Branco, Peter A. L., Crystal Spring Water Co., Inc., letter dated Brugenhemke, H. J., letter dated July 11, 1962_ Burbach, J. W., Burbach Elevator, letter dated July 13, 1962. Carbaugh, Harry C., Tennessee Egg Co., Inc., letter dated July 12, 689 Caruso, Philip P., secretary-treasurer, Southern Fruit Distributors, 688 Cohen, Frank, Cohen Bros. Fruit Co., letter dated July 13, 1962 Crass, M. F., Jr., secretary, Manufacturing Chemists' Association, Dennington, R. H., Lephiew Gin Co., letter dated July 23, 1962. Dennis, George W., St. Croix Storage & Transfer Co., letter dated Gory, Clinton M., general manager, Bibb Steel & Supply Co., Inc., 717 712 Gray, William L., Wm. L. Gray Co., letter dated July 20, 1962. 727 696 703 Harral, Philip W., president, Harral Foods Co., letter dated July 28, 721 Herod, N. E., traffic manager, Chattanooga Boiler & Tank Co., letter 705 Hipp, A. C., manager, A. C. Hipp Produce Co., letter dated August 31, 727 Hnilicka, Miss. E. E., letter dated July 13, 1962.. 709 Communications submitted to the committee-Continued Hollis, C. G., Viking Freight Co., letter dated August 10, 1962. Page 719 683 719 Howard, N. F., secretary and treasurer, Funk Manufacturing Co., 734 Kasper, Dick, Hartman Wholesale Co., letter dated July 17, 1962 Katzenbach, Nicholas de B., Deputy Attorney General, letter dated 726 Jaye, Lloyd, Jaye Manufacturing, Inc., letter dated August 23, 1962__ Johntz, J. H., Garvey Grain, Inc., letter dated August 7, 1962. 731 734 689 Maksik, S. A., Adobe Brick & Supply Co., letter dated August 8, 1962 Maphies, Eldon L., the Joplin Four States Supply Co., letter dated Marvin, C. W., C. W. Marvin Co., letter dated August 22, 1962- Mastin, Thomas I., executive vice president, M. M. Hedges Manufac- Mitchell, A. C., Jr., Eufaula Hardware Co., letter dated July 11, 1962. 710 713 161 Newcome, R. B., Pugh & Co., letter dated July 26, 1962. Nichols, Luther A., executive vice president, California Manufac- 690 707 Norton, C. Wilson, secretary, Southeast Construction Co., Inc., letter 699 O'Brien, Chas. A., president, Security Bonded Warehouse, Inc., letter 682 Patton, James G., president, National Farmers Union, telegram 677 Pauli, Charles W., manager, Southwestern Shippers Association, Inc., 727 Perry, Wade B., president, Barbour Chip Co. Inc., letter dated July 688 Petitfils, A. J., president, A. J. Warehouse, Inc., letter dated July 717 Page Communications submitted to the committee Continued Pommier, Mrs. W. M., letter dated July 12, 1962- 708 Potter, Minford E., secretary-treasurer, Carthage Marble Corp., 721 Reisz, A. I., manager, Ohio Valley Soybean Co-operative, letter 712 Richeson, Edward R., president, W. L. Richeson & Sons, Inc., letter Ritchie, H. D., president, Allen's, Inc., letter dated August 8, 1962. 733 735 701 Runge, W. H., Jr., vice president, Alabama Marble Co., letter dated 720 Rushton, D. C., Walton Seed Co., letter dated July 17, 1962- 714 697 Sauer, A. L., traffic manager, Des Moines Steel Co., letter dated 732 Schneikart, A. P., letter dated August 1, 1962. 722 720 Scruggs, H. W., manager, Maxwell Bros., Inc., letter dated July 12, 706 Shattuck, B. H., attorney, letter dated July 25, 1962, enclosing letter 718 Shaver, George H., chairman, Columbia Basin River Operators, letter 494 Sherber, Ray D., president, Brewton Chamber of Commerce, letter 716 Simkins, L. H., president, Simkins Seed Co., letter dated August 3, 725 Siskin, Garrison, Siskin Steel & Supply Co., letter dated July 16, 1962- 710 713 Smith, Verne P., president, University Avenue Coal Co., Inc., letter 723 Strang, R. M., Strang Grain Co., letter dated July 19, 1962_ 715 Taylor, Francis L., traffic manager, Anaheim Cold Storage, Inc., letter 689 Taylor, Thomas E., letter dated August 2, 1962__ 722 Templeton, R. L., TreeSweet Products Co., letter dated July 25, 1962.. 