OF THE GENERAL POLICE. Chapter 61, volume re Delaware Laws, entitled "For the protection of sheep," be of current and the same is hereby repealed, Provided, however, that the pealed. taxes levied upon dogs for the year 1876, under the provisions Proviso. of said chapter 61, and the power to collect the same shall be Taxes levied saved and reserved from the operation and effect of this act. upon dogs, for 1876 excepted. already lev SECTION 2. That so much of the taxes now levied upon How taxes dogs, as aforesaid, which have already been collected, or shall be ap. which may hereafter be collected, shall be appropriated to the propriated. payment of the claims of persons who have suffered injury from the loss of sheep, represented by the certificates, now filed with the county treasurer, and the remainder of said Dog tax fund," if there be any, shall go into the general county fund, and be applied in the same manner. Passed at Dover, January 30, 1877. CHAPTER 378 OF THE PROTECTION OF GAME. AN ACT to repeal chapter 60, volume 15, Delaware Laws. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, Current volume 107. SECTION 1. That chapter 60, volume 15, Delaware Laws, Chapter 60, be and the same is hereby repealed. Passed at Dover, January 31, 1877. of current vol ume re pealed. Penalty for bringing un OF THE GENERAL POLICE. CHAPTER 379. FOR THE PROTECTION OF LIVE STOCK. AN ACT for the protection of live stock, in the State of Delaware. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, SECTION 1. That from and after the passage of this act, it slaughtered shall not be lawful for any person or persons, to bring or have Cherokee brought into the State of Delaware, any Texas or Cherokee Texas or cattle into this State. Fine. How fines applied. cattle, except said cattle be slaughtered. SECTION 2. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this act, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty (20) dollars and costs, for each and every head of said cattle brought into the State. SECTION 3. One half of all penalties, incurred under this act, shall belong to the informer, and be for the use of any one who may sue for the same, in his own name; the other half to be paid to the State Treasurer, for State purposes, to be recovered the same as any other debt, before a justice of the Fees of offi. peace. The justice of the peace, constable or sheriff shall be entitled to the same fees as the law now sets forth. cers. Passed at Dover, March 20, 1877. Volume 13. 135 CHAPTER 380. FOR THE PROTECTION OF SHEEP. AN ACT to amend chapter 145, volume 13, Laws of Delaware. SECTION 1. That chapter 145, volume 13, Laws of Dela OF THE GENERAL POLICE. volume 13 New Castle taxes. ware, entitled "An act for the protection of Sheep in New Section 4, Castle county, be and the same is hereby amended by striking chapter 145, out section 4, and inserting in lieu thereof, the following, to stricken out wit: "Section 4, Each of said collectors shall pay to the and supplied. county Treasurer of New Castle county, on or before the first Duties of colday of July next, after the receipt of said list of dogs as lectors in aforesaid, one half part of the tax which by this act he is re-County re quired to collect, and on the first Tuesday in March next, specting dog after his receipt of said list of dogs as aforesaid, he shall render to the Levy Court aforesaid, a true account of all taxes it was his duty to collect by virtue of this act, and of all payments and disbursements thereof, and of all delinquents, and he shall, within ten days thereafter, pay over to the county Proviso. treasurer, any balance that may remain in his hands, pro- No person vided nothing in this act shall entitle any person to receive to receive any compensation for any sheep or lambs which may be killed, tion for sheep injured or destroyed, by his or her own dogs." compensa 'killed by his own dogs. chapter 145, stricken out owners dogs. to SECTION 2. The said chapter 145, volume 13, Laws of Del- Section 5, of aware, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking volume 13, out all of section 5 of said chapter, and inserting in lieu there- and supplied. of, the following, to wit: "Section 5. The owner or owners of any sheep or lambs, which shall have been killed, injur-Duty of ed or destroyed, by any dog or dogs, shall, immediately, claiming upon the loss or injury of such sheep, or lambs, notify damages for three disinterested farmers, residing in the hundred where sheep by such loss or injury may have occurred, to view such sheep or Appraiselambs, and