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School Districts Nos.

187 con



AN ACT to consolidate School Districts Nos. 99, 164 and 187 in Sussex
County, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met (twothirds of each branch of the Legislature concurring therein):

SECTION 1. That School Districts Nos. 99, 164 and 187, 99, 164 and in Sussex county, as now bounded or as they may hereafter solidated. be bounded, be and they are hereby consolidated and united, and they are hereby incorporated into one consolidated disManaged trict, to be governed and managed by a Board of Education, Education. consisting of five members, to be elected as hereinafter provided.

by Board of


SECTION 2. That from and after the passage of this act there shall be established in and for said consolidated disStyle of cor-tricts a Board of Education to be styled "Bethel Public Schools", whose design and purpose shall be the direction, management and superintendence of the education of the youth in said consolidated districts between the ages of six and twenty-one years, and generally to do all other matters and things necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this


School age.

Members of
Board of



SECTION 3. That the following named citizens of the said Education. consolidated districts, viz: John M. C. Moore, James B. Conoway, William J. Hopkins, James H. Wright and Harvey L. Spicer, and their successors, as hereinafter provided, shall constitute the said board, and under the name and style aforesaid shall be and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate for the purposes aforesaid, and as such shall have full power and authority to devise, establish and modify from time to time a plan and system of education for the youth between the ages aforesaid in the said consolidated districts, and to superintend the same; to appoint, suspend and remove teachers, and provide school houses; to make by-laws, rules and regulations for their own government and for the government of the teachers under their superintendence; to designate and elect officers of the said board, and to fill vacancies, in any manner caused, until the next election for members of the board; and to take, acquire, re


ceive, hold and enjoy, for the purposes aforesaid, moneys and real and personal estate, by bargain and sale, gift, grant, contract, devise or bequest; and that they, as such body corporate, by the name and style aforesaid, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, complain, answer and defend in any court of law or equity in this State or elsewhere, and have and use a common seal, with power to alter or renew Seal. the same at pleasure; and shall generally have and possess General all the rights, powers, privileges and franchises incident to a powers. corporation, and necessary and convenient for carrying out the purposes of this act.


tion for

Board of

election on

day in June

sation to


SECTION 4. That the persons named as corporators in this Members of act shall constitute the Board of Education until the last Saturday in June, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. The first election for members of the Board of Education shall take place on the last Saturday of June, First elecA. D. 1895, at which two persons shall be elected to serve members of for the term of one year, two for the term of two years, and Education. one for the term of three years, and on the last Saturday in Terms. June annually thereafter to fill vacancies caused by the limi- Annual tation to the terms of office prescribed, or in any manner last Saturwhatsoever. The election shall be held in the afternoon, en held. the polls opened at one o'clock, or within thirty minutes thereafter, and closed at four o'clock. The members shall No compennot receive pay or emolument, nor be allowed any compen- members of sation for their services, except the secretary, who may be Secretary allowed an amount not exceeding twenty dollars in any one may be year, at the discretion of the board. The board shall elect sated. one of their number president, who shall be the presiding President officer of said board, and shall also elect a secretary and a tary of treasurer, who may or may not be a member or members of Board. said board. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be held by the same person. The board shall appoint the place of holding the annual or any special election, and give Notice of notice thereof ten days previous to the time of holding said annual or election by handbills, under the signature of the secretary of election. the board, posted in five of the most public places of the said Majority of consolidated districts. A majority of the votes legally cast votes cast at said election shall be necessary to elect, and the election General shall be held in conformity to the general school laws of the school law State and certified to as thereby required. A majority of the election and board shall constitute a quorum at meetings of said board. Quorum. SECTION 5. That all the property, real and personal, and


and secre


to elect.

to govern certification

old dis



Property of all unpaid taxes belonging to any of the said school districts tricts to be hereby consolidated, shall belong to and become vested in vestedistrict the said consolidated district hereby incorporated, and that the said Board of Education shall have power and authority sell property to sell, either at public or private sale, and either for cash or to districts upon credit, as they may deem best, and to convey by good hereby con- and sufficient deed or deeds any real estate now belonging to

Power to



Board to purchase site and

solidated. any of the said districts hereby consolidated and to apply how applied the proceeds of said sale or sales to the purchase of a site for and the erection of a new school building for said consolidated district. And the said Board of Education is hereby expressly empowered to purchase a site within the erect school limits of said consolidated district and to erect thereon a suitable school building for the use of the said consolidated district; provided, that in case they are unable to purchase said site, and should have to appeal to the Levy Court to appoint commissioners to select a site, said commissioners so appointed shall have and are hereby given power to select a site not exceeding five acres in quantity.


Unless acgrant, site

quired by not to ex

ceed five acres.

Board may

use money

taxes of in

districts or

sale of property.


ceed $3000.

SECTION 6. That it shall be lawful for the said Board of or unpaid Education, and they are hereby expressly authorized and emdividual powered to use, in the purchase of a suitable site and the proceeds of erection of a school building thereon, any money or moneys that may be in the hands of any of the officers of any of the districts hereby consolidated and any taxes now unpaid, May borrow and to borrow a sum of money which, together with the surplus money and unpaid taxes and the moneys arising from the sale or sales of the real estate of the districts hereby consolidated, as herein before authorized to be made, shall be equal to the entire cost of the said site and building so Not to ex- authorized to be erected thereon; provided, however, that the sum so borrowed as aforesaid does not exceed the sum of three thousand dollars, and the sum so borrowed shall be cured and made payable in twenty equal annual installments, and be secured by bond, or bond and mortgage, bearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, which said bond, or bond and mortgage, shall be signed by the president of the said Board of Education and attested by the secretary, and have the common seal of the said corporation thereto affixed. SECTION 7. That it shall be lawful for the said Board of Education to levy and collect, in like manner as school taxes are now or may hereafter be levied and collected, such sum of money as shall, in their judgment, be sufficient to carry on the schools in said consolidated districts, and also such

How se


Power of
Board to


taxes for school




additional sum of money as will be sufficient to pay off the annual interest and installments mentioned in Section 6 of this act; provided, that the sum so raised for the purpose of Not exceedcarrying on the schools as aforesaid shall not exceed the sum ing 8500 of five hundred dollars in any one year.


and officers

take oath of


SECTION 8. That each member of the Board of Education, Members and each officer by them appointed, before entering upon of board to the duties of his office, shall take an oath or affirmation to e. perform the same diligently and faithfully, according to the best of his knowledge and judgment. Such oath or affirma- By whom tion may be administered by the president or any member of adminis said board, as well as by any officer authorized by law to administer oaths.



SECTION 9. That the treasurer, before entering upon the Treasurer duties of his office, shall give bond to said board, with suffi- to give cient surety, for the faithful application of all moneys which may come into his hands as such treasurer.

SECTION IO. That this act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act.

Passed at Dover, March 6, 1895.



A SUPPLEMENT to the Act entitled "An act to establish a Board of Education for the Town of Lewes, and to incorporate the Same and for other Purposes," being Chapter 53, Volume 15, Delaware Laws.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, as follows:

SECTION 1. Every part of the original charter of said All laws Board of Education, and of the supplements thereto, now in relative to force, as well all and every the provisions of all and every wes

Board of


renewed and ex

tended for

20 years.


the acts of the General Assembly of the State of Delaware as are now in force, whereby any right, power, franchises, privilege or immunity is granted to or vested in the said corporation, be and the same are hereby extended and continued in force for the period of twenty years from and after the eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, and the said corporation shall, during the said term, have, hold, enjoy and possess all and every the franchises, powers, rights, privileges and immunities which are now vested in and enjoyed by the said corporation by any law of the State of Delaware. SECTION 2. That this act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act.

Passed at Dover, March 26, 1895.

sioners to




AN ACT to enable United School Districts Nos. 44 and 150, Sussex
County, to secure a School Lot and Title to the same.

WHEREAS, It appears that United School Districts Nos. 44 and 150, of Sussex county, has no title to the land upon which the school building now stands nor to the school lot formerly used and occupied as a school lot, and that the owners of the lands refuse to sell and convey the same necessary for the needs and uses thereof; therefore

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives [of the State of Delaware] in General Assembly met, as follows:

Commis- SECTION I. That Isaac N. Fooks, John C. Rodney and select lot for Thomas S. Lambden, freeholders, are hereby appointed comand assess missioners and authorized to locate and select a site for a damages. school lot in said school districts of not less than one nor more than two acres, the same to be so fixed and located so as to embrace or include the schoolhouse as the same is now fixed and located in said districts. And at the same time

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