705 711 Triggs, Matt, assistant legislative director, American Farm Bureau 343 Tuck, A. D., manager, the Hankins Container Co., letter dated August 732 Turner, Dan O., general manager, Turner Clay Products Co., letter 717 Underwood, D. A., letter dated July 13, 1962- 708 Viviano, S. T., Viviano Enterprises, Inc., letter dated September 17, 682 Walker, John W., secretary-treasurer, Waynesboro Fertilizer Co., 725 Weaver, Fred D., Weaver & Co., letter dated July 12, 1962 717 1962_ 707 Wilke, W. D., vice president, Vegetable Oil Products Co., Inc., letter 684 Wilkins, J. S., Sylacauga Calcium Products Co., letter dated July 19, 1962. 713 Communications submitted to the committee-Continued Williams, J. Paul, executive secretary, Virginia State Poultry Federa- Williams, T. Y., T. Y. Williams Grain Co., letter dated July 18, 1962. Witherspoon, David, David Witherspoon, Inc., letter dated August 9, Wood, E. O., traffic manager, Imperial Sugar Co., letter dated August Page 693 712 711 705 729 Wright, C. H., vice president, Pope & Fleming, Inc., letter dated July 724 TRANSPORTATION ACTS AMENDMENTS-1962 TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1962 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE, Washington, D.C. The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 a.m., in room 1334, New House Office Building, Hon. Oren Harris (chairman of the committee) presiding. The CHAIRMAN. The committee will come to order. This morning the committee opens hearings on two bills, H.R. 11583 and H.R. 11584, which I introduced last month at the request of the Secretary of Commerce. (The bills referred to, H.R. 11583 and H.R. 11584, follow :) [H.R. 11583, 87th Cong., 2d sess.] A BILL To exempt certain carriers from minimum rate regulation in the transportation of bulk commodities, agricultural and fishery products, and passengers, and for other purposes Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) section 1 of the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended (49 U.S.C. 1), is amended by adding thereto a new paragraph (23) to read as follows: "(23) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, in the case of rates, fares, or charges for the transportation of (1) commodities in bulk which are loaded and carried without wrappers or containers and received and delivered by the carrier without transportation mark or count, or to the transportation of liquid commodities in bulk, (2) property consisting of ordinary livestock, fish (including shellfish), or agricultural (including horticultural) commodities (not including manufactured products thereof): Provided, That the words 'property consisting of ordinary livestock, fish (including shellfish), or agricultural (including horticultural) commodities (not including manufactured products thereof)' as used herein shall include property shown as 'exempt' in the 'commodity list' incorporated in ruling numbered 107, March 19, 1958, Bureau of Motor Carriers, Interstate Commerce Commission, but shall not include property shown therein as 'not exempt': Provided further, however, That notwithstanding the preceding proviso the words 'property consisting of ordinary livestock, fish (including shellfish), or agricultural (including horticultural) commodities (not including manufactured products thereof)' shall not be deemed to include frozen fruits, frozen berries, frozen vegetables, wool tops and noils, or wool waste (carded, spun, woven, or knitted), and shall be deemed to include cooked or uncooked (including breaded) fish or shellfish when frozen or fresh (but not including fish and shellfish which have been treated for preserving, such as canned, smoked, pickled, spiced, corned, or kippered products) or (3) passengers, by carriers subject to part I, II, III, or IV of this Act, the Commission shall have no authority or power to determine that such a rate, fare, or charge is lower than a reasonable minimum rate, fare, or charge. If any carrier or carriers exempted by the provisions of this paragraph from minimum rate regulation shall engage in any act, practice, or conduct or be a party to any arrangement, contract, combination, or conspiracy with respect to any rate, charge, or fare for transportation of any commodity referred to in this paragraph, or of passengers, in violation of the provisions of the antitrust laws, as designated in section 1 of the Act of October 15, 1914, entitled 'An Act to supplement existing laws against |