OF THE GENERAL POLICE. keeping said stock, shall be paid by the person claiming the peace. Fees to be Passed at Dover, March 17, 1875. CHAPTER 86. OF STRAYS. AN ACT prohibiting Live Stock from running at large in School District Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of Unlawful for live stock to run at large District No. Sussex be taken up SECTION 1. That it shall not be lawful from and after the in School first day of April next ensuing, for any live stock to run on 771⁄2, in the highways in School District No 771, Sussex county. county. SECTION 2. That it shall be lawful for any person in said Stock may school district to take up any live stock running on the high- and imways in said district, and impound the same, and they shall pounded by have the right to demand and receive fifty cents for every Compenanimal so taken up, and fifteen cents per head for every day sation. such animals are kept, and may retain the same until all legal charges are paid. any person. be sustained, SECTION 3. That in case any damages may have been sus- If damages tained by reason of such stock running at large, any justice of freeholders the peace of the county may appoint three freeholders to esti- to be appointed mate said damages, which, together with the legal charges for by justice of keeping said stock, shall be paid by the person claiming the estimate same, before said stock is delivered; he shall also pay a fee of same. one dollar to the justice of the peace, and a fee of fifty cents Fees to be to each of the freeholders appointed by the justice of the paid. peace. Passed at Dover, March 17, 1875. peace to Unlawful for live stock to run at large in School OF THE GENERAL POLICE. CHAPTER 87. OF STRAYS. AN ACT prohibiting Live Stock from running at large in School Districts Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the SECTION 1. That it shall not be lawful from and after the passage of this act, for any live stock to be willfully allowed District and to run at large in School Districts Nos. 94 and 154, Sussex 154, Sussex county. county. Stock may SECTION 2. It shall be lawful for any person in said school be taken up districts, to take up any live stock running at large in said pounded by districts, and impound the same, and they shall have the right any person. Compensation. to demand and receive one dollar for every animal so taken up, and twenty five cents per head for every day such animals are kept, and may retain the same until all legal charges are paid. If damages SECTION 3. In case any damages may have been sustained be susidened by reason of such stock running at large, any justice of the to be appointed peace of the county may appoint three suitable freeholders to by justice of estimate said damages, which, together with the legal charges for keeping said stock, shall be paid by the person or persons claiming the same, before the same is delivered. peace to estimate same. If unclaimed for 30 days, stock to be advertised for sale. SECTION 4. In case said stock is not claimed, and all just charges are not, in accordance with this act, satisfied within thirty days, the person having said stock in charge shall advertise the same at public sale, by not less than five written or printed notices posted for at least ten days previous to said sale in five conspicuous places in the district in which said berdeposited stock was taken up, at the expiration of which time they shall with clerk of proceed to sell the same, the proceeds of which sale after de Notices. Proceeds to the school district for school purposes. ducting all just claims or charges, shall be deposited with the clerk of the school district in which said stock was taken up, to be devoted to the school purposes of said district. Passed at Dover, March 19, 1875. OF THE GENERAL POLICE. CHAPTER 88. OF STRAYS. AN ACT to prohibit stock from running at large in Kenton hundred. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, Unlawful for SECTION 1. That it shall not be lawful from and after the stock to run passage of this act, for any stock to run on the highways in Kearn Kenton hundred, Kent county. at in hundred, Kent county. taken and SECTION 2. It shall be lawful for any person in said hundred Stock may be to take up any stock running on the highways in said hundred, impounded and impound the same, and they shall have the right to by any demand and receive fifty cents for every animal so taken up, and twenty-five cents per head for every day such animals are Compensakept, and may retain the same until all legal charges are paid. tion. person. be sustained, SECTION 3. In case any damage may have been sustained If damages by reason of such stock running at large, any justice of the freeholders to peace of the county may appoint three suitable freeholders to be appointed estimate said damages, which, together with the legal charges peace to for keeping said stock, shall be paid by the person claiming same. the same, before the same is delivered. by justice of estimate for 30 days, for sale. SECTION 4. In case said stock is not claimed, and all just If unclaimed charges are not, in accordance with this act, satisfied within stock to be thirty days, the person having said stock in charge, shall advertised advertise the same at public sale, by not less than three written or printed notices posted for at least ten days pre-Notices. vious to said sale in three conspicuous places in the hundred in which said stock was taken up, at the expiration of which time they shall proceed to sell the same, the proceeds of Proceeds to which sale, after deducting all just charges, shall be deposited for one year with some justice of the peace in said hundred, who shall with some hold the same for one year, if not sooner claimed by some peace. person, who shall prove to his satisfaction that they are the real owners of said stock. If not so claimed, it shall be sub- If not ject to, and paid over on, the order of the clerk of the school claimed, to district in which said stock was taken up, to be devoted to clerk of the the school purposes of said district. Passed at Dover, March 23. 