THE LIFE, AND POSTHUMOUS WRITINGS, OF WILLIAM COWPER, ESQR. WITH AN INTRODUCTORY LETTER, TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE EARL COWPER, BY WILLIAM HAYLEY, ESQR. "Obversatur oculis ille vir, quo neminen ætas nostra graviorem, sanctiorem, subtiliorem PLINII EPIST. Lib. 4. Ep. 17. VOL. I. SECOND EDITION. Chichester: PRINTED BY J. SEAGRAVE; FOR J. JOHNSON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD, LONDON, VVW CONTENTS The Life, Part the First The Family, Birth, and First Residence of CowperHis Eulogy on the Tenderness of his Mother, pages 1, 2, 3- Her Portrait-Her Epitaph by her Niece, 4, 5-The Schools that Cowper attended His sufferings in Childhood, 7, 8, 9-Leaves Westminster and is stationed in the house of an Attorney, 11-Verses on his early Afflictions, 12, 13-Settles in the Inner Temple - His Acquaintance with eminent Authors, 14- His Epistle to Lloyd, 15-His Translations in Duncombe's Horace, 19- His own Account of his early Life, 19-Stanzas on Reading Sir Charles Grandison, 20-Verses written at Bath, 1748-His Nomination to the Office of Reading Clerk in the House of Lords, 24- His extreme dread of appearing in Public, 25 His Health deranged - His Retirement to The origin of Cowper's Acquaintance with the Revd. Mr. Newton, 65-His Removal with Mrs. Unwin on the Death of her Husband to Olney in Buckinghamshire-His Devotion and A brief Account of the Revd. John Cowper, who died March 20, 1770-and the Tribute paid to The Collection of the Olney Hymns interrupted by the Illness of Cowper, page 86-His long and severe depression His tame Hares one of his first amusements on his revival, 89, 90- To |