enclose same. Proviso. Duncan avenue vacated. adjacent land may enclose same. OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. owners of the fee of the land over which or through which the said road hereby vacated runs or passes, are hereby authorized to enclose and hold the same; provided, that no portion of the said road hereby vacated shall be closed until "A" street shall be opened for public travel. SECTION 2. That Duncan avenue, extending from "G" street to the Christiana River, be and the same is hereby Owners of vacated, and the owners of the fee of the land over which or through which the said avenue hereby vacated runs or passes are hereby authorized to enclose and hold the same. That "G" street from its intersection with "G" street Christiana avenue easterly toward the Delaware River, be and the same is hereby vacated, and the owners of the fee of the land over which or through which the said road hereby vacated runs or passes are hereby authorized to enclose and hold the same. Portions of vacated. Owners of adjacent land may enclose same. SECTION 3. Passed at Dover, April 13, 1895. CHAPTER 97. OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. AN ACT in relation to "D" Street in the City of Wilmington. WHEREAS, The board of directors of the Street and Sewer Department did on the sixth day of March, A. D. 1888, pass a resolution that "D" street from Market street causeway to Christiana avenue, in the City of Wilmington, shall be sixty feet wide, and its centre line shall be parallel with that of "C" street and four hundred and seventy feet southerly therefrom, thereby reducing the width of said street five feet on each side thereof; and it having since been ascertained that this act of changing the width of said street should have been done through and by an act of the Legislature of the State of Delaware; now therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met (twothirds of each branch concurring therein): SECTION I. That "D" street in the City of Wilmington OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. "D" street shall be sixty feet wide from Market street causeway to Change in Christiana avenue, with the centre line of said street parallel by Street to and at the distance of four hundred and seventy feet south- Departerly from the centre line of "C" street. SECTION 2. That this act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Passed at Dover, April 13, 1895. and Sewer ment made valid. CHAPTER 98. OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. Entitled AN ACT appointing a Commission to consider the question of Municipal Government so far as it relates to the City of Wilmington, defining the duties and powers of said Commission. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: question of govern SECTION I. That Daniel W. Taylor, William D. Mullen, comAlfred D. Warner and John S. Rossell, citizens and tax- mission. payers of the City of Wilmington, be and they are hereby constituted and appointed a commission to consider the ques- To consider tion of municipal government so far as it relates to said city. municipal It shall be the duty of said commission to carefully investi- ment for gate said question and submit to the General Assembly at its. next session a full report of such investigation, with recom- Report to mendations respecting any changes in the existing system of General government for said city that may be deemed right and with recomproper. Wilming ton. Assembly mendations for change. in com SECTION 2. That in case of a vacancy in said commis- Vacancy sion the remaining members shall fill such vacancy by mission. appointment from among the citizens and taxpayers of said city. SECTION 3. That the members of said commission shall compensareceive such compensation for their services and shall be tion." OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. allowed such amount for their expenses as the General Mayor and ton may $50,000 for CHAPTER 99. OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT to "An act to provide for Public Parks for the use of the citizens of Wilmington and its vicinity", passed March 13th, 1883. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met (twothirds of each branch herein concurring): SECTION I. That the Mayor and Council of Wilmington Wilming are hereby empowered, under an ordinance or ordinances of borrow not the City Council to be passed with the concurrence of twoexceeding thirds of all the members thereof, to borrow a sum or sums purchase of not exceeding in the aggregate fifty thousand dollars to be to parks. applied and expended under the charge of the Board of Park Commissioners of the said city in the purchase or acquisition, in the manner authorized by the act to which this is a supplement, of lands to be used as additions to said parks. additions Bonds, how issued. Not less than $15,000 SECTION 2. That the bonds of the City of Wilmington authorized to be issued under the provisions of this act shall be issued, and payment made in the manner provided by an act passed at Dover, February 9th, 1855, entitled "An act to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the city debt of Wilmington, and the various amendments and supplements thereto. SECTION 3. That the amounts to be appropriated in pursuance of Section of the act to which this is a supplement in any one shall not be less than fifteen thousand dollars for any one to be used year. fiscal year. 4. Passed at Dover, April 27, 1895. OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. CHAPTER 100. OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. AN ACT to vacate Brobson's Lane in the City of Wilmington. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives [of the State of Delaware] in General Assembly met: lane to be when Scott SECTION I. That a lane situated in the City of Wilming- Brobson's ton extending from Pennsylvania avenue to Eleventh street vacated and known as Brobson's lane shall be vacated when Scott street is street extending from Pennsylvania avenue to Eleventh opened. street in said city shall be opened and free for travel. lands to en SECTION 2. The lane when vacated shall belong to and Owners of become the property of the respective owners of real estate adjacent adjacent thereto, each of the said owners having respectively close same.. the ownership therein the width of his front to the middle line of said lane. Passed at Dover, April 27, 1895. CHAPTER 101. OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. AN ACT to further amend the Charter of the City of Wilmington. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met (twothirds of each branch concurring): mington SECTION I. That the boundaries of the City of Wilming- Boundaries ton be further extended so as to include the territory bounded of Wiland described as follows, viz: Beginning at a point where extended. the northeasterly boundary line of the City of Wilmington Territory intersects the northerly side of Wooddale avenue extended at included. right angles to Thirty-second street, as laid down on the city map; thence northeasterly along the northerly side of Wooddale avenue extended at right angles with Thirty-second Jurisdic authorities to new OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. street as aforesaid, twelve hundred and twenty feet (1220) to a point; thence southeasterly by a line measured at right angles to the first-described line, crossing the Philadelphia and Wilmington Turnpike road at a point about six hundred and thirty feet (630) east of the present city line at intersection of Market street and Eastlawn avenue, to a point where it intersects the present city line at or near the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad; thence northwesterly along said present city line by its various courses to the place of beginning. SECTION 2. Within the limits of the City of Wilmington, tion of city extended by this act, the Mayor and Council of Wilmington extended shall be vested with all power, rights, privileges and immuniterritory. ties which before this time belonged to them as a municipal corporation, and all the laws, ordinances and regulations in force within the former city limits, and not locally inapplicable, shall be extended and applied to the new territory comprised within the boundaries as set forth in the first section of this act. Assessment of taxes. SECTION 3. The real estate by this act added to and included within the city limits, and all persons now or hereafter residing within said new boundaries, shall be subject to assessment for municipal taxes in the same manner and subject to the same rights, rules and restrictions as in other cases within the said city; provided the real estate by this act added to and included within the city limits and all persons now or hereafter residing within said new boundaries shall be subject to assessment for municipal taxes in the same manner and subject to the same rights, rules and restrictions as in For 5 years other cases within the said city; provided, however, that the taxes to be rate of taxation of said real estate shall be for the period of fourth rate. five years ensuing the passage of this act at one-quarter the For ensuing rate of taxation on city property generally and for the ensuing five years at five years thereafter at one-half rate and thereafter at full rate. rate, and The new territory hereby added to the said City of Wilmingat full rate. ton shall be a part and parcel of the Ninth ward thereof, and To be part a part of the Third assessment district of the City of Wilmington for the purpose of assessment and collection of taxes for assessment county purposes. municipal at one one-half thereafter of Ninth ward and of Third district. SECTION 4. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed at Dover, April 29, 1895. · |