OF CORPORATIONS. 187 No. - TOWN OF LEWES, $50. These presents certify and make known that the town of Lewes is held and firmly bound unto the bearer, in the sum of fifty dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, which she binds herself to pay to the bearer on or before the day of——————————— A. D. 189, subject to redemption at the option of the town commissioners, at any time prior to the expiration of said term, with interest at the rate of six per centum, payable at the office of the treasurer of the town of Lewes, on the the principal be paid. Dated at Lewes, the day of day of 187-. until Witness the seal of the said town, and the hands of the President and Secretary of the Board of town commissioners, and the Treasurer of the town. President. Secretary. Treasurer. Form. The said bonds shall be numbered from one to one hundred Numbered. and twenty, and shall have coupons attached for the payment Coupons. of interest, numbered to correspond with the bonds, and signed by the town treasurer. The said bonds shall be signed by the president and secretary of the board of town commissioners, and the treasurer of the town, and have the seal of the town affixed. The faith of the town is hereby pledged for the payment of the interest and principal of said bonds. tax author SECTION 3. The town commissioners are hereby authorized, Additional empowered and directed, to levy and collect an additional ized. yearly tax in the same manner, and at the same time as the How collectax is levied and collected for defraying the expenses of the ted. town; which shall be sufficient to pay the annual interest on To pay said bonds, and also to create and establish a sinking fund bonds, and sufficient to redeem the bonds at maturity. interest on create sinking fund. plied. SECTION 4. The money accumulated in the sinking fund, created by authority of the foregoing section, shall, on the first How apday of July of each and every year, be applied to the payment of the accrued interest on said bonds, and to reducing and canceling outstanding bonds, in such manner as the said commissioners may devise. SECTION 5. The bonds authorized to be issued by section Bonds, how 2 of this act, shall not be sold for less than their par value, issued. nor shall any of the said bonds be issued until the number of sold and * So enrolled. Duty of OF CORPORATIONS. forty shall have been sold. The treasurer of the town is hererespecting by authorized and directed to negotiate the sale of the said sale and Treasurer to bonds, and to pay the proceeds thereof to the treasurer of the give addi- tion for Bonds to be SECTION 7. The treasurer of the town shall procure a suitable book,and before delivering the bonds, shall register therein, the name of each purchaser, together with the number of the bonds purchased, in regular numerical order. SECTION 8. That in any edition or compilation of the laws of the State, hereafter published, the said act, to which this amended. is a supplement, shall be printed and published as hereby Publication amended in all respects. Passed at Dover, March 10, 1875. CHAPTER 160. Name of a OF TOWNS. AN ACT to change the name of "High street," in the town of Dover. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, (two-thirds of each branch concurring therein,) That from and after the passage of this act, all that certain street in the town of Dover, extending from "Division street," in said town, to "South street," and is now known in part as "Governor's OF CORPORATIONS. Avenue," and in part as "High street," shall be known and called by the name of "Governor's Avenue" alone, and that all extensions thereof which may at any time be made, shall be known and called by the same name. Passed at Dover, March 12, 1875. CHAPTER 161. OF TOWNS. AN ACT to amend the act entitled "An additional supplement to the act Vol. 14, 623. entitled 'An act in relation to the town of Dover." Vol. 14, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- Section 1, of sentatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, chap. 540, of That section 1, of the act entitled "An additional supplement amended. to the act entitled 'An act in relation to the town of Dover," passed April 9, 1873, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words "fifteen hundred," in the sixth line of said section, and inserting in lieu thereof the words "two thousand." Passed at Dover, March 18, 1875. 286 LAWS OF DELAWARE. OF CORPORATIONS. CHAPTER 162. OF TOWNS. Vol. 14, 603. AN ACT to amend An act entitled An act to incorporate the town of Section 5, of chap. 537, Vol. 14, amended. Section 7 of Odessa. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, SECTION 1. That section 5, of said act, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the word "three," in the fourth line of said section and inserting in lieu thereof, the word "four." SECTION 2. That section 7, of said act, be and the same is same chapa, hereby amended by striking out the words one hundred and fifty" in the 6th line, and inserting in lieu thereof, the words two hundred." Section 8 of same chap SECTION 3. That section 8, of said act, be and the same is ter amended. hereby amended by striking out the word "fifteen" in the second line of said section, and insert in lieu thereof, the word "seven." Section 9 of chap SECTION 4. That section 9, of said act, be and the same is teramended, hereby amended by striking out the word "one" in the eighth line of said section, and insert in lieu thereof, the word "two." Passed at Dover, March 23, 1875. Vol 13, 169, CHAPTER 163. OF TOWNS. A further additional supplement to the act entitled "An act to incorporate the town of Milford" passed at Dover, February 25, 1867. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, (two-thirds of each branch of the Legislature concurring.) SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person not a OF CORPORATIONS. not resident of said town of Milford, and who shall not have paid Unlawful for a town tax within twelve months next preceding such elec-President tion, to vote at any election for alderman, assessor, treasurer, having paid or commissioners, held in the said town of Milford, under and tax, to vote by virtue of the act to which this is a supplement. at elections in Milford. auditors of the commis SECTION 2. That it shall be the duty of the alderman, for Alderman to the time being, and he is required to appoint, annually, in the air month of January, two competent and suitable persons, who accounts of shall be residents and taxables of said town of Milford, audi- sioners. tors of the accounts of the commissioners of said town of Milford, whose duty it shall be to examine all the accounts of Their duties. said commissioners, for the current year, and to audit the same. The said auditors shall, on or before the first day of March next ensuing their appointment, publish a report of Publish said accounts so examined and audited, in a newspaper pub- When. lished in said town of Milford. If no paper, then in hand bill form in three or more of the most public places in said town. How. The said auditors for the purpose aforesaid shall have access to Access to all the records belonging to said town of Milford. report. town records. sessor SECTION 3. That the assessor elected by virtue of the act Compensato which this is a supplement, shall not receive more than infa thirty dollars for his services, and that the secretary of the secretary board of commissioners, shall not receive more than thirty dollars for his services. of SECTION 4. And be it further enacted, That all acts or Inconsistent parts of acts passed by the legislature of this State, inconsist- acts reent with this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed at Dover, March 26, 1875. pealed. |