Hodges, Hon. Luther H., letter to Vice President Johnson and Analysis of a proposed bill to exempt certain carriers from mini- mum rate regulation in the transportation of bulk commodities, Baskerville, Walter G., Sr., president, Upper Mississippi Towing Corp- 564 103 352 Carr, Braxton B., president, the American Waterways Operators, Inc. Childe, C. E., transportation consultant for the Inland Waterways Conrad, Hon. Robert B., Commissioner of Transportation and Com- munications Services, General Services Administration__. Corber, Robert J., counsel, National Association of Motor Bus Owners Culpepper, Caughey B., secretary and general manager, Atlanta Dice, George A., Director, Special Services Division, Agricultural Giles, Robert E., General Counsel, Department of Commerce - Harriss, C. J., vice president, Continental Grain Co.- Heiner, A. P., vice president, public relations and traffic, Kaiser Steel Hershey, Jacob W., president, Inland Waterways Common Carriers 425 Hodges, Hon. Luther H., Secretary of Commerce. Ingersoll, Capt., A. C., Jr., president, Federal Barge Lines- Langdon, Jervis, Jr., president, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co... Layne, A. Alvis, attorney, on behalf of the American Waterways Loomis, Daniel P., president, Association of American Railroads... Manion, D. L., president, the American Short Line Railroad Associa- Loevinger, Lee, Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division, De- Martin, Hon. Clarence D., Jr., Under Secretary for Transportation__ Murphy, Rupert L., Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission. 117, 149 103 Nupp, Byron, staff assistant in the Office of the Under Secretary for 36 Olsen, Hon. Arnold, à Representative in Congress from the State of 263 Parkes, Holcombe, president, Railway Progress Institute 306 Pease, James L., Freight Rate Service Branch, Special Services Divi- 84 103 Russell, Lew, president, Tidewater Barge Lines 489 Scallan, J. W., chairman, Railway Progress Institute, Chicago, Ill 306 36 496 Sullivan, Arthur, Jr., president, Gartland Steamship Co. tion___ Taylor, Tyre, general counsel, Southern States Industrial Council___ Triggs, Matt, assistant legislative director, American Farm Bureau 370 335 84 Ulrey, Ivon W., Freight Rate Service Branch, Special Services Divi- Weller, John L., president, Seatrain Lines, Inc., in behalf of the Com- Beardsley, Peter T., general counsel, American Trucking Associations, 643 Blair, John H., chairman, Boston Council of Railroad General Agents__ Carr, Braxton B., president, the American Waterways Operators, Inc.- Dice, George A., Director, Special Services Division, Agricultural 614 619 248 517 371 84 Statement submitted by-Continued Ernst, Lawrence E., general manager, National Star Route Mail Page 670 700 426 Fles, J. H., president, Associated Truck Lines, Inc.--- Kelley, Clarence A., president, American Trucking Associations, Inc.- Kemp, William E., president, Mississippi Valley Association_ Layne, A. Alvis, on behalf of the American Waterways Operators, Inc. Loomis, Daniel P., president, Association of American Railroads... Mack, Harry M., chairman of the board, Ohio Valley Improvement Moody, Joseph E., president of the National Coal Policy Conference, Pinkney, James F., on behalf of the American Trucking Associations, Richmond, M. T., president, Mercury Motor Express, Inc... Sutherland, C. Austin, managing director, National Tank Truck Thornton, W. L., Jr., general traffic manager, Kimberly-Clark Corp.- Wilson, D. H., chairman, transportation policy committee, on behalf Additional data submitted to the committee- Agriculture Department, letter dated July 20, 1962, signed by John P. Boyd, Alan S., Chairman, CAB, letter dated July 16, 1962... Boyd, Richard M., director of traffic and transportation, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., address at the 10th annual meeting of the Railroad Comparison of commodities transported on the inland waterways and class I railroads in net tons of 2,000 pounds for calendar List of commodity numbers for class I railroads as included on table, transport statistics of the United States, part I. Postwar experience of river valley railroads compared with all Principal commodities carried on the inland waterways of the United States (exclusive of the Great Lakes) in net tons of 2,000 pounds, for the calendar years 1955, 1959, and 1960, table_ Ten principal commodities carried on the inland waterways of the Traffic transported on inland waterways of United States (ex- clusive of Great Lakes), for calendar years shown, table.--- -- How the railroads fared before and after regulation, table_. Percentage increases in rail freight rates authorized by the Inter- 599 623 675 636 615 613 615 89 532 Rate of return, U.S. class I railroads, by regions, 1955 to 1960, 387 388 U.S. class I railroad carload freight tonnage, revenues, out-of- 387 U.S. class I railroads, freight operating expenses and gross ton- 382 Appendix A, operating revenues and property owned, class I Appendix B, operating revenues and net investment in railway Appendix C, rail and bus passenger revenue statistics, table.. General Services Administration- Government's rail carload shipments within the exemptions of Traffic moving on commercial rates during 1960__ Traffic moving on section 22 rates during 1960- Summary of Government's rail carload shipments, 1960- Giles, Robert E., General Counsel, Department of Commerce, dated Katzenbach, Nicholas de B., Deputy Attorney General, letter dated Message from the President of the United States relative to the Algan, William, and others on petition sent to Congressman Schenck, 692 Allen, E. S., letter dated July 13, 1962- 709 Baskerville, Walter G., Sr., president, Upper Mississippi Towing Corp., letter dated August 21, 1962, enclosing a comparative state- Communications submitted to the committee Continued Branco, Peter A. L., Crystal Spring Water Co., Inc., letter dated Brugenhemke, H. J., letter dated July 11, 1962. Burbach, J. W., Burbach Elevator, letter dated July 13, 1962_. Carbaugh, Harry C., Tennessee Egg Co., Inc., letter dated July 12, 689 Caruso, Philip P., secretary-treasurer, Southern Fruit Distributors, 688 Chickering, Chester, president, Chickering Cement Co., letter dated Christopher, H. E., Geo. C. Christopher & Son, Inc., letter dated Cohen, Frank, Cohen Bros. Fruit Co., letter dated July 13, 1962 Crass, M. F., Jr., secretary, Manufacturing Chemists' Association, Dennington, R. H., Lephiew Gin Co., letter dated July 23, 1962. Dennis, George W., St. Croix Storage & Transfer Co., letter dated Gory, Clinton M., general manager, Bibb Steel & Supply Co., Inc., 717 712 Harral, Philip W., president, Harral Foods Co., letter dated July 28, Gray, William L., Wm. L. Gray Co., letter dated July 20, 1962- 727 696 703 721 Herod, N. E., traffic manager, Chattanooga Boiler & Tank Co., letter 705 Hipp, A. C., manager, A. C. Hipp Produce Co., letter dated August 31, 727 Hnilicka, Miss. E. E., letter dated July 13, 1962.- 709 |