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Fee for notice.



What notice date of the notice, that, he or they, will be subject to an indictshall set forth ment at the ensuing term of court, and said notice shall state When name where said licenses can be procured. If the person or persons of person notified shall so notified as aforesaid, shall, within ten days from the date of frestrickens, forwarding such written or printed notice, take out a license for the occupation in which he or they may have been reported engaged, then it shall be the duty of the clerk of the peace to strike the name of him or them from the said list. The clerk of the peace shall receive from the person or persons notified fifty cents for each notice sent as required by this section, which shall be paid at the time of taking out such license, and no other costs than said sum shall be charged, and shall Record of keep a record of the names of the persons or firm or incorporated company to whom such notice may be sent, the dates on which said notices have been placed in the post office, and the post offices to which said notices have been mailed. No person whose name may have been returned by the collector on the list aforesaid directed to be made by this act shall be indicted by the Attorney General unless the provisions of this act shall have been complied with, and the notices sent as di

notices. What to state.

No indictment. When.


Passed at Dover, March 18, 1875



Of Elections.



AN ACT to change the place of holding elections in Gumborough Hun-
dred, in Sussex County.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the place of holding all general and special elections, Place of and all elections for assessors and inspectors in Gumborough elections in hundred, Sussex county, shall be at the school house in School GumborDistrict, No. 36, in Sussex county, and not at the school house hundred in School District, No. 147.


changed. Where to be held.

Passed at Dover, February 9, 1875.



AN ACT to amend Title Fourth of the Revised Statutes entitled "Of Amended

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of
the State of Delaware in General Assembly met,

Code 1874, 103.

SECTION 1. That section 3, of chapter 18, of the Revised Amended Statutes be amended, by adding at the end of said section the 115. words "and shall also deliver to each inspector, as aforesaid, Shopongof a stamp of not less than one inch in diameter, with the name Rev. Code or number of the proper hundred, ward or election district;

Code 1874. Section 3,



Stamp and ink to be delivered to each inspector.


and the year, month, and day of the month on which such general election shall be held; and also ink of a suitable kind to be applied to such stamp; the said stamp shall be so arDescription. ranged that the date may be changed."

Tax receipt to be produced and stamped. When.


how proven.

SECTION 2. Either of the judges may require any person offering to vote on the ground of having paid a tax, to produce the receipt for such tax; and if the vote of such person is taken, the said receipt shall be immediately stamped on the face thereof by one of the judges, with the stamp provided Identity for by section 3. If a vote be objected to on the ground that the person offering to vote is not the person named in the tax receipt, either of the judges may require such person to produce proof, under oath, of his identity; either of the judges may administer a proper oath to any person testifying in that behalf, and the question of identity shall be determined according to the opinion of a majority of the judges.

Section 25, chapter 18

SECTION 3. That section 25, of said chapter 18, be amended of Revised by inserting after the word "aforesaid" in the fifth line of said



To what elections applicable.

section, the words, "and shall also deliver the stamp and appurtenances mentioned in section 3."

SECTION 4. The provisions of the foregoing amendments shall apply to special elections for General Assembly, and to the elections provided for by chapters 19, 20 and 21 of the Revised Statutes; and shall also apply to the election of Stamp to be assessors and inspectors, and to that end the sheriff of each county shall, one week previous to such election, deliver ed. When. to each collector, or other presiding election officer of every


and return


Allowance to sheriffs.




Publication of chap. 18

hundred, ward or election district in his county, the stamp, with a proper date, with the appurtenances provided for by section 1, of this act. The collector or other presiding officer shall return the stamp and appurtenances into the office of the sheriff, within three days after the election.

SECTION 5. The Levy Courts of the several counties shall make proper allowances to the respective sheriffs for the expenses incurred under this act.

SECTION 6. That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act, are hereby repealed, and made null and void.

SECTION 7. That chapter 18, of Revised Statutes as hereby of Revised amended, shall be published entire with the acts of the amended, present session.

Code as

Passed at Dover, March 19, 1875.

