereof shall be made and recorded, as prescribed in the following section. $20. The president and a majority of the directors, within thirty days after the payment of the last installment of capital stock, shall make a certificate of the amount of capital fixed and paid in, which certificate shall be signed and sworn to by the president and a majority of the directors, and shall, within thirty days, be recorded in the county clerk's office of the county of Livingston. to tenants. $21. The stockholders of said company shall be Liability jointly and severally liable for all debts that may be due and owing to their laborers and servants for services performed for said company. $22. The indebtedness of said company shall not at any time exceed an amount equal to fifty per cent of its capital stock, unless by the consent of the stockholders at a meeting thereof; and if the indebtedness of said company shall at any time exceed such amount without the consent of the stockholders as above mentioned, the directors of such company assenting thereto shall be personally and individually liable for such excess to the creditors of such company. $23. No person holding stock in said company as executor, administrator, guardian or trustee, and no person holding stock as collateral security, shall be personally subject to any liability as a stockholder of said company; but the person pledging such stock shall be considered as holding the same, and shall be liable as a stockholder accordingly; and the estates and funds in the hands of such executor, administrator, guardian or trustee shall be liable in like manner and to the same extent as the testator or intestate or the ward or person interested in such fund would have been if he had been living and competent to act, and held the stock in his own name. Every such executor, administrator, guardian or trustee shall represent the shares of stock owned by him as administrator, executor, guardian or trustee at all meetings of the company, and may vote as a stockholder; and every person pledging his stock as aforesaid, may in like manner represent the same and vote accordingly provided, however, that nothing in this act contained shall be construed to authorize the subscription to the capital stock of this company by any person or executor, administrator, guardian or trustee. $ 24. The said company may hereafter increase the Indebtedalty for certain ness; pen exceeding amount. who not to ered person be consid ally flable, stock. Increase of capital stock of said company to the sum of twentyfive thousand dollars, as mentioned in section two of this act, by opening the books of said company and receiving subscriptions to said increased capital stock. S25. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 160. AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Union League Club of the city of New York," passed February sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. Passed March 26, 1867. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The third section of the act entitled "An act to incorporate the Union League Club of the City of New York," passed February sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, is hereby amended to read as follows: 3. Said corporation may purchase and hold, or lease any real or personal estate necessary and proper for the purposes of its incorporation, provided they shall not hold any real estate, the value of which shall exceed five hundred thousand dollars; and the said corporation may issue bonds, and may execute mortgages upon their real estate to an amount not exceeding the value of such real estate, and the improvements thereon. Chap. 161. AN ACT to amend the several acts relating to the village of Geneseo. Passed March 26, 1867; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. So much of section twenty-three of an act entitled "An act to condense and amend the sev eral acts relating to the village of Geneseo," passed May thirteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-five, as fixes the amount authorized to be raised or voted for the contingent expenses of the corporation, at any annual or special meeting of the inhabitants of the said village, is hereby amended to read as follows: raising At any annual meeting of the inhabitants of said Vote for village, or special meeting called for that purpose, a money. majority of the inhabitants authorized to vote for raising money, present at any such meeting, and Voting thereon, shall have power by resolution or vote, to direct and authorize, for defraying the contingent expenses of the corporation, and for any special object, for which said corporation may raise money by tax, a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars, to be levied and collected by tax upon the taxable real estate situate or lying within the bounds of said corporation and personal estate of the inhabitants and corporations of said village. $2. In case a vacancy shall occur in any office created by any of the several acts relating to the village of Geneseo, by the neglect of the person elected to qualify according to law, by resignation or otherwise, the same shall be filled by appointment, by the trustees of said village, and the officer so appointed, and after he shall have duly qualified according to law, shall hold his office until the next annual election thereafter. $3. The trustees of the village of Geneseo, shall have power and authority to regulate the sale and manner of keeping of kerosene and other explosive substances within the limits of said village, by ordi nance. S 4. All acts or part of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. $5. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 162. . AN ACT to amend chapter six hundred and ninety of the Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, entitled "An act to provide for the publication of legal notices in the county of Hamilton," passed April nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. Passed March 26, 1867; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section one of chapter six hundred and ninety of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, entitled "An act to provide for the publication of legal notices in the county of Hamilton," is hereby amended so as to read as follows: § 1. Until there shall be a public newspaper actually printed and published in the county of Hamilton, the session laws of this State, and all legal notices and advertisements required by the laws of this State or any local or special law, to be published in the said county of Hamilton, shall be published in the Hamilton Republican, printed at Gloversville, in the county of Fulton, and the Hamilton County Sentinel, printed at Johnstown, in the county of Fulton; provided the publishers of said newspapers above named will publish all such notices and advertisements as are by law required to be published in two papers at the legal rates allowed by law for the publication of such notices and advertisements, and all others at one-half legal rates so long as said newspapers shall be circulated in said county of Hamilton. $2. This act shall take effect immediately. |