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Of certain Public Officers,


Vol. 14, 50

Section 1. chap. 36. of

vol. 14, amended.


AN ACT to amend Chapter 36, of Volume 14, of the Laws of Delaware.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That section 1, of chapter 36, of volume 14, of the Laws of Delaware be and is hereby amended by adding to said section the following, to wit :---And he shall receive five hundred dollars in addition to the aforesaid sum of fifteen hundred receive $500 dollars, for the purpose of paying his deputy, payable in installments of one hundred and twenty-five dollars

General to




his salary,
pay deputy each.

Passed at Dover, March 24, 1875.

Constables to enforce stock laws.



AN ACT defining the duties of Constables in certain cases.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met.

SECTION 1. That it is hereby declared to be the duty of all constables to enforce the provisions of all laws that have been or may hereafter be enacted, prohibiting live stock from running at large.



SECTION 2. That constables for every performance of their Compensaduty under the several laws enacted by the General Assembly one half of of the State of Delaware, prohibiting live stock from running fines. at large, shall be entitled to, and shall receive one half the fines created by said acts; and that the other half of said Residue to fines shall be for the use of the school district in which said be fod duty was performed.


use of

SECTION 3. That any constable who shall refuse to per- Refusal touty form his duty as required by this act, shall, upon being tried before a justice of the peace residing in the hundred in which arial. such offence is alleged to have been committed, and being found guilty of said offence, be fined by the said justice of the peace in a sum not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars.



SECTION 4. That all fines imposed by virtue of the pro- Fines imvisions of section 3, of this act, shall be subject to and paid posed upon over to the order of the clerk of the school district in which said offence was committed, all legal charges and costs paid having first been paid out of the same.

Passed at Dover, February 11, 1875.

To whom



AN ACT to amend Chapter 27, vol. 14, Laws of Delaware.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met,


Vol. 14, 43

Section 1.


resident in

SECTION 1. That section 1, of chapter 27, volume 14, Laws chap. 27, of Delaware be and the same is hereby amended, by striking amended. out the words " and one at Riddle's Mills on the Brandywine, Constable hundred, and county aforesaid and inserting in lieu thereof village of the words :-and one constable shall reside within the limits of Riddle's mills the village known as Riddle's Mills, and shall have and exer-criminal cise jurisdiction in criminal matters only, and shall not be jurisdiction obliged to give bond or security for a penal sum exceeding Bond.

to have



two hundred dollars. In case of the Levy Court not electing a constable at any time when the term of the constable residing within the limits of the Village of Riddle's Mills shall Shall holdion expire, the said constable shall hold his office until his sucof successor. cessor shall be elected. Any constable elected or appointed under the provisions of this act shall forfeit his office if he shall remove from the locality for which he shall have been so elected or appointed.

Office forfeited. When.


SECTION 2. Chapter 27, of volume 14, Laws of Delaware, as amended shall be published, as herein amended and supplied, by the Secretary of State, with the acts of this present General Assembly.

Passed at Dover, March 24, 1875.


Levy Court of New



AN ACT relating to Constables in Christiana Hundred in New Castle county.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RepreCastle Co. sentatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met to appoint 3 (two thirds of each branch concurring therein,) That the Levy Court of New Castle county be, and they are hereby authorized and required to appoint three (or more) constables in New Castle county, (as the case may require) one of whom shall reside in or near the village

or more Constables.

The consta

of Newport, one in blending the Rising Sun Village on the Brandywine, and one

at village of Riddle's Mills to exercise

or near consta

ble shall reside within the limits of the village known as Riddle's Mills, and shall have and exercise jurisdiction in crimijurisiminal nal matters only and shall not be obliged to give bond or secur cases only. ity for a penal sum exceeding two hundred dollars. In case of the Levy Court not electing a constable at any time, when the term of the constable residing within the limits of the village of Riddle's Mills shall expire, the said consta*This chapter comprises chapter 27, of volume 14 as amended by chapter 24 of current volume and is published in accordance with section 2 of the last named chapter.

Bond for $200.

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office shall until succes

ble shall hold his office until his successor shall be Term of elected. Any constable elected or appointed under the pro-continue visions of this act shall forfeit his office if he shall remove or elected from the locality for which he shall have been so elected or Constables appointed.

to forfeit office; when.


SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That all acts hereto- Inconsistent fore enacted, relating to constables in Christiana hundred, in repealed. New Castle county, be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this act be deemed a public act.

Passed at Dover, February 2, 1871.

Amended, March 24, 1873.




AN ACT to authorize the Recorder of Deeds in and for New Castle county
to procure a new Seal of office.

corder of

procure a

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That Thos. M. Ogle, recorder of deeds in and for New Thomas M. Castle county be and he is hereby authorized to procure a new Ogle, re seal for his office, to be made of brass, of the diameter of one Deeds, to and a half inches and engraved with the devices of the present new seal of seal, which said seal, when completed, shall be taken and office. deemed to be the seal of the recorder's office of New Castle county in the State of Delaware, and shall, thereafter, be fixed to all writings, papers and records where the seal of said office is required, and the present seal shall then be broken present seal and destroyed by the said recorder.

to be


to pay cost

SECTION 2. And be it further enacted by the authority afore- Levy Court said, That the Levy Court and Court of Appeals of New and Castle county shall pay the necessary cost and expenses of expenses. procuring the said new seal.

Passed at Dover, Fanuary 27, 1875,

Recorder of

deeds in Sussex county to

procure a




AN ACT authorizing the Recorder of Deeds in and for Sussex County to procure a record for the purpose of Recording the Leases of the Rehoboth Beach Camp Meeting Association, of the Methodist Episcopal Church


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met,

SECTION 1. That the recorder of deeds, in and for Sussex County, is hereby authorized to have a record of forms printed and bound, for the purpose of recording the leases or deeds of "The Rehoboth Beach Camp Meeting Association," which Record shall be printed upon good record paper, and in script "Rehoboth type, with the necessary blanks for the names, numbers and Meeting As- dates.

record for the leases or deeds of the

Beach Camp


Record shall

SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That the said record be evidence. shall be evidence in law, as other records of Sussex county.

Passed at Dover, March 24, 1875.

Additional notary public in Dagsborough hundred.



AN ACT authorizing the Governor to appoint an additional Notary Public in Dagsboro Hundred, Sussex County.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the Governor be and he is hereby authorized to appoint an additional Notary Public in Dagsborough Hundred, Sussex county.

Passed at Dover, March 11, 1875.

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