THE AUTHOR'S "COMPENDIUM OF ENGLISH LITERATURE," DESIGNED FOR Colleges and Advanced Classes in Schools, AS WELL AS FOR Private Reading. BY CHARLES D. CLEVELAND. STEREOTYPE EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: E. C. & J. BIDDLE, No. 6 S. FIFTH STREET. BOSTON: PHILLIPS, SAMPSON & CO. NEW YORK: C. M. SAXTON.... CINCINNATI: H. W. DERBY. CLEVELAND: JEWETT & CO. PREFACE. ENCOURAGED by the favorable manner in which the first edition of the "English Literature of the Nineteenth Century" was received, I felt it to be no less a duty than a pleasure to do all I could to improve it when it should be published in a permanent form. Accordingly, since the first appearance of the work, I have given not only the chief portion of my own time, aside from my schoolduties, to further reading and investigations in relation to the subject, but have been much benefited by the counsels of a few literary friends, whose kindness I would hereby gratefully acknowledge. If they see that I have not in all cases adopted their suggestions, I am sure they will be quite ready to concede to me that independence of thought and action which they would claim for themselves. I have also courteously received from many of the living authors directions where I could obtain fuller information concerning their own lives and publications, and thus have corrected a few errors in the first edition. Twenty-seven new authors will be found in the present edition; namely, Thomas Haynes Bayly, Thomas Carlyle, Hartley Coleridge, George Croly, Allan Cunningham, Sir Humphry Davy, Thomas De Quincey, Thomas Dick, Maria Edgeworth, Augustus Hare, Charles Julius Hare, James Hogg, Leigh Hunt, John Keble, Walter Savage Landor, Charles Mackay, Richard Monckton Milnes, David Macbeth Moir, John Moultrie, Mungo Park, Bryan Waller |