: an additional PUBLIC EDUCATION. CHAPTER 360. AN ACT to create an additional School District in Sussex County. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, Commission- SECTION I. That William W. Dulaney, Jacob Bounds and ers to lay out John E. Martin, be and they are hereby appointed commisschool dis- sioners under this act, and they or a majority of them are No.968 authorized and required, as soon as convenient after the trict out of and 158, in To report passage of this act, with the assistance of a skillful surveyor, to go upon the lands embraced within the limits of School Districts Nos. 109, 68 and 158, in Sussex County, and lay off an additional school district from and out of said school districts Nos. 109, 68 and 158, and the said commissioners or a majority of them, after the said additional school district shall have been so located and laid off, shall make out a correct plot and return of the proceedings under this act, and turn to Levy cause the same to be returned to the Levy Court and Court of Appeal of said county at its next session after the said plot and return shall have been made as aforesaid, for confirmation by said Court. The said return shall be signed by a majority of the said commissioners, and the said plot shall represent the form of said Districts Nos. 109, 68, and 158, and shall also show the lines of said additional district so to be created out of the said districts as aforesaid. Court for tion. To be a sep How num- SECTION 2. That the additional school district to be formed arate school under the provisions of this act shall be deemed and taken to be a school district of Sussex county, and numbered in continuation of school districts already established by law in said county. The said plot and return shall be filed among the papers belonging to the Levy Court aforesaid, and if the same be confirmed, the trustee of the school fund shall be notified thereof immediately. Commission. sworn. SECTION 3. That the said commissioners and surveyor, before they enter upon the discharge of the duties assigned to them by and under this act, shall be severally sworn or affirmed to do and perform all the duties herein imposed upon them faithfully and impartially, according to the best of their skill and judgment. The commissioners and surveyor shall, for their services for each and every day employed in the discharge of their respective duties under the provisions of Compensa- this act, each have and receive the sum of one dollar to be tion. allowed by the Levy Court of Sussex county. Passed at Dover, February 1, 1877. i PUBLIC EDUCATION. CHAPTER 361. OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT to consolidate School Districts numbers 6 and 95, in Kent county. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met (two-thirds of each branch of the Legislature concurring therein) as follows : tricts Nos. Kent SECTION 1. That School Districts numbers 6 and 95, in Kent School Dis county be and they are hereby consolidated into one district and 95 in and shall hereafter constitute and form one school district in consolidated. said county of Kent, which shall be called, designated, and Name. known as District No. 6, of said county. where held. under this SECTION 2. That the annual stated meeting of school voters Annual to be held on the first Saturday of April, as now provided by meeting. law, shall be held in the school house in what was School Dis- When and trict No. 6, as heretofore constituted, and notice of such meet- Notice of ing to be held on the first Saturday of April next after the first meeting passage of this act shall be given by the clerks or commis-act. sioners of each of the said respective districts numbers 6 and How given. 95, as heretofore constituted. Provided, that the failure to Proviso. give such notice on the part of the clerk or commissioners in one of said districts shall not affect or impair the validity of the acts of the said meeting if such notice shall have been given in the other of said districts. And provided, further, Further prothat in case no such notice shall be given and no such stated viso. meeting shall be held on the first Saturday of April next, that then and in that case any taxable in said District No. 6, as now constituted, may apply to the clerk of the peace in and for Kent county, who shall thereupon issue five notices for a stated meeting to be held at the school house in said School District No. 6, as now constituted, at some time to be specified in said notices, not less than five nor more than ten days after the issuing of the same, and said notices shall be posted in five of the most public places in said consolidated district, and a meeting shall be held in pursuance thereof. Election of sioners. SECTION 3. At the stated meeting to be held in April next or at some other time thereafter, as provided by the next pre- clerk and ceding section of this act, a clerk of said district shall be two commis elected to serve for three years, and two commissioners, one to serve for two years, and one for one year, shall be elected, Terms of and in computing the term of office of the said clerk and com- office. Who may vote. PUBLIC EDUCATION. missioners, respectively, such term shall be treated and considered as having commenced on the first Saturday in April, A. D., 1877, so as that their terms shall, respectively, expire at the time fixed by law for holding the stated annual meeting; and at said meeting so to be held, as provided by section 2, all persons residing within said district and having a right to võte for Representatives in the General Assembly, who have paid a tax for the preceding year for the support of the free What busi- schools in either of said Districts Nos. 6 and 95, shall be enness madbe titled to vote, and any and all business may be transacted and done at said meeting which may now by law be done or other meet- transacted at such meeting. Annual and other meetings shall be held in said district, as now provided by law, after the meeting expressly authorized by this act. transacted. Annual and ings. Consolidated districts shall SECTION 4. That the said consolidated district, to be called be subject to and known hereafter as School District No. 6, in Kent county, school laws. shall be subject to and governed by the laws of this State reShall receive lating to free schools, and shall receive the same dividend from the school fund as other school districts in Kent county. school dividends. School property of re How vested. SECTION 5. That all the property, real and personal, bespective dis- longing to and now owned by the said two Districts, numbers 6 and 95, shall, at and upon the passage of this act, become and be vested in School District No. 6, by this act constituted and created, and the committee of said school district No. Power ofe of 6, as constituted by this act, when elected, shall be and they sonsolidated are hereby authorized and empowered to sell and dispose of district over same. Public act. any property belonging to either of said Districts Nos. 6 and 95, which may not be necessary for school purposes in the said district No. 6, as constituted by this act, and any deed executed by them as such committee, signed by a majority of said committee, and acknowledged in the mode now provided by law for the acknowledgment of deeds, shall convey to, and vest in, the purchaser, a title to the premises so sold. SECTION 6. This act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act. Passed at Dover, February 9, 1877. PUBLIC EDUCATION. CHAPTER 362. OF FREE SCHOOLS. A supplement to the act entitled an act to consolidate School Districts Nos. 70, 102, 70%, and 1022, in Sussex county, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assemcly met, (two-thirds of each branch thereof concurring), Current Volume 77. school com ford public ed districts 102%, in SECTION 1. That the voters of the "Seaford public schools, Election of United Districts Nos. 70, 102, 70 and 1024," in Sussex county, missioners shall meet on the first Saturday of April, next, at 2 o'clock for the SeaP. M., at the public school building on Cannon street in the schools unittown of Seaford, and then and there hold an election for Nos. 70, 702, school commissioners, and the seven having the highest 70% and number of votes shall be declared elected. The two of the Sussex seven having the highest number of votes shall be elected for county. the term of three years, the two having the next highest place. number of votes shall be elected for the term of two years, Allotment of and the three remaining ones shall be elected for the term of terms. one year. In case two or more of the commissioners elected shall have an equal number of votes, the term for which they Time and en at subse tions. are elected shall then be decided by lot. In every annual How comelection of school voters in said "Seaford public schools, missioners United Districts Nos. 70, 102, 70 and 1024, to be thereafter shall be chosheld under the provisions of the act to which this is a sup-quent elecplement, each school voter shall vote for three or two commissioners as the case may be, to supply the place of those whose term of office has expired, and the persons having the highest number of votes shall be elected for the term of three years, and the said school commissioners shall make and Shall publish publish, annually, at least one month before the election for ments of school commissioners, a full and accurate statement of all and expendimoneys received and expended by them during the year. annual state their receipts tures. Certain pro SECTION 2. That so much of the act to which this is a sup- Certain pr plement as is supplied by or inconsistent with the provisions original act of this act, is hereby repealed. repealed. Passed at Dover, February 16, 1877. House &c., W. Horsey, School District No. 51, in Sussex PUBLIC EDUCATION. CHAPTER 363. OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT transferring the home and mansion farm of George W. Horsey, from School District No. 46, in Sussex county, to School district No. 51, in Sussex county. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, SECTION 1. That the house and mansion farm of George of George W. Horsey, lying in School District No. 46, in Sussex county, transferred to shall hereafter be and form a part of School District No. 51, in Sussex county aforesaid, and the said George W. Horsey and all and every the persons residing on said farm mentioned herein, and all persons who may hereafter reside thereon, shall enjoy all the advantages and privileges and be subject to all the duties and liabilities of taxes of said School District No. 51, in Sussex county, and are hereby relieved and discharged from the same in school district No. 46, in Sussex county. county. Public act. SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act. Passed at Dover, February 26, 1877. CHAPTER 364. OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT transferring certain real estate belonging to Richbell Allaband, from School District No. 21, to United School District Nos. 113 and 1132, in Kent county. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, SECTION 1. That the house and premises of Richbell Allaband, now occupied by William R. Allaband, lying in School 1 |