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How expen




AN ACT to encourage the cultivation of sugar beets.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the sum of three hundred dollars be, and is, hereby, appropriated from the State Treasury, to be expended for the purpose of encouraging the growth and cultivation of sugar beets.

SECTION 2. The moneys authorized to be expended by the first section of this act shall be used during the years 1877 and 1878, for the purchase of seed and the payment of premiums to be offered for beets containing the greatest quantity of sugar, for the expenses of analyzing the beets, and the necessary expenses of the commissioners, to be appointed by this act.

SECTION 3. There shall be appointed by the General Assembly, a commission, consisting of three persons, who shall have entire control of the sum above appropriated, to expend it in such a manner as in their judgment will best accomplish the object sought by this act. Two of the commissioners shall constitute a quorum, and they shall select, at their first meeting, one of their number as chairman, and Chairman. such chairman shall have power to draw orders on the State Treasurer to the amount of three hundred dollars, as named


Render account to

in the first section of this act. The commissioners shall renState Audi- der to the State Auditor on or before the first day of January, 1879, a full account of the manner in which this money shall be expended, together with the necessary vouchers for the same. Provided that the commissioners appointed under this No compen-act shall not receive compensation for their services, but only the necessary traveling expenses to and from the place of meeting.

tor; when.



Passsd at Dover, March 22nd 1877.



AN ACT for the Payment of Claims against the State.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met,

SECTION 1. That the State Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following claims, to wit :

To Thomas B. Giles, State Treasurer, for traveling
expenses, advertising, postage stamps, &c.,
To William H. Purnell, for expenses in attending
nine meetings of the Board of Education,
To James E. Townsend, for serving requisition on
the Governor of Maryland for the body of one
John Brown, and expenses attending the same,
To Robert H. Davis, late State Treasurer, for
counsel fee in the case of R. R. Robinson & Co.,
against him,

To N. B. Deane & Bro., for matches,

To Samuel C. Leatherbury, for attendance upon Court of Errors and Appeals as bailiff and crier, ice for court, etc., etc.,

To J. H. Fols, for three months service as fish com-

To Scott & Lofland, for publishing in the " News
and Advertiser, auditor's notice three times,
To William D. Fowler, late Prothonotary, to is su-
ing Sci. Fa. vs. Peter Hubert, et al. Fi. Fa. vs.
Joseph Adams, and attendance upon the Court of
Errors and Appeals,

To William H. Lambson, late sheriff, for serving
requisition on the Governor of Virginia, for Frank
Carter, alias Big Frank,

To J. H. Groves, for advertising,
To Scott & Lofland, for printing advertisement in
News and Advertiser, for J. H. Groves, Superin-
tendent of Free Schools,

To Peter L. Cooper, late sheriff, for attending
Court of Errors and Appeals,

To Nathan Pratt, for publishing auditor's reports
for the years 1875 and 1876, books, stationery,
postage stamps, advertising, and services as
Secretary of the Board of Education,

To Garrett & Bradley, for fixing pump in front of
State House,

[blocks in formation]


George O'Byrne & Co.,


James &

Webb, 27.60

[blocks in formation]


To George O'Byrne & Co., for printing,
To James & Webb, for binding forty-six Journals

of the House and Senate,

To Joseph H. Hoffecker, for subscription to three
copies of the Smyrna Times, and advertising no-
tice to School Committees,

cker, Hoffo. To Joseph H. Hoffecker, for advertising auditor's

[blocks in formation]

To William W. Pritchett, for eight days' service as
fish commissioner and expenses,

To J. F. Pennington, for advertising auditor's no-

To T. K. Jones & Bro., for locks, keys, spittoons,
stove-pipes, etc., etc.,

Underlele. To Western Union Telegraph Company, for four

[blocks in formation]

To Stevenson & Slaughter, for coal, wash tubs, & Slaughter, baskets, etc,, etc., $311.62.

44 16

27 60

15 00

2 10

43 00

2 10

89 60

1 86

311 62

I. N. Grubb, To Isaac N. Grubb, for services as fish com

[blocks in formation]

J. H. Todd, To James H. Todd, for account paid Hargadine &

75 00

Wallace, for brooms, brushes, goblets, blacking,

etc., etc.,


IW. Wise, To James W. Wise, for attendance as bailiff, on

33 03

[blocks in formation]

C. P. John. To C. P. Johnston, printing for 1875 and 1876,

G. W. Ver

non $47 50. and 1876,

Delawarean, To the Delawarean, for printing for Senate,

bury, $500.00.

To Willard Saulsbury, for professional services in
case of State of Delaware vs. Bank of Smyrna,

son, $285.32. Το C. P. Johnson, for printing 1876 and 1877,


Cowgill, To James Cowgill & Son, for stationery,

W. B. Smith To Wilmer B. Smith, repairing clock,


J. H. Todd, To James H. Todd, to services in purchasing sta



& Robbins, To Richardson & Robbins, gas bill,

D. F Burton To D. F. Burton, express agent,

Hollowbush To Hollowbush & Carey, for stationery, etc., etc.,
H. W. Ev. Το H. W. Evans, for papers furnished the Senate,
Wow. To W. F. Townsend, for printing 1875 and 1876,
send, $387.73. To Geo. W. Vernon, & Son, for printing, 1869, 1875

483 61

44 73

387 73

47 50

71 25

500 00

285 32

20 64

4 50

200 00

290 65

82 30

369 89


$47.25. To James Kirk & Sons, house printing,

47 25


Delawarean To the Delawarean, house printing, 1877,

To the Delawarean, printing for 1875 and 1876,

230 00


616 25


273 50



To George O'Byrne & Co., advertising,

To H. W. Evans, papers furnished house,

To James H. Todd, to work on State library and

making catalogue,

To Every Evening Publishing Co., printing,

To Joseph H. Hoffecker, per order of Superin

tendent of Free Schools,

To J. Alexander Fulton, drawing bill,

To I. G. Lofland, bill for ice, for 1873 and 1877,

To James M. Johns, for reports furnished Chancel

lor D. M. Bates,

To William Hunter, to extra services in attend-
ing rooms in State House,

To W. P. Godwin, for sundry repairs in State

Passed at Dover, March 23, 1877.

[blocks in formation]
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