Commissioners to examine index. IN RELATION TO PUBLIC OFFICERS. SECTION 2. That if the said person, appointed as aforesaid, shall make said general index as aforesaid, then that John R. McFee and Edwin R. Paynter, Esquires, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners whose duty it shall be to examine said general index after the said person appointed as aforesaid shall have completed the same, and if they approve of the execution thereof, they shall certify the same to be a true and correct "General Index" to the will records in said office, and after said certificate, it shall be the "General Index" to said records. SECTION 3. That they shall also certify the completion of said "General Index" to the Levy Court of Sussex county, who shall pay to the said commissioners and to the person appointed as aforesaid, a just and reasonable compensation for their serCompensa vices, provided such compensation shall not exceed the sum tion. Proviso. of five hundred dollars. Passed at Dover, March 9, 1875. . TITLE SIXTH. Of Religion, Public Education and Health. CHAPTER 36. OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT transferring the home and mansion farm of Isaac G. Phillips, from School District No. 168, in Sussex county, to School District No. 50, in Sussex county. House and Isaac transferred 50. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repouse resentatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, G. Phillips That the house and mansion farm of Isaac G. Phillips, lying to School in School District 168, in Sussex county, shall hereafter be District, No. and form a part of School District No. 50, in Sussex county, aforesaid, and the said Isaac G. Phillips, and all and every the persons residing on said farm, mentioned herein, and all persons who may hereafter reside thereon, shall enjoy all the advantages and privileges, and be subject to all the duties and liabilities of taxables of said School District No. 50, in Sussex county, and are hereby relieved and discharged from the same in said School District No. 168, in Sussex county. SECTION 2. Be it enacted, That this act shall be deemed Public act. and taken to be a public act. Passed at Dover, January 27, 1875. Farm of PUBLIC EDUCATION. CHAPTER 37. OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT transferring certain real estate belonging to Lorenzo D. Ginn, from School District No. 81, to School District No. 72, in New Castle county. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, SECTION 1. That the farm of Lorenzo D. Ginn, upon which Ginn trans- Joseph C. Hutchison now resides, be and is hereby transferred from School District No. 81, to School District No. 72, in New Castle county ;-and ferred to District, Where assessed. SECTION 2. That hereafter the aforesaid farm shall be assessed for school purposes in School District No. 72, in New Castle county. Passed at Dover, March 2, 1875. CHAPTER 38. OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT transferring the house and premises of Cyrus P. Rogers from School District No. 110 in Kent County to United School District Nos. 32, 75, 76 and 78 in Kent County. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repreof Cyrus P. sentatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, transferred to That the house and premises of Cyrus P. Rogers lying in United School District No. 110, in Kent county, shall, hereafter be trict Nos. 32 and form a part of United School District Nos. 32, 75, 76 and 78, in Kent county aforesaid; and the said Cyrus P. Rogers and all and every the persons residing on the premises mentioned herein, and all persons who may hereafter reside thereon, shall enjoy all the advantages and privileges, and be sub House, &c., Rogers, School Dis 75, 78. PUBLIC EDUCATION. ject to all the duties and liabilities of taxables of said United Passed at Dover, March 16, 1875. CHAPTER 39. OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT to change the lands of John A. Nicholson, G. W. S. Nicholson, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of Lands of SECTION 1. That the lands of John A. Nicholson, G. W. S. certain Nicholson, Henry Q. Nicholson and L. W. Muse now being in transferred to School District No. 76, in Sussex county, be changed to and School Disis hereby declared to be part of School District No. 72. Passed at Dover, March, 17, 1875. trict No. 72. 72 PUBLIC EDUCATION. CHAPTER 40. Limits of OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT to extend the limits of United School District Nos. 46 and 133 in Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware, in General Assembly met, SECTION 1. That the limits of United School District Nos. United Dis. 46 and 133 in Sussex county shall be extended as follows, to trict Nos. wit; commencing at Adams and Company's Mill pond, at a and 33 in gully on the lands late of Kendall M. Lewis, thence northward up said gully to a line between the lands late of said Kendall M. Lewis, lands of John P. Collins, and lands of Wilson Knowles to the public road leading from Laurel to Concord, thence west to the Yellow Banks on Broad Creek. Sussex county extended. School District No. 60, not to levy ded limits. SECTION 2. That the lands embraced in the above named limits, shall be a part of United School District Nos. 46 and lehin exten. 133, and shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of said district. And that School District No. 60, from which the above named territory was taken, shall no longer have the power to levy any tax for school purposes within the aforesaid limits. Passed at Dover, February 10, 1875. CHAPTER 41. OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT to change the boundary of School District No. 81, in New Castle county. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of Boundary of the State of Delaware, in General Assembly met, School District No. 81 in New Cas tle county changed. SECTION 1. That hereafter the eastern and southeastern boundaries of School District No. 81, in New Castle county, |