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award to

and place they shall assess the damages of the owner or owners, making the same at least the cash value of the land taken, and they shall certify their award to both parties, To certify owners and commissioners of said United School Districts, parties. whereupon upon payment of the damages so assessed the said land so taken shall become and be the property of the said United School Districts for the purpose aforesaid.

into bank.

SECTION 2. That in case any such owner or owners of said Damages lands so selected be a minor, or non-resident, or from any may be paid cause incapable of receiving, or unwilling or neglecting to When. receive, the said damages, the said school commissioners may deposit the same, to the credit of such owner or owners, in the Farmers' Bank of the State of Delaware, or any branch thereof, and such deposit shall operate as payment.

and plot


SECTION 3. That the commissioners appointed by this act site to be shall, after they have condemned or selected a site as afore- surveyed said, have the same surveyed, a plot thereof made, represent- made and ing the courses and distances, and attach or append the same to a written report to be by them made, of their proceedings, and file the same in the office of the Recorder of Deeds, there to be by him recorded.

penses of be raised by

SECTION 4. That the school commissioners of said United Damages School Districts shall levy a separate and distinct tax upon and exall the taxables of said United Districts, and in the same new site to manner as school taxes are generally assessed, for the pur- separate pose of paying the award for damages and the necessary ex- tax. penses incurred by virtue of this act.

sioners may

SECTION 5. That the commissioners appointed by this Commis act are hereby authorized to administer to each other the administer oath to perform their duty with fidelity.

SECTION 6. That this act shall be deemed and taken to

be a public act.

Passed at Dover, April 12, 1895.

oath to each other.


New school district created.




AN ACT to create an Additional School District in Sussex County,

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

SECTION I. That there shall be and hereby is laid off from School Districts Nos. 71 and 138, of Sussex county, the following parts included within these lines, to wit: Beginning. at the point on the Delaware Railroad south of Cannon's Station, where said railroad intersects the branch leading to the mill pond of M. W. Hearn; thence in an easterly, northerly and westerly direction, following the run of said branch until it strikes the Delaware Railroad north of said Cannon's Station; thence crossing said railroad in a westerly, southerly and easterly direction with a line which includes the farms of Burton Layton, lately deceased, James Friedef, Charles Friedef, John B. Allen, J. Wilber Allen, John T. Wootten, and lands of others, to the place of beginning, and the parts included within the said limits shall be a separate school disTo be num-trict-that is to say, School District No. 1381⁄2 in Sussex bered 138 county-and shall have and enjoy all the powers and privileges of an original school district in Sussex county, and all the laws of this State applicable to the school districts of the State generally shall apply to the said district No. 1381⁄2, so applicable. laid off.

General school law

First meet

Saturday in

SECTION. 2. And be it further enacted, That the school ing first voters of the said district shall meet on the first Saturday in June, 1895. June next at the storehouse of H. C. Adams and choose a clerk to serve for three years, and two commissioners, one to serve for two years and one to serve for one year, or until of com- their successors are duly elected, and may do and perform any missioners. other act or acts that the voters of any school district in said county may lawfully do.


Term of



sioners to

SECTION 3. And be it further enacted, That said commissioners so elected shall be authorized and empowered to select select site a site and build a schoolhouse for said district not to cost schoolhouse over three hundred and fifty dollars and for that purpose shall ceed $50. levy a tax over and above the amount now required by law, to

and build

not to ex


funds to


be raised in the following manner, to wit: One hundred Manner of
dollars thereof the first year, and fifty dollars each succeed-raising
ing year until said schoolhouse is paid for; and shall also be meet same.
authorized and empowered to execute and deliver, as commis- May borrow
sioners of said district, for the purpose of obtaining the money
to build said schoolhouse at once, a judgment bond for the
amount required, not exceeding the amount hereinbefore men-
tioned as the cost of said schoolhouse. Said bond to be a
lien on said schoolhouse and to be payable on terms in
accordance to the provisions for the levying of the tax for the
building as herein before provided for, and said bond is only to
be a lien against said district and not against the parties sign-
ing it as commissioners.