appraise the damage done to the same, provided ment of damthat before the said farmers shall appraise said damage, they ages. shall administer to each other an oath or affirmation, to view Proviso. such sheep or lambs, and appraise the actual amount of loss sustained. The farmers so making the appraisement shall give to the owner or owners aforesaid, a certificate signed by two or more of said farmers, certifying the amount of loss sustained. On presentation of the aforesaid certificate to the Duty of county treasurer, he shall pay the amount of the same out of urety pas any funds in his hands that may have been collectcd under damages; the provisions of this chapter." to when. SECTION 3. That the said chapter 145, volume 13, of the Section 7, Laws of Delaware, be and the same is hereby further amen- chapter 145, ded by striking out all of section 7, and inserting in lien stricken out thereof, the following, to wit: "Section 7. The assessors shall be entitled to receive for each dog, whether male or female as-Compensasessed by them, respectively, the sum of ten cents, and the tion of assesscollectors shall be entitled to receive ten per cent. on all lectors moneys collected by them, respectively, as aforesaid. All ex- How paid. 13, and supplied. ors and col OF THE GENERAL POLICE. penses of levying, assessing, and collecting the aforesaid tax, shall be paid by said Levy Court out of any money payable to the county treasurer as aforesaid." Passed at Dover, March 22, 1877. Volume 14. 392. Section 6, CHAPTER 381. OF TAVERNS, ALE HOUSES AND VICTUALLING HOUSES. AN ACT regulating the sale of spiritous, vinous or malt liquors. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, SECTION 1. That the figure 5 in line one, of section 6, of chapter 418, chapter 418, volume 14, Laws of Delaware, be stricken out, volume 14 amended. Section 10 of said chapter The word and the figure 4 be inserted in lieu thereof. SECTION 2. That paragraph three, of section ten, of chapter amended. 418, volume 14, Laws of Delaware, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out of line two, the words "substantial freeholdken freeholders," and insert in lieu thereof the words "respectable out of entire citizens," and by striking out the word "freeholders" wherever volume 14, it occurs in said chapter 418, in volume 14, Laws of Delaand supplied. ware, and insert in lieu thereof the word "citizen." chapter 418, Section 19 of SECTION 3. That section 19, of chapter 418,of the 14th volume said chapter of Delaware Laws, be and the same is hereby amended, by adding after the word "dollars" in the last line of said sec What be primaya tion, the following: "The fact that the party accused pays cie proof of taxes to the United States as a liquor dealer or vender, may, out a license. in the discretion of the court, be given in evidence as prima selling with facie proof to convict. SECTION 4. That chapter 418 of the 14th volume of Dela ware Laws be amended by adding the following: "Section 25.* All licenses granted under the provisions of this act, may be Said chapter further amended. *So enrolled. OF THE GENERAL POLICE. cense may be assigned to an incoming tenant with the approval of the When liAssociate Judge residing in the county in which the license assigned. is granted, and the assignee shall be, from such approval, held and taken to be licensed for the same purpose for which the assignor was licensed, and subject to all the liabilities and penalties imposed by the act to which this is a supplement." Passed at Dover, March 22, 1877. CHAPTER 382. OF TAVERNS, ALE HOUSES, AND VICTUALLING HOUSES. A supplement to the act entitled "An act regulating the sale of spiritous, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represensatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, Current vol. ume, 446. volume to That the act entitled "An act regulating the sale of spirit- Chapter 381 uous, vinous or malt liquors," passed at Dover, March 22, of current 1877, shall not affect in any manner the application for li- affect appli censes to sell intoxicating liquors, now filed in the offices of cations or the clerks of the peace in either of the counties in this State, for licenses nor the publication of intention to make such application. made. Passed at Dover, March 23, 1877. publications already CHAPTER 383. OF FISH, OYSTERS, AND GAME. AN ACT to repeal an act, a supplement to the act entitled "An act for the protection of fishermen." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, SECTION 1. That chapter seventy-three (73) volume 14, Volume 14 88. |