1875. be deposited justice of be paid to school district Vol. 13, 422. Section 2, of chap. 443, vol. 13, amended. OF THE GENERAL POLICE. CHAPTER 89. OF STRAYS. AN ACT to amend chapter 443, volume 13, Laws of Delaware. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, SECTION 1. That chapter 443, volume 13, laws of Delaware, entitled " An act prohibiting live stock from running at large in School Districts Nos. 20 and 201, in New Castle county," be and the same is hereby amended by striking out of section 2, the words" ten cents," and substituting therefor, the words "one dollar," said amendment to go into effect from and after the passage of this act. Passed at Dover, March 25, 1875. Commission ed CHAPTER 90. OF DITCHES. AN ACT to extend Vine's Branch Ditch. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, SECTION 1. That Thomas J. Hollaway, Philip Short, of W., ers appoint and Stephen C. Aydelott, be and they are hereby appointed low grounds commissioners to go upon and view the low grounds adjointown of ing the town of Frankford, Sussex county, Delaware, and lay Frankford, off a ditch sufficient in width and depth to thoroughly drain county, and said low grounds, said ditch to begin at the lower terminus of Vine's Branch Ditch at the head of what formerly was known and called by the name of Gum's Mill Pond, and thence running in a north-easterly direction on and with the line dividing the lands of Manaen Gum and John Hickman, to the end thereof, and thence as near as may be practicable and expedi adjoining lay a ditch. Course of ditch. : OF THE GENERAL POLICE. To be cut dams of ent with the run of the old Branch lying between said Gum's Mill Pond and Fosque's Mill Pond into the head waters of the through the pond known by the name of Baltimore Mills, and said ditch to certain mill be cut through the dams or embankments of said Gum's and ponds. Fosque's Mill Ponds, provided the owners of said mill proper- Proviso. ties shall give to said commissioners, previous to their going Consent of upon and viewing said low grounds, their written consent that the owners said ditch shall be so cut. to be first had. courses, size, mate costs, SECTION 2. That said commissioners shall take with them Shall take a a skillful surveyor, and proceed to lay off and specify the ter- surveyor. mini, courses and distances, size, depth and width of said ditch, Shall specify and estimate the cost of making and cutting the same, the com amount that each person shall contribute whose land adjoins &c., of ditch. or will be benefited by the drainage of said ditch, and the Shall estiamount of damages, if any, which any land owner may sustain benefits, by the cutting thereof, which said damage shall be paid or damages, &c. tendered before cutting the ditch. They shall estimate the Damages to number of acres of low grounds which each taxable owns that tendered is benefited thereby, and make a return of their proceedings, ting ditch with a plot of said ditch and adjoining low grounds, to the Shall make April term, 1875, of the Superior Court, of the State of Dela-return to ware, in and for Sussex county. The commissioners and sur-er veyor shall be sworn to the faithful and impartial discharge of Com missiontheir duty, and the former are hereby empowered to swear ers and each other and the surveyor. All the commissioners must act, bewoon but a majority may decide any matter authorized by this act. be paid or before cut Superior surveyors to benefited, to SECTION 3. That all persons who shall be benefited by Persons said ditch, shall be liable to contribute to the cost of making contribute to the same, and to the damages awarded and the expense of the cost &c. the proceedings. The commissioners shall determine who Commissionshall be benefited, and shall apportion the same upon them determine according to such benefit. ers to who will be benefited. to be filed. After con SECTION 4. That the said return of the proceedings of said Return and commissioners with a plot, as aforesaid, shall be filed in the plot: where office of the prothonotary of said court, on or before the first day of said term thereof, and may be confirmed by said court, firmation by after which it shall remain in force for seven years as a basis of court, shall any subsequent assessment that may be made by the mana-force for gers for completing and repairing said ditch, or other neces- as a basis of sary purpose. remain in seven years, future assessments. treasurer: SECTION 5. That the commissioners, after confirmation of Managers said returns by said court, shall convene the persons liable to and contribute to said ditch,at Frankford, for the purpose of choos- how chosen. ing three mangers and a treasurer of said ditch, to serve for |