SECTION 4. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary Duty of
of State be and is hereby directed to notify the Clerk of the of State.
Peace of Sussex county of the passage of this act.
Passed at Dover, April 19, 1895.



AN ACT for the relief of United School Districts 125 and 171 in Sussex


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

May dispose

and erect a

SECTION I. That the school committee of United School Districts Nos. 125 and 171 in Sussex county, or their suc- of old cessors in office, be and they are hereby directed, authorized school house and empowered to dispose of the old schoolhoues of the new one. said United School Districts to the highest bidder at public sale, and to erect and build or cause to be erected and built in the place thereof and on the same lot of land and premises a suitable new school building for the use of the said United School Districts, at a cost not to exceed the sum of eight Cost not hundred dollars in addition to the moneys that derived from the sale of the said old schoolhouse.

*So enrolled.

to exceed

may be $800 in ad

dition to
proceeds of
old house.

[ocr errors]

ing $800.


May borrow SECTION 2. That the said school committee is hereby not exceed further authorized and empowered to borrow. any sum of money, not exceeding eight hundred dollars, for the purpose of carrying into execution the provisions of Section of this act, and are hereby further authorized to borrow the same at one time, or at different times in different sums, of one or more individuals; provided, that in the whole they shall not borrow more than eight hundred dollars for the purpose aforesaid.

Loan, how secured.

SECTION 3. That for the purpose of securing to the loaner or loaners the payment of the money so to be borrowed under the provisions of this act, with the interest thereon, the said committee is authorized and empowered to make, execute and deliver to the loaner or loaners the bond or bonds or a mortgage or mortgages upon any or all the real estate owned by said United Districts at the time of the execution thereof, which bond or bonds or mortgage or mortgages shall be signed by the school committee and shall be sealed by the seal of the said United School Districts hereinafter provided for; such bond or bonds or mortgage or mortPayable in gages shall be made to become due and payable in eight eight equal annual equal annual instalments, and the accrued interest on the stalments. whole sum unpaid, and shall bear interest at any rate not exceeding six per centum per annum.

May collect additional taxes to meet pay




SECTION 4. That for the purpose of raising the funds necessary to pay the money authorized to be borrowed by this act, with its interest, the school committee of the said United School Districts is hereby authorized and empowered to levy, raise and collect in each year, as now provided by law, in addition to the amount required to be raised for general school purposes, such sum as shall be necessary to pay each annual instalment of the amount which shall be borrowed under this act, with the accrued interest on the whole sum unpaid.

SECTION 5. That to enable the said school committee to properly execute the bond or bonds, mortgage or mortgages, contemplated by this act, the said committee is hereby authorized and required to procure a common seal with the device "United School Districts Nos. 125 and 171 in Sussex County, Del.", thereon marked or engraved, which seal shall be affixed to the said bond or bonds, mortgage or mortgages, at the time they are executed.

* So enrolled.


Proceeds of


SECTION 6. That the proceeds of the sale of the old schoolhouse now belonging to the said United School Dis- sale of old tricts shall be applied to the payment of the cost of erecting said new schoolhouse or to the payment of the money borrowed under this act.

SECTION 7. That this act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act.

Passed at Dover, April 23, 1895.

to be ap

plied to cost of new.



AN ACT [to] transfer the farm of John Soreath from School District No. 103, New Castle County, to School District No. 92, same County.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

Farm of John

from dis

SECTION I. That the farm of John Soreath, now situated Soreath in School District No. 103 in New Castle county, be and transferred the same is hereby transferred from said district No. 103, and triet No. 103 shall hereafter constitute a part of school district No. 92 in No. 92. said county.

SECTION 2. That from and after the passage of this act the aforesaid farm shall be assessed for school purposes in the said School District No. 92 of New Castle county.


be a public act.

That this act shall be deemed and taken to

Passed at Dover, April 15, 1895.

to district

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