Premiums received for Fire Insurance in Canada for Years 1869 to 1881. xxxii & xxxvi Losses paid for Fire Insurance in Canada for Years 1869 to 1881.........xxxiv & xxxvii Summary of Fire Insurance in Canada for Years 1869 to 1881 ...... Abstract of Fire and Marine Insurance done by Canadian Companies, and of Inland Marine and Ocean Business done by Companies combining ... Cash Income and Expenditure of Canadian, British and American Com- Percentage or Ratios of Losses to Premiums, Premiums to Risks, &c., Income and Expenditure of Citizens' Insurance Company-Fire, Accident and Guarantee Departments for 1881......... Detailed Statements of Fire and Inland Marine Companies for 1881....... Abstract of Life Insurance in Canada for Year 1881 Payments to Policy-holders........... Life Policies terminated during the Year 1881........ Detailed Statements of Life Companies for 1881 ........... liv lvi ....... ...................... ...... lvii 121 to 243 SUNDRIES. List of Companies Licensed to do Business in Canada under the Insur- ance Acts of 1875 and 1877, as at 30th June, 1882, with names of Chief Agents and amounts of deposit with Receiver-General......... Detailed Statements of Accident, Guarantee, Plate Glass and Steam Boiler Insurance Companies for 1881....... Appendix-List of Stockholders of the various Companies.............. Ontario, 39 Vic., Chap. 24, O. (R.S.O. Chap. 162)....... Dominion Acts passed during the Session of 1882 having reference to Text of Act respecting Insolvent Banks, Insurance Companies, Loan Companies, Building Societies and Trading Corporations......... Detailed Index, see end of Book. To the Honorable OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF INSURANCE, Sir LEONARD TILLEY, K.C.M.G., C.B., OTTAWA, 10th July, 1882. SIR,-I have the honor herewith to submit the detailed statements of Insurance Companies for the year 1881. An abstract of these was submitted to you and laid before Parliament on 25th March, and is now included in this Report, with such revision and corrections as were found necessary on my subsequent visits to the head offices in Canada, pursuant to the Statute. Such further details and tables have been added as appeared proper to exhibit the progress of the business and the condition of the companies. At the present time there are sixty-nine (69) companies under the supervision of this office, not including several which are in process of liquidation, the nature of business transacted by them being as follows : Number of companies doing Life Insurance.... ..... 39 ............ 3 5 ............ 2 ..... 1 ...... 1 The deposits for the protection of policy-holders, held by the Honorable the Receiver-General in trust for these companies, at 30th June, ult., amounted to |