Divina Commedia

Front Cover
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016 M06 30 - 452 pages
La Comedìa, conosciuta soprattutto come Commedia o Divina Commedia[1] è un poema di Dante Alighieri, scritto in terzine incatenate di versi endecasillabi, in lingua volgare fiorentina. Composta secondo i critici tra il 1304 e il 1321, anni del suo esilio in Lunigiana e Romagna, [2] la Commedia è l'opera più celebre di Dante, nonché una delle più importanti testimonianze della civiltà medievale; conosciuta e studiata in tutto il mondo, è ritenuta una delle più grandi opere della letteratura di tutti i tempi.[3] Il poema è diviso in tre parti, chiamate cantiche (Inferno, Purgatorio e Paradiso), ognuna delle quali composta da 33 canti (tranne l'Inferno, che contiene un ulteriore canto proemiale). Il poeta narra di un viaggio immaginario, ovvero di un Itinerarium Mentis in Deum[4], attraverso i tre regni ultraterreni che lo condurrà fino alla visione della Trinità. La sua rappresentazione immaginaria e allegorica dell'oltretomba cristiano è un culmine della visione medievale del mondo sviluppatasi nella Chiesa cattolica.

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About the author (2016)

Born Dante Alighieri in the spring of 1265 in Florence, Italy, he was known familiarly as Dante. His family was noble, but not wealthy, and Dante received the education accorded to gentlemen, studying poetry, philosophy, and theology. His first major work was Il Vita Nuova, The New Life. This brief collection of 31 poems, held together by a narrative sequence, celebrates the virtue and honor of Beatrice, Dante's ideal of beauty and purity. Beatrice was modeled after Bice di Folco Portinari, a beautiful woman Dante had met when he was nine years old and had worshipped from afar in spite of his own arranged marriage to Gemma Donati. Il Vita Nuova has a secure place in literary history: its vernacular language and mix of poetry with prose were new; and it serves as an introduction to Dante's masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, in which Beatrice figures prominently. The Divine Comedy is Dante's vision of the afterlife, broken into a trilogy of the Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise. Dante is given a guided tour of hell and purgatory by Virgil, the pagan Roman poet whom Dante greatly admired and imitated, and of heaven by Beatrice. The Inferno shows the souls who have been condemned to eternal torment, and included here are not only mythical and historical evil-doers, but Dante's enemies. The Purgatory reveals how souls who are not irreversibly sinful learn to be good through a spiritual purification. And The Paradise depicts further development of the just as they approach God. The Divine Comedy has been influential from Dante's day into modern times. The poem has endured not just because of its beauty and significance, but also because of its richness and piety as well as its occasionally humorous and vulgar treatment of the afterlife. In addition to his writing, Dante was active in politics. In 1302, after two years as a priore, or governor of Florence, he was exiled because of his support for the white guelfi, a moderate political party of which he was a member. After extensive travels, he stayed in Ravenna in 1319, completing The Divine Comedy there, until his death in 1321.

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