TITLES OF PRIVATE ACTS. CHAPTER 576. An Act to divorce Susan Walt and George A. Walt from the bonds of matrimony. Passed at Dover, March 1, 1877. CHAPTER 577. An Act divorcing Lucy S. Babcock and Grove L. Babcock from the bonds of matrimony. Passed at Dover, March 2, 1877. CHAPTER 578. An Act to divorce Annie G. France and her husband Albert L. France from the bonds of matrimony. Passed at Dover, March 2, 1877. CHAPTER 579. A supplement to an act authorizing the owners and possessors of the Marsh and low grounds commonly called and known as Tappahannah Marsh, situated in the Forest of Dover hundred,in Kent county, to cut a ditch or drain through the same. Passed at Dover, March 2, 1877. TITLES OF PRIVATE ACTS. CHAPTER 580. An Act to divorce Virginia Chandler from her husband Jesse Chandler. Passed at Dover, March 8, 1877. CHAPTER 581. An Act to divorce Joseph B. Lingo and Sarah E. Lingo, his wife, from the bonds of matrimony. Passed at Dover, March 8, 1877. CHAPTER 582. An Act to divorce Robert E. Randall from the bonds of matrimony. Passed at Dover, March 8, 1877. CHAPTER 583. An Act to divorce Joseph C. Johnson, and Leah Johnson, his wife, from the bonds of matrimony. Passed at Dover, Maach 13, 1877. TITLES OF PRIVATE ACTS. CHAPTER 584. An Act to divorce Anna T. Griffith from the bonds of matrimony. Passed at Dover, March 13, 1877. CHAPTER 585. An Act dissolving the bonds of matrimony between Sarah E. Hickman and Caleb J. Hickman. Passed at Dover, March 20, 1877. CHAPTER 586. An Act to divorce Samuel S. Hearn and George Anna Hearn, from the bonds of matrimony. Passed at Dover, March 21, 1877. CHAPTER 587. An Act to divorce Sarah A. Butler and her husband, George W. Butler, from the bonds of matrimony. Passed at Dover, March 21, 1877. | : SECRETARY'S OFFICE, In obedience to directions of Chapter 4 of the Revised Code, entitled, "Of the passing and publication of Laws and of Journals," I have collated with and corrected by the original rolls now in this office, and caused to be published this edition of the Laws of the State of Delaware, passed by the General Assembly at the regular biennial session, commenced on Tuesday, the second day of January, A. D. 1877. The words within brackets throughout the work are inserted to complete the sense or correct errors in the original rolls. Words and sentences noted with asterisks are printed as they appear on the rolls. IGNATIUS C. GRUBB, Secretary of State. GENERAL INDEX. A. ACTS AMENDED. Chapter 173, vol. 14, revived, re- 13 Section 3, chapter 63, vol. 12, amend- 14, amended(City of Wilmington) 253 .... Section 3, chapter 65, vol. 12, amend- 271 58 Section 1, chapter 27, vol. 14, amend- 280 ed (Constables). 59 Section 1, chapter 578, vol. 11, a- mended (Notaries Public)....... 63 Section 3, chapter 57, vol. 14, a- mended (Insane)..... 103 Section 1, chapter 48, Revised Code amended (Poor) ib. Chapter 414, vol. 14, amended (Cru- elty to Animals) 110 Section 2, chapter 443, vol. 13, a- 146 Section 4, chapter 75, of Revised |