OF FREE SCHOOLS. trict to purchase a plot of land and erect thereon a suitable building in which to hold a public school; and WHEREAS, It became necessary for the commissioners of said district to borrow the money and give bond for the same in their individual names; therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: school and col SECTION I. That for the purpose of raising the funds Additional necessary to pay the money borrowed, with the accrued inter-authorit est, according to the said bond, the said school commissioners to be levied of said school district, or their successors in office, are lected. hereby authorized, empowered and required to annually levy and collect, or cause to be collected, as now provided by law, in addition to the amount now required to be raised for general school purposes, such sums as shall be necessary to pay each annual installment on the amount borrowed, with the interest on the whole sum unpaid; provided, however, that in no Limited one year the said school committee shall levy and collect, or cause to be collected, for this purpose, more than one hundred and fifty dollars. SECTION 2. That this shall be deemed and taken to be a public act. Passed at Dover, February 16, 1895. to $150. CHAPTER 20. OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT to renew and re-enact an act entitled "An act to establish a Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met (twothirds of each branch concurring therein): Act estab Board of SECTION I. That the act entitled "An act to establish a lishing Board of Education for the city of New Castle, and to incor- Education porate the same, and for other purposes," passed at Dover, Castle reMarch 10th, 1875, and the several amendments and supple-newed and for New re-enacted. OF FREE SCHOOLS. ments thereto, be and the same are hereby renewed and reenacted, and the corporation thereby created, with all the privileges, rights, franchises and powers granted by said act and the several amendments and supplements thereto, shall have succession and continuance in force until revoked by the Legislature. SECTION 2. This act shall be deemed to be a public act and for public improvement. Passed at Dover, March 9, 1895. Newport public corporated. Education. CHAPTER 21. OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT to consolidate and incorporate United School Districts Nos. 21 and 97 in New Castle County. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met (twothirds of each branch thereof concurring): SECTION 1. That from and after the passage of this act schools in School Districts Nos. 21 and 97 in New Castle county shall, by the boundaries of said districts as now established, be consolidated and incorporated under the name and style of "Newport Public Schools," and shall be governed by a Board of Education consisting of three members, as follows, Members of Viz: Joseph W. H. Watson, Thomas D. Lynum and Francis. Board of T. Jones, who shall serve until their successors shall be elected as hereinafter provided, and that under the name and style aforesaid the said board shall be a body corporate and Powers of shall have full power and authority to establish and modify, from time to time, a system of education for the children of school age within the above-named consolidated districts; to makes rules for their own government and the government of the scholars and teachers under their superintendence; to adopt a corporate seal; to elect, as soon after the passage of President this act as practicable, one of their own members as president, and one as secretary and treasurer of the board. board. Seal. and sec retary. OF FREE SCHOOLS. The secretary and treasurer shall give bond for the faithful Secretary performance of his office in such amount as the board may and treasdeem sufficient. urer to give bond. The board shall also have power at any time to fill such Vacancies. vacancies as may occur until the regular time for holding school elections in this State. election members of SECTION 2. The first election under this act shall be held First on the last Saturday in June next, 1895, at which time one person shall be elected to serve for the term of one year, Term of one person to serve for the term of two years, and one office of person to serve for the term of three years, as members board. of the Board of Education aforesaid, and all vacancies caused by expiration of the term of office or otherwise shall be filled at the annual school election to be held thereafter at the time and according to the provisions of the school laws of the State of Delaware, and on the Monday following each Time of annual election the Board of Education shall meet and board for organize as provided by Section 1 of this act. meeting of organiza tion. levied. termined SECTION 3; That the tax payers shall determine at each Amount of annual election the amount of taxes, provided it is not in- taxes to be consistent with the school laws of the State, which will be necessary to be levied, in addition to the dividends now How dereceived by each of said districts out of the school fund of and col the State apportioned to New Castle county for the mainte-lected.. nance of schools in said consolidated school district, and that the Board of Education shall have all the powers conferred Other upon the commissioners of other districts for the collection board. of taxes, and shall have the right to draw the dividends due from the State as drawn by other districts consolidated in like manner. be dis SECTION 4. That for the purpose of providing new and bet- Old schoolter school accommodations it shall and may be lawful for the house may Board of Education aforesaid to dispose of the old school- posed of. house of said united district at either public or private sale, as they may think best, and to purchase a new lot and build New lot a schoolhouse thereon, or repair and build to the schoolhoused house already built; and for the payment of the same the said provided. Board of Education is hereby further authorized and em- May borrow powered to borrow any sum of money which in their discre- exceeding tion may be needed, provided the whole amount borrowed $7,000. shall not exceed the sum of seven thousand dollars. be money not SECTION 5. That for the purpose of securing to the loaner How loan or loaners the payment of the moneys so to be borrowed under secured. may be Bond. OF FREE SCHOOLS. the provisions of this act, with interest thereon, the Board of Education of "Newport Public Schools" is hereby further authorized and empowered to make, execute and deliver to the said loaner or loaners, the coupon or registered bonds of the said "Newport Public Schools," in such denominations Contents of, as they may think proper; which bonds shall be signed by the President of the Board of Education and sealed with the corporate seal and attested by the secretary thereof, and shall bear interest, not exceeding six per centum per annum, and shall be redeemable in one year, at the option of the board, and payable in twenty years from date. Mortgage. How executed. The said bonds may be further secured by a general mort-gage of any or all of the real estate owned by the said United School Districts Nos. 21 and 97, at the time of the execution thereof; which said mortgage shall be signed by the President of the Board of Education, sealed with the corporate seal and attested by the secretary thereof, and shall proContents of. vide the right to issue scire facias in sixty days default of payment of any principal or interest after the same shall have become due; the said bond or bonds may be with or without warrant of attorney for the confession of judgment. At least $200 to be redeemed each year. taxes may Not less than two hundred dollars of said bonds shall be redeemed each year. SECTION 6. That for the purpose of raising the funds necessary to be borrowed under this act, with the interest thereon, and the expenses of procuring this act, the said "Newport. Public Schools" is hereby further authorized and empowered. Additional to assess, raise and collect, as now provided by law, within the said United School Districts Nos. 21 and 97, in addition to the amount authorized to be raised by the voters at any school election, and in addition to the dividends received from the State as aforesaid, such further sum or sums of money as shall be necessary and sufficient to meet the interest on the money authorized to be borrowed under this act, and to pay the principal as the same shall mature. be levied and collected. Act per General SECTION 7. That this act shall be deemed and taken to be petual. a public act, and shall be perpetual, and all laws of this State See applicable to free schools, and not inconsistent or in conflict applicable. with the provisions of this act, shall be applicable to the said consolidated districts. Passed at Dover, April 3, 1895. OF FREE SCHOOLS. CHAPTER 22. OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT to authorize the Board of Public Education of Marshallton School Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met (twothirds of each branch concurring): may borrow erecting nishing new SECTION 1. That "The Board of Public Education of MarshallMarshallton," embracing United embracing United School Districts 77, 99 ton school and 991⁄2, in New Castle county, is hereby authorized and $1000 for empowered to borrow money to an amount not exceeding the and fursum of one thousand dollars, for the purpose of paying for the schoolhouse erection and furnishing of the new schoolhouse in said. united district, and the said board shall have full power and authority to make, execute and deliver its bond, or bond and secured. mortgage, to secure the payment of the sum or sums so borrowed. SECTION 2. That this act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act. Passed at Dover, April 29, 1895. Loan how |