LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, PASSED AT A SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, COMMENCED AND HELD AT DOVER, ON TUESDAY, THE SECOND DAY OF JANUARY, A. D. 1877, AND OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES, THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST. K VOL. 15.-PART 2. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE: C. P. JOHNSON, PRINTER, LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE. TITLE FIRST. Of the Jurisdiction and Property of the State; its Legislation and Laws. CHAPTER 327. OF SOVEREIGNTY, JURISDICTION AND LIMITS. AN ACT to divide Dover hundred in Kent county into two hundreds, to be called, respectively, East Dover hundred and West Dover hundred. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, dred divided Of the assessment SECTION 1. That Dover hundred, in Kent county, shall be Dover hunand the same is hereby divided into two hundreds, for the into two hunpurpose of holding the general and special elections, the elec- dreds, tion of assessors and inspectors, and for the appointment of For what constables and for such other purposes as may be necessary purposes. to constitute the respective hundreds separate and distinct hundreds with the rights that may properly appertain to them as such. All that part of said Dover hundred now embraced Their bound. in Dover East Election District, shall constitute one hundred aries. of Kent county, and shall be called and known by the name CONCERNING LIMITS. Names of of East Dover hundred, and all that part of Dover hundred said hun dreds. now embraced in Dover West Election District shall constiEast Dover tute one hundred of Kent county, and shall be called and hundred. known by the name of West Dover hundred, and all laws of hundred. this State that apply to hundreds in Kent county as such shall Laws appli- apply and extend to the said hundreds respectively as separ West Dover cable to dreds ex tended to each of said hundreds. ate and distinct hundreds. SECTION 2. That East Dover hundred and West Dover hundred as formed by this act, shall each have one of the Coure Com. commissioners of the Levy Court and Court of Appeal and missioners. one constable each, which, under existing laws, Dover hund Of Levy red, as it existed before the passage of this act, was entitled to, and at the next general election in this State, one Levy Their elec- Court commissioner shall be elected for each of said hundreds, tion. Of constables and their appointment. or at such time as the legal terms of the present commissioners shall expire, and the Levy Court of Kent county upon the expiration of the term of office of the constable at present residing in East Dover hundred may appoint a constable for said East Dover hundred, to serve for the full term now fixed by law, and the said Levy Court may appoint a constable for West Dover hundred to serve the full term now fixed by law. Provided that nothing herein contained shall be construed to apply to or in any way affect any constable, appointed under Trustees of any special law, residing within the limits of either hundred. The Levy Court aforesaid, shall appoint at the time now fixed by law for the appointment of trustees of the Poor, one Their appointment. trustee of the Poor for each of said hundreds. Proviso. the poor. Elections. SECTION 3. That all general and special elections, and all elections for assessors and inspectors, shall be held in the said Where held. hundreds of East Dover and West Dover, at the places now designated by law for holding elections in Dover East Election district, and in Dover West Election district. tion of taxes dreds. SECTION 4. That the assessment and collection of taxes in said hundreds hereby formed out of what has heretofore been and collec- Dover hundred shall, until the next general assessment of in said hun- real and personal property, be made in the same manner as heretofore, and the payment of the taxes assessed under the present valuation, shall have the same effect and force in all respects as the payment of taxes has or can have in any hundred of the county, and the passage of this act shall in no wayimpair the right of any collector to complete the collection of duplicates or assessments in his hands for collection, or which may hereafter be placed in his hands for collection, in the same manner as if this act had not been passed, but such collector CONCERNING LIMITS. or collectors, their executors or administrators and the sureties of any such collector shall have the same powers, rights and remedies, and be under the same liabilities to collect the taxes committed to such collector for collection as if this act had not been passed. and trustees SECTION 5. That the constables and trustees of the Poor Constables heretofore appointed for Dover hundred, shall continue in of the poor office and act as such until their respective terms of office in office shall expire or become vacant. to continue until terms expire. Passed at Dover, February 7, 1877. CHAPTER 328. OF LIMITS. AN ACT in relation to the assessor and road commissioners of St. George's Current vol. hundred in New Castle county. 5. WHEREAS, by an act of the General Assembly passed at Preamble. Dover, March 1st, 1875, entitled, "An act for the extension of the boundaries of Red Lion hundred, New Castle county," a certain portion of the territory then included in St. George's hundred, and in said act particularly described, was added to Red Lion hundred, and made parcel thereof, and, WHEREAS, by section 5 of said act, it was provided as follows: That any officer of St. George's hundred, who shall or may reside within the district above described, at the time of the passage of this act, shall continue to exercise the duties of his office until the next General Election, when his term shall expire, and a successor be elected, and, WHEREAS, at the time of the passage of the said act, one John Robson was a road commissioner of St. George's hundred, residing within said district, elected for a term of four years from the first Tuesday of October A. D. 1874, but whose term |