FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Mass STATE BOARD OF HEALTH, LUNACY, AND CHARITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, TO WHICH IS ADDED A STATISTICAL APPENDIX, AND A MANUAL OF LAWS AND DECISIONS. JANUARY, 1883. BOSTON: WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, No. 18 POST OFFICE SQUARE. 1883. The Adulteration of Food and Drugs, lxi Over-crowding in Cities and Villages. Local Health Boards, lxii-lxiv The Public Institutions, lxiv-lxv The Duxbury Fertilizer Company, lxvi PART SECOND. - LUNACY, Ixvii-cii Statistics of the Insane in 1882, lxvii-lxxiii Location of the Massachusetts Insane, lxxiii-lxxv Capacity and Condition of the Hospitals, lxxv-lxxx lxxxi-cii lxxxi-xc lxxxi lxxxii lxxxiii lxxxv |