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Les Angoles Public Library




Amendment to the Constitution Ratified.

AN ACT to ratify a proposed amendment to the Constitution of this State..

WHEREAS, at the last session of the General Assembly of Preamble.

this State, to wit, on the third day of April, A. D. 1873, an act was passed proposing an amendment to the seventeenth section of the second article of the Constitution of this State, which proposed amendment is in the words following, to wit : "The Legislature shall have power to enact a general incorporation act to provide incorporation for religious, charitable, literary and manufacturing purposes, for the preservation of animal and vegetable food, building and loan associations, and for draining low lands; and no attempt shall be made, in such act or otherwise, to limit or qualify the power of revocation reserved to the Legislature in this section," as by reference to the aforesaid act, to be found upon page 319 of the 14th volume of the laws of this State, will more at large appear: AND WHEREAS, it appears to this General Assembly by the message of His Excellency, the Governor, delivered to both Houses on the first day of this present session, that the said proposed amendment has been approved of by him and published in conformity with the Constitution and the aforesaid act, which is satisfactory evidence of due compliance with the Constitution in relation to amendments thereof: AND WHEREAS, in the opinion of this General Assembly, the said amendment is a proper one, and ought to be ratified by it, that it may become part of the Constitution: Now, THEREFORE, in order to make such ratification,





Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Reptives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, -fourths of all the members of each branch of the Legislature concurring herein, - That the amendment aforesaid be, Maware and the same hereby is ratified, and the same declared to be part of the Constitution of the State of Delaware, by way of amendment and addition to the seventeenth section of the second article thereof.


Amendment to be incorporated in future

SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That in any publication of the said Constitution hereafter to be made by auanblication thority of law, the said amendment shall be incorporated

of the


therein as part of the said section and article, by way of ad-
dition to said section.

Passed at Dover, January 28, 1875.



Of the Jurisdiction and Property of the State; its Legislation and Laws.



AN ACT providing for a Commissioner of the Levy Court and Court of GumborAppeal for Gumborough hundred in Sussex county.

ough Hundred to have one Levy Court Com

present Commissioner to hold

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- missioner. sentatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, Govermoed to That Gumborough hundred, in Sussex county, shall be enti- appoint tled to, and shall have one commissioner of the Levy Court Cominis and Court of Appeal, and the Governor is hereby authorized en hoe next and required to appoint a commissioner of the Levy Court General and Court of Appeal for Gumborough hundred, in Sussex The next county, who shall hold his office until the next general elec- Levy Court tion in the State, when a commissioner of the Levy Court er for said and Court of Appeal shall be elected for said hundred for the be elected term of four years.

Passed at Dover, January 27, 1875.


Commission hundred to

for four years.



Boundary of Red Lion hundred enlarged so

AN ACT for the extension of the Boundaries of Red Lion hundred, New as to include Castle county.

that portion of the town of St.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of George's, the State of Delaware in General Assembly met,

and certain lands heretofore situated


SECTION 1. That the boundary of Red Lion hundred is in St. hereby enlarged so as to include and embrace within said hundred.


Boundaries of the district included within the extension.

Of the assesment and


hundred, and become part and parcel thereof, all that portion of the town of St. George's, together with the lands hereinafter described, being before the passage of this act situated in St. George's hundred.

SECTION 2. That is to say, The said enlargement or extension shall begin at a point on the Chesapeake and Delaware canal at the line dividing the lands of John P. Hudson from the lands of John Robson; thence and with said division line in a southerly direction to the public road leading from Summit bridge to the town of St. George's; thence in a northeasterly direction with the middle line of said road to the road leading from Odessa to the said town of St. George's; thence crossing said road to the line of the lands of Mrs. Letitia How, being the northern boundary of the road dividing the lands of the said Letitia How from the lands of Mrs. Margaret A. Osborn; thence and with said line and road to the line dividing the lands of the said M. A. Osborn from the lands of Francis S. McWhorter and Brothers; thence with the line dividing said lands to Scott's run; thence down said run to the Chesapeake and Delaware canal, and thence with said canal and with the original division lines of said hundreds to the place of beginning.

SECTION 3. Be it further enacted, That all taxes now ascollection of sessed against persons or property residing or situated within

taxes within the said district.


within said

be deemed citizens of Red Lion

the boundaries above described, and hereby established, shall continue to be collected by St. George's hundred, and appropriated as before the passage of this act until the next general assessment, at which time the assessor for Red Lion hundred shall, and is hereby directed, to embrace the above described district and to include in said assessment the persons and property therein residing or situated as belonging to Red Lion hundred, and being citizens and part thereof by virtue of this act.

residing SECTION 4. Be it further enacted, That from and after the district shall passage of this act, that all legally qualified electors residing within the above described district, shall, in the exercise of the elective franchise, be deemed to be citizens of Red Lion Any present hundred, and shall be admitted to all of the privileges of within said citizenship therein.



district shall

hold until

the next


Election, when his

term shall

expire, and a

successor shall be elected.

SECTION 5. Be it further enacted, That any officer of St. George's hundred who shall or may reside within the district above described, at the time of the passage of this act, shall continue to exercise the duties of his office until the next general election, when his term shall expire, and a successor be elected.



SECTION 6. Be it further enacted, That all old boundary Conflicting lines conflicting herewith are hereby vacated and annulled, lines annulland any laws conflicting with this act are hereby repealed, and inc in so far as they are in antagonism herewith.

SECTION 7. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be taken and deemed as a public act.

Passed at Dover, March 1, 1875.

ed incon


Public act.



AN ACT to divide Appoquinimink hundred into two hundreds.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met,


SECTION 1. That for the purpose of holding the general and mind special elections, the election of assessors and inspectors, and divided for the appointment of constables, and for such other purposes as hundreds. may be necessary to constitute the respective hundreds created For what by this act, distinct and separate hundreds with all the rights divided. and privileges which may properly appertain to them as such, Appoquinimink hundred in New Castle county shall be and the same is hereby divided into two hundreds by the following line, to wit : Beginning at the mouth of Blackbird creek The dividing and running with said creek and main branch to a bridge in line. the road leading from the head of Sassafras to Smyrna; thence westerly to the centre of said road to the cross roads known as Dexter's corner; thence south-westerly with the road leading by Garman's school house; thence to Cypress Bridge, and thence down said Cypress Branch to the dividing line between Maryland and Delaware. All that part of said hun- Name of dred north of said dividing line shall be one hundred, and wher shall be called Appoquinimink hundred, and all that part of divided. said hundred south of said dividing line shall [be] the other mink, and hundred; and shall be called Blackbird hundred. The elec-hundreds. tion for the said Appoquinimink hundred shall be held in the Elections

into two






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