A COMPILATION OF THE LAWS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, LEASES, AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS, AND MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS, AFFECTING The Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago TOGETHER WITH A PREFATORY STATEMENT BY THE CHAIRMAN. COMPILED BY DIRECTION OF THE PURCHASING COMMITTEE. PUBLIC NEW YORK: JOHN POLHEMUS, PRINTER, 102 NASSAU STREET. 1875. ! CONTENTS. I. PAGE Original Plan of Reorganization of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad (adopted in 1860) - - - - - II. An Act to provide for the reorganization of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Com- pany. (Approved March 31, 1860) ---- An Act relating to Certain Corporations. (Ap- proved April 23, 1861.). A Supplement to the Reorganization Act of March 31, 1860, Providing for a Classification of Directors. (Approved February 3, 1869.) - . An Act supplementary to an Act relating to certain Corporations, approved the third day of April, Anno 33 |