LAWS OF DELAWARE. TITLE FIRST. Of the Jurisdiction and Property of the State; its Legislation and Laws. CHAPTER 1. OF LIMITS. AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to divide South Murderkill Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met : Hundred SECTION I. That Section 2, Chapter 450, Volume 18, South Laws of Delaware, be and is hereby amended by striking out Murderkill. the last sentence of the said section: "And be it further pro- divided into vided that in the election of Assessor the districts shall be two election represented alternately." Passed at Dover, April 8, 1895. districts. 4 OF THE STATE LIBRARY. Commis pointed. Addition to CHAPTER 2. OF THE STATE LIBRARY. AN ACT providing for an Addition to the State Library Building. WHEREAS, The present building used for a State Library is entirely inadequace for the purpose for which it is used; and inasmuch as it will not hold the valuable books belonging to the State; and WHEREAS, It is the duty of the State to preserve for the future the books in the library from destruction and decay; therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: SECTION I. That John Pyle and William T. Records, sioners ap- John W. Jolls and H. H. McMullen, be and they are hereby nominated, constituted and appointed commissioners on the part of the State, whose duty it shall be to have erected at the end of the east wing of the State House an additional room or rooms forty feet long and the width of said east wing of the State House at a cost not to exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars ($1,000). The commissioners hereby appointed shall have all needful power and authority therefor, including the rearrangement of the interior of the present Powers of library building as well as the building to. be erected They Cost. Commissioners. lowest bidder. Accounts of commis shall advertise for proposals for all work required for the erection of said building and rearrangement of the present buildContract to ing and award the contract therefor to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders, and they shall render their accounts of expenditures, together with a full report of all their proceedand report ings, to the next General Assembly; the accounts in the sioners. meantime to be presented to the State Auditor for settlement. The acts of a majority of said commissioners shall be as valid as if agreed upon by all, and they shall be paid for their sertion to com- vices a reasonable compensation to be allowed at the next session of the General Assembly. In case of a vacancy in the Vacancy. Board by a refusal to act, absence, sickness or otherwise, the Governor shall have power from time to time to fill such State Compensa missioners. May draw on State vacancy. SECTION 2. That the commissioners shall from time time Treasurer. have power to draw upon the State Treasurer for such sum OF THE PASSING AND PUBLICATION OF LAWS. or sums of money as they may deem necessary to complete the work; provided such sum or sums in the aggregate shall not exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000). State SECTION 3. That the State Treasurer be and he is hereby Duty of authorized, empowered and directed to pay out of any moneys Treasurer. in the treasury not otherwise appropriated the sum authorized to be expended under the provisions of this act and present his vouchers to the committee appointed to settle with the State Treasurer in January, 1896, or to the next General Assembly. Passed at Dover, May 8, 1895. CHAPTER 3. OF THE PASSING AND PUBLICATION OF LAWS. AN ACT to revive and extend the time of Recording Private Acts. WHEREAS, By Section 3 of Chapter 4 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware, it is provided that private statutes (namely, such as are not of a public nature or published as such) shall be recorded in the Recorder's office in one of the counties of this State within twelve months after their passage or they shall be void; and WHEREAS, A number of the private and unpublished acts heretofore passed have been allowed to become void through ignorance of the aforesaid enactment; therefore, for the purpose of relieving the parties interested of the embarrassments and disappointments arising from such neglect in the premises; therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of.Delaware in General Assembly met (twothirds of each branch concurring therein): enacted. SECTION I. That all unpublished acts heretofore passed Certain void that have become void on account of not being duly recorded acts rea in compliance with the provisions aforesaid and that have not by special acts been repealed or become void by lapse of 6 Acts done under void acts made OF THE PASSING AND PUBLICATION OF LAWS. the time for which they were limited, be and the same are hereby severally renewed and re-enacted, and together with the provisions therein contained are respectively declared to be in full force for the period mentioned in the original acts, and all acts and transactions done and performed under the provisions of said acts respectively shall have the same force and effect, and be as valid to all intents and purposes as if the said acts had been severally recorded according to law. Provided, that this enactment shall not take effect in the case of any act that has become void as aforesaid until a cerWhen certified copy thereof, procured of the Secretary of State, shall of void act is be duly recorded in the Recorder's office of one of the counrecorded. ties of this State; and provided further, that no such copy valid. tified copy of a voided act shall be received for record after the expiration of one year from the passage of this act. SECTION 2. That this act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act and be published as such. Passed at Dover, April 2, 1895. TITLE SECOND. Of the Public Revenue; and the Assessment, Collection and Appropriation of Taxes. CHAPTER 4. OF THE LEVY COURT A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT to an act entitled "An act authorizing the Levy Court of New Castle County to make a loan for the benefit of the Trustees of the Poor of New Castle County," passed March 30th, 1883. benefit of Poor of WHEREAS, The trustees appointed and acting under and Trustees of pursuant to the act to which this is a supplement and prior the loan for supplements thereto which have been heretofore passed have of Trustees nearly concluded their labors and performed their duties as New Castle prescribed in and by said act and supplements and will shortly desire to render a final accounting of their trust; and WHEREAS, The details of their duties may require more time to conclude than is at present allowed them and there is no person or body expressly provided to whom their accounts shall be rendered and by whom their vouchers shall be audited and such accounts passed; and WHEREAS, There will likely remain in the hands of said trustees a sum of money which they will be unable to apply to the purchase or redemption of the bonds of New Castle county by reason of the non-maturity of said bonds (all bonds which have matured to this time having been paid and a considerable number of bonds not yet due having been paid before maturity); now therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: County. SECTION I. That the time limited by the acts above Time recited shall be and the same is hereby further extended for extended. |