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shall be as follows, to wit; Beginning at the southeast portion of the farm of Passmore Mitchell, at a point where the said farm intersects the public road leading from Townsend to the state road leading from Odessa to Blackbird, thence from the said place of beginning, in a straight line to the east end of the public road leading from what is known as "Barlow's bridge," to the public road leading from Middletown to Smyrna, the said "Barlow" road already being a line of said district.

lands to be

SECTION 2. That the lands lying on the north and west of Certain said line, shall be assessed for school purposes hereafter, in assessed in School District No. 81 in New Castle county.

Passed at Dover, February 23, 1875.

School District No. 81.



AN ACT uniting the School Districts of Dover.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met,

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districts of

united under

SECTION 1. That on and after the first Saturday of April, Certain 1875, the United School District Nos. 60, 90, 91 and 92, and chood United School District Nos. 18 and 101 in the county of Kent Dover as now bounded, or as they may be hereafter bounded, shall name of form one united school district by the name of the Dover "Dover PubPublic Schools," and shall have the same corporate powers Corporate and franchises as united districts have by the laws of this powers. State, and be governed by a board of nine commissioners, to Government. be elected as follows, viz :-The school voters in the aforesaid Election of district shall meet at the principal school house of the first commissionnamed united district on Governor's Avenue on the first ers. Saturday of April next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., and then and there Where. hold an election for school commissioners, each voter voting Manner of for not more than six commissioners, and the nine highest in voting. votes shall be declared elected, and shall constitute the Board;

lic Schools."



Terms of office.


the two highest in votes to serve for three years, the two next highest two years, and the two next highest one year, and of the remaining three elected the one highest in votes to serve for three years, the next highest two years, and the lowest one year; and at each and every annual election thereafter, each voter shall vote for two commissioners, and the three highest in votes shall be declared elected for the term of three years; and in all cases where two or more have an equal number of votes, the choice shall be decided by lot. All how decided. elections shall be held at the school house aforesaid, unless otherwise ordered by the board of commissioners.

Tie vote;

Commissioners to meet

annually. Where. When.




SECTION 2. The commissioners shall meet annually, in the place where the election was held on the Monday following the election, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and organize the board by the election of a president, who shall be one of the commissioners, and a clerk who may or may not be one of the board, and shall hold stated meetings once every month and special meetings when required by the president or a majority of the commissioners, and by committee shall visit all the

Visit schools. schools in the districts once a week while the schools are in session.

Quorum. Vacancy, how filled.

Powers of board. Appoint

treasurer and other officers,

SECTION 3. A majority of the board shall form a quorum, and any vacancy occasioned by non-election, death, resignation or otherwise, shall be filled by the board for the whole or the residue of the term as the case may be.

SECTION 4. The Board shall [have power] to* appoint a treasurer, and take his bond with sufficient security for the faithful performance of his duties, and to appoint all other officers, agents and teachers that may be necessary, and fix their compensation; such appointees to be subject to removal and remove at any time; and to make "by laws" for their own governthem. ment, the government of their officers, agents and teachers, pensation. and for the schools.

agents, and


Fix com

[blocks in formation]

SECTION 5. The Board shall have the right to draw the dividends, from time to time, which the several districts named in section I shall be entitled to as their part of the State school fund, and shall have authority to fix such sum in addition, as they may deem necessary to educate all the children in the districts that are entitled to be educated in the public schools, and to assess, levy and collect the same, as school taxes now are by law, provided the said sum shall not exceed three thousand dollars; and if, during the present, or any other year hereafter, the sum of money to be raised by


*So enrolled.