[blocks in formation]


SECTION 1. The general election, in and for the several Time of counties, on the (Tuesday next after the first Monday) of No-holding. vember, shall be held in the respective hundreds of said coun- Amendment, ties, at the places hereinafter appointed for that purpose.t that chap. 362, is to say:


New Castle

In Brandywine hundred, at the Brandywine Academy, in the village of Brandywine ; in Christiana hundred, at the house Crandywine.


+ For provisions respecting elections in Wilmington, see chapter 19, [Amended Code, 1874.] chap. 417, For place of election in the two election districts in Brandywine hundred, see page 3, [Amended vol. 11. Code, 1874.1

* NOTE.-This Chapter comprises chapter 18 of the Revised Statutes, as published in the Amended Code of 1874, and amended by chapter 20 of the current volume, and is published in accordance with section 7, of the last mentioned chapter.

Where the provisions of chapter 20, of the current volume, refer especially to chapter 18, of Title Fourth of the Revised Statutes, they have been incorporated in the same; but where they refer generally to several chapters of the said title, and cannot be suitably incorporated in said chapter 18, they will be found in the next foregoing chapter 20 of the current volume.

IGNATIUS C. GRUBB, Secretary of State.


White Clay



[ocr errors]

Mermaid Tavern,"

as a

known by the name of the (Rodney Inn, now occupied by Sarah Donnan ;) in Mill Creek hundred, at the now occupied by Rebecca Walker; in White Clay Creek hunof Newark, in the house now occupied dred, at the village tavern by Benjamin F. Herdman; § in Pencader hundred, at Glasgow, in the house now occupied as a tavern by James New Castle. Merritt; in New Castle Hundred, at the Court House, in the town of New Castle; in Red Lion hundred, at the village of St. Georges. St. George's, in the house now occupied


Red Lion.

Sutton, junior ;*



as a tavern by John



Appoquini and in Appoquinimink hundred, at the village of Blackbird, in the house now occupied as a tavern by Basset Ferguson.



Duck Creek.


In Duck Creek hundred, at Smyrna, in the house now occu

Little Creek. pied as a tavern by Owen C. Crow; in Little Creek hundred, at the village of Leipsic in the office now occupied by Ezekiel

[blocks in formation]

in Milford hundred, at Milford, at the house now occupied as a

Mispiliot, tavern by James Tomlin; and in Mispillion hundred, [at the town of Harrington, at the hotel of Benjamin T. Fleming.]

chap. 397,

vol. 13.


Cedar Creek. Amendment, chap. 374, vol. 14. Broadkiln.


In Cedar Creck hundred, [at the school house in consolidated school districts No. 2, 100, 103, and 104 in the town of Milford.] In Broadkiln hundred, at the Milton Academy, in the village Nanticoke. of Milton ;** in Nanticoke hundred, at Bethel or Passwaters' Cross-roads, at the house lately occupied by Jacob Carpenter, North West deceased; in North West Fork hundred, at the village of Bridgeville, at the house now occupied as a tavern by Manlove Broad Creek. Adams;tt in Broad Creek hundred, at the storehouse now ocLittle Creek. cupied by James Boyce ; in Little Creek hundred, at Laurel, at Amendment, the house now occupied as a tavern by George W. Wootten;


in Dagsborough hundred, at the house now occupied as a carriough. age shop by William Baker; in Baltimore hundred, (some convenient place in the village of Roxana to be designated by the inspector, for the time being, of Baltimore hundred); in Indian

chap. 398, Dagsbor



|| For Christiana South Election District, see page 5, [Amended Code, 1874]

For White Clay Creck East Election District, see page 10, (Amended Code, 1874.]

For Red Lion East Election District, see page 6. Amended Code, 1874.1

+ For both Election Districts of St. George's hundred, see page 7, [Amended Code, 1874.) For Appoquinimink North Election District, see page 8, [Amended Code, 1874.]

Kenton hundred, see page 14, (Amended Code, 1874.1

For both Districts of Dover hundred, see page 11, [Amended Code, 1874.1
For North and South Murderkill, see page 12, [Amended Code, 1874.]

**For Georgetown hundred, see page 15, [Amended Code, 1874.]
It For Seaford hundred, see page 16, [Amended Code, 1874.1

For Gumborough hundred, see page 17, [Amended Code, 1874.]


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