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quate, may


tax or subscription, together with the sum to be received If school
from the State, shall, in the opinion of the school board, for prove inade-
the time being, or a majority of them, be inadequate or not collect fur-
sufficient to keep up a good school, as contemplated and pro-ther fund
vided for in the third section of the act for the establishment from parents,
of free schools, (Hall's Digest 490,) then and in such case, it guardians,
shall and may be lawful for such Board, and they, or a majority scholar.
of them, are hereby authorized and empowered, in addition to
the money to be raised by tax or subscription, and to be
received from the State, as aforesaid, to raise and levy such
further sum as they may deem necessary and proper for the
purposes aforesaid, by ordering and directing that such sum
per quarter per each and every child or pupil that attends the
said school, and which the said school board, or a majority of
them, may see fit to charge therewith, shall be paid by the
parent, guardian, or person sending such child or pupil into
the hands of the school board, at the end or expiration of
every quarter, or term, and in case of default of payment of Collector of
any such quarter, the same may be handed over to the collect-collect in
or, and may be collected as school taxes are now authorized default of
to be collected by the laws of this State: and the said payment.
collector shall be answerable on his bond, as now provided His liability.
by law, for the collection and payment over of the quarter or
term charges, and shall have the same compensation as now
provided by law for collecting and paying over school taxes.

case of


powers, re

SECTION 6. The Board shall have all the power granted to General school committees and commissioners, be subject to all the strictions, restrictions imposed on them, and perform all the duties and duties required of them by the laws of this State, not inconsistent missioners with the provisions of this act.

applicable to the board.

property of

districts to


how settled.

SECTION 7. All school property, real and personal, owned School by the districts named in the first section of this act, shall respective become and be the property of the united district created become by this act. As soon as may be, after the election of the propertyredf commissioners herein provided for, they shall settle the districts. accounts of the two united districts hereby consolidated, respec- Accounts, tively, and all cash on hand, belonging to either of said Unpaid districts, shall be paid over to the treasurer of the Dover taxes, how public schools: and all taxes unpaid at the time of the paid. organization of the new board, shall be collected in the same manner as if this act had not been passed, and paid over to the treasurer of such schools, and said board shall have full power to enforce such collection and payment.

SECTION 8. All the provisions of the General Laws regulat

collected and


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school laws


ing free schools in this State shall be applicable to the united applicable if district created by this act, as far as they are not inconsistent not inconsis with the special provisions hereof.


Passed at Dover, March 9, 1875.

$150 to be


taxation in

county, in lieu of

present sum of $30.



AN ACT authorizing and requiring the School Committee, of School Dis.
trict, No. 72, in Sussex County, to raise one hundred and fifty dollars
annually, for school purposes.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repreannually by sentatives of the State of Delaware, in General Assembly met, School Dis. That it shall be lawful for the school committee, of School inct No. 72, District, No. 72, in Sussex county, and they are hereby required, annually, to levy, assess, and collect, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, for the support of a free school in said district, in lieu of the sum of thirty dollars now required How levied to be raised; said sum shall be levied, assessed, and collected, in the manner now provided by law, for the levying, assessment and collection of school taxes, and shall not impair the right of the school voters in raising by taxation, such sum as may be determined upon at an annual stated meeting, provided that a greater sum than four hundred dollars shall not be raised in any one year, by taxation, for the purpose aforesaid.

and collected.

Not to impair. What.


Passed at Dover, March 15, 1875.





AN ACT for the Relief of United School Districts Nos. 39 and 41 in New
Castle county.

WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General Assembly Preamble.
by a committee appointed at a meeting of the school voters
of United School Districts Nos. 39 and 41, in New Castle county,
that the sum now authorized by law to be levied and raised by
taxation, is insufficient for the purposes of public education in
said districts, therefore,

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
State of Delaware in General Assembly met,

SECTION 1. That from and after the passage of this act, the United school committee of the United School Districts, Nos. 39 and tricts Nos. 39

41, in New Castle county shall levy and raise by taxation,
nually, in the manner now provided by law, the sum of
thousand dollars for the support of the graded school in
united school districts.

Passed at Dover, March 16, 1875.

School Dis

an- and 41, in one county to said raise b

New Castle

taxation, annually, the sum of $1000



AN ACT to consolidate School Districts Nos. 70, 102, 70% and 1021⁄2 in
Sussex county, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
State of Delaware in General Assembly met, (two thirds of
each branch thereof concurring,)

School District No. 70

SECTION 1. That School District No. 70 be and the same is in Sussex hereby divided into two separate districts, by the following line county di beginning at Nanticoke River, at the bridge at the foot of two districts. Market street, and running north with Market Street to Sec-